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News Press Releases Brad Schimel Wednesday, Mar 12 2025

Brad Schimel Tries His Toughest Case Yet (Telling the Truth)

News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Thursday, Jul 2 2015

Hey, Jeb! Why Don't You Put Your $$$ Where Your Mouth Is?

SHOT: 1994: Jeb Bush Said Charities Were An Alternative To Welfare Bush Cited “Marriage […], Work […], Going To Charitable…

News Thursday, Jul 2 2015


Republicans can try to laugh off Donald Trump. They can refuse to comment on his incendiary views. They can attempt…

News Wednesday, Jul 1 2015

Yahoo: Bush had a 21.3% average tax rate

It turns out Jeb Bush had an average effective tax rate of 21.3 percent according to financial planner Michael Kitces on Yahoo Finance, not…

News Economy Wednesday, Jul 1 2015

Walker's Economy Gets Worse

How much has Scott Walker tanked Wisconsin’s economy? In addition to having the slowest job growth in the Midwest, Wisconsin layoff notices just passed the total layoffs in all of 2014 and are set to be the highest of Walker's tenure by 4,000.

Video From WKOW:

News Taxes Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

Jeb's searchable tax returns

In his enduring commitment to "transparency," Jeb Bush made sure that the incomplete tax returns he posted to his website were unsearchable and difficult to download. So we fixed it for you. Click here to access American Bridge's full text searchable and downloadable copy of Jeb's incomplete tax returns. The initial reviews show Jeb's hollow promises on transparency: Tampa Bay Times: "Bush's transparency has limits. He would not commit to releasing more details about some of his consulting clients or several limited liability corporations he had created but has since resigned from."

News Taxes Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

10 More Years of Jeb Bush's Tax Returns

American Bridge is continuing its steady drip of Jeb Bush's tax returns ahead of his holiday week news dump. He's claiming transparency while burying the real news of what's not in the returns.

The following years are now available for download:

To download the file, please click here.

News Kelly Ayotte Economy Education LGBTQ+ Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

Kelly Ayotte Goes Full Washington

Kelly Ayotte is launching her reelection campaign as one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country. Granite Staters don’t trust Ayotte to put them first ahead of the special interests bankrolling her campaign, and it’s easy to see why after five years in D.C. Ayotte’s resume reads like a who’s who of out-of-touch Republican positions:

  • Ayotte supports raising the retirement age and cutting Social Security benefits.
  • Ayotte voted to roll back Wall Street reforms, while her largest donors are Wall Street execs.
  • Ayotte opposes equal pay measures and voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act.
  • Ayotte voted to voucherize Medicare in the Ryan Budget.
  • Ayotte is anti-choice and would overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • Ayotte voted to defund Planned Parenthood.
  • Ayotte would allow employers to make health care decisions for female employees by supporting the Blunt Amendment and Hobby Lobby decision.
  • Ayotte opposes marriage equality and same-sex adoption.
  • Ayotte voted against allowing people to refinance their college loan debt.
It’s no wonder that Republicans are already vowing to shatter previous New Hampshire spending and groups like Karl Rove’s are jumping into the race to prop up Kelly Ayotte. Special interests are doing everything they can to keep Ayotte in D.C. because she’s a rubber stamp for their priorities.

News Economy Education Health Care Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

MEMO/VIDEO: Bully Seeking Pulpit

Chris Christie enters the race as a brazen, outspoken bully hoping to use the 2016 pulpit to pull his GOP opponents like Jeb Bush further to the extreme right. With nine credit downgrades and a 30 percent approval rating under his belt, Christie has made the calculation that his charming personality alone won’t do the trick in the wake of Bridgegate. American Bridge is also releasing a new video that shows Christie is now aligning himself with the extreme wing of his party in an attempt to gain traction.

News Taxes Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

Bush didn’t pay federal taxes for at least three years, what else is he hiding?

We’ve seen this movie before:  a Jeb Bush news dump headed into a holiday so he can claim transparency while keeping the big news safely buried.  Here’s a start:  Jeb! paid zero federal income tax in at least three years.

American Bridge is giving you a sneak peek at four of Bush’s returns already, and has made them available at the following links:

News Health Care LGBTQ+ Monday, Jun 29 2015

Bridge Brief — Week of June 29th, 2015

The Supreme Court last week did what the Republican Party refuses to: It respected the Affordable Care Act as the law of the land and deemed it unconstitutional to ban people the right to marry based on their sexual orientation. The momentous decisions will continue to ripple into the campaigns of those running for the White House this week, putting in stark relief the GOP's inability to offer positions and policies that reflect the direction America is moving, not the way they hoped it was. None of the GOP's leading presidential candidates celebrated the decision to legalize gay marriage. Their responses ranged from woefully tepid (see Jeb Bush's contradictory statement on preserving the freedom to discriminate based on sexual orientation) to the laughably extreme (see Bobby Jindal's suggestion to eliminate the court). In the week ahead we can expect more of the same, as the GOP further reinforces their image as hopelessly out of touch. It's not just about Scott Walker proposing a constitutional amendment -- all it's going to take is one question for Chris Christie about Social Security and we'll see his announcement transform into an anchor for the whole party.

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