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News Press Releases Brad Schimel Wednesday, Mar 12 2025

Brad Schimel Tries His Toughest Case Yet (Telling the Truth)

News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Environment Wednesday, May 13 2015

ICYMI: Jeb Backed Yucca Mountain

As he campaigns in Nevada, a reminder of Jeb Bush's record of supporting Yucca Mountain, the latest in a long line of positions that would hurt the same people he wants to vote for him:

During this same period, Bush signed letters opposing interim waste sites, including joining a bipartisan group of 17 governors in 2006 in a letter to Congress that argued it was "a giant step backward for ratepayers in our states and others who have contributed more than $14 billion into the Nuclear Waste Fund."

What's more, those emails Bush recently released show he was fully briefed on Yucca Mountain during this time, so he shouldn;t have a reason to study it now...Bush can't avoid his past on the repository, which was finally approved by a guy with the same last name in the White House.I don't believe in the sins of the brother being visited on the brother, but Jeb appears to have had the same position as W.

Jeb was once part of nuclear industry group pushing Yucca Mountain

News Wednesday, May 13 2015

NEW VIDEO on JEB: Things Losing Campaigns Say: Polls Don't Matter

Something else was happening while Jeb Bush tried to backtrack from doubling down on his brother's foreign policy -- he cratered in national and key primary state polls, a clear rejection from conservative and mainstream Republicans of Bush's record.

News Foreign Policy Wednesday, May 13 2015

MEMO: Paging Marco Rubio's foreign policy experience

As Marco Rubio prepares for what his campaign is billing as a “major” foreign policy speech at the Council of Foreign Relations on Wednesday, his lackluster foreign policy resume is a good reminder that Rubio’s shift to ultra-hawk has been sloppy at best. Like his vertigo-inducing swing right on immigration, Rubio has tacked to the extreme right to appease the Tea Party base that still controls the Republican Party. Rubio likes to remind voters that he has the most foreign policy experience of any GOP presidential contender with spots on the Senate Foreign Relations and Intelligence Committees, but those assignments haven’t translated into substantial achievements.

News Foreign Policy Tuesday, May 12 2015

The Indecider: On Iraq, Jeb Says Knowing What He Knows Now, He Still Doesn't Know.

If the Iraq War was a fiasco, trying to follow Jeb Bush's position on it mystifying. Did the brother of George W. think he was really going to ride to the presidency without giving a strong answer on this question? Or is he just woefully unprepared for the office he seeks? Listen to Jeb with Megyn Kelly of FOX News yesterday:

News Tuesday, May 12 2015

Cause → Effect: Jeb Drops Out of Iowa Straw Poll After Embarrassing Numbers

May 6, 2015:
"More of those surveyed view Bush unfavorably than favorably, compared to Walker's 5-1 positive ratio. And 45 percent say Bush is not conservative enough. It's among the GOP conservative base that Bush finds himself trailing Sen. Ted Cruz, former Gov. Mike Huckabee and Sen. Rand Paul." -- Quinnipiac Iowa Poll

May 12, 2015:
"No Iowa Straw Poll for Jeb Bush...Bush, a former Florida governor, is the first among the Republican 2016 presidential field to officially opt out of the straw poll. -- DMR: Jeb Bush to skip Iowa Straw Poll

News Tuesday, May 12 2015

Walker Hides from Wisconsin's Budget Problems in Israel

"Molotov!" Scott Walker must be exhausted. He's running for president, sprinting from the press, and hiding from serious problems back home. Walker is currently doing the rounds in Israel, but you may not have noticed since he's barred any media from covering his trip. Even worse, while the presumptive GOP candidate is overseas, his home state is facing severe budget cuts to education, health care, and emergency services. Luckily folks aren't letting him off that easy.

News Foreign Policy Tuesday, May 12 2015

No, Jeb Heard the Iraq Question Loud & Clear, Stands by His Answer

Jeb Bush is doubling down on comments that he would still authorize the Iraq War, even after knowing what his…

News Climate Change Tuesday, May 12 2015

Denial Is No Longer Just a River in Egypt: Johnson Gets Chippy with Constituent on Climate Change

Renowned climate skeptic Ron Johnson brought us a full plate of irrationality Saturday in Sherwood, Wisconsin, arguing with a constituent…

News Tuesday, May 12 2015

Round Up: The Best of Lickgate

In case you missed it, Rand Paul's New Hampshire political director licked an American Bridge tracker's camera yesterday.

News Tuesday, May 12 2015

Clueless Bro, Jeb Bush Tanking Presidential Ambitions

There's only one word to describe the response to Jeb Bush's recent defenses of his brother's failed foreign policy: BRUTAL. At a closed-door event in New York, the not-yet candidate said George W. was one of closest advisers on international affairs. Following that jaw-dropper up with a FOX News interview where Jeb, knowing what we know now about the intelligence failures used to justify the war, said he would STILL have invaded Iraq in 2003. Perhaps Politico's Roger Simon ties this up best: "So to fully appreciate the importance of Jeb’s revelation that George W. will be his chief adviser when it comes to the Mideast, you’ve got to keep in mind that Jeb’s entire campaign is built around one selling point: Jeb is the smart one in the family."

POLITICO: Jeb keeps it all in the family

Washington Examiner: Jeb Bush's disastrous defense of the Iraq War

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