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News Press Releases Brad Schimel Wednesday, Mar 12 2025

Brad Schimel Tries His Toughest Case Yet (Telling the Truth)

News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Monday, May 11 2015

New Web Ad: George and Jeb: Foreign Policy Fools

Despite George W. Bush's admission that he would be the biggest drag on his brother's campaign, Jeb doesn't seem to care. Over and over, including in an interview with FOX News slated for tonight, Jeb has defended his brother's disastrous foreign policy -- including the fateful decision, based on false intelligence, to invade Iraq. Jeb either doesn't remember the ramifications of that war or thinks its consequences were desirable. Either way, the American people remember Jeb's brother as a terrible Commander in Chief. If that's the role model he's set for his presidency, he's doing a great job of lowering expectations. The latest from American Bridge, "George and Jeb: Foreign Policy Fools" will target specific constituencies in Nevada, where Jeb will be campaigning Wednesday, with a substantial effort including preroll and social media advertising. Watch the web ad below:

News Monday, May 11 2015

Somewhere, Whit Ayres Is Scratching His Head

Here's the premise, laid-down by Republican pollster Whit Ayres: the GOP presidential nominee will need to take at least 45% of the Latino vote to win the White House in 2016. That's a tall order, considering Mitt Romney won just 27% of this voting bloc in 2012 and John McCain did just slightly better in 2008, winning 31%. So naturally the Republican Party has studied why they've done poorly with Hispanics in presidential elections, most recently in a postmortem after the 2012 election. "We must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform. If we do not, our Party’s appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only," wrote the authors of the report from the RNC. "If Hispanic Americans hear that the GOP doesn’t want them in the United States, they won’t pay attention to our next sentence. It doesn't matter what we say about education, jobs or the economy.

News Monday, May 11 2015

South Carolina Cattle Call Whistles Past GOP's Electoral Graveyard

Another Republican cattle call has passed, this time the South Carolina Freedom Summit, and even SNL is in on the gag by this point-- the endless parade of events is primed to remind voters of everything they don't like about the Republican party. From Jim DeMint equivocating "the left" to ISIS to the latest and greatest in Steve King's musings to shots at Jeb and endorsements of so-called Personhood laws, the cast in Greenville was doing their best to conjure the ghosts of election losses past. Here's the lowlights: SCOTT WALKER Defends Wall Street: YouTube Proud of enacting voter ID: YouTube RICK SANTORUM Calling for cuts to legal immigration: YouTube MARCO RUBIO Contrasting with Jeb, reminds that his family isn’t “rich and famous”: YouTube

News Friday, May 8 2015

Scott Walker's Re-Ups His Extreme Anti-Choice Agenda

Scott Walker doubled down on his anti-choice agenda yesterday, saying he would support the 20 week abortion ban introduced by Republicans in the Wisconsin state legislature. Walker is in favor of extreme policies when it comes to a woman's right to choose, opposing abortion even in cases of rape, incest or to protect the mother's life. The governor also supports personhood which could restrict women's access to birth control and hurts families trying to conceive through nontraditional methods like In Vitro fertilization. Take a look at more of his extreme record below:

No Exceptions

WALKER OPPOSED ABORTION WITH NO EXCEPTIONS FOR RAPE, INCEST, OR TO PROTECT THE LIFE OF THE MOTHER PolitiFact: Walker Opposed Abortion Even In The Cases Of Rape, Incest, And Protecting The Life Of The Mother. According to PolitiFact, “In the race for governor, Democrat Tom Barrett said his opponent, Republican Scott Walker, "wants to make abortion illegal, even in cases of rape, incest, or to protect the life of the mother." Walker acknowledges that is his position. We rate Barrett’s claim True.” [PolitiFact, 10/26/10]

News Friday, May 8 2015

Shock and Aww…Shucks

As a scion of a political dynasty, Jeb Bush has some built-in advantages over his competitors. Family connections to donors and advisors have filled Bush's campaign coffers, bringing him media attention and immediate relevance. But in the post-Citizens United world that simply won't be enough. Under the bright lights of the presidential campaign, Jeb has proven to be lackluster on the trail, with a record to regret. There's no denying that his path to victory requires him to get the base on his side -- the same base that doesn't like his stances on Common Core or immigration, or for that matter his last name. And no amount of money is going to change that.

News LGBTQ+ Thursday, May 7 2015

CC: Marco Rubio — 59% of Americans Support Same Sex Marriage

Marco Rubio's extreme conservative colors shined through again last night at an event for the Center for Arizona Policy. This fringe organization believes “homosexuals [can modify] their behavior and becom[e] heterosexual through Christian ministries and counseling," better known as conversion therapy -- a radical view that has been condemned by the American Psychological Association for its damaging psychological effects. Despite repeated recent attempts to muddy the waters on his positions towards gay marriage and LGBT rights, this isn't the first time Rubio has supported fanatic anti-LGBT groups like the Center for Arizona Policy. In 2013, Rubio keynoted for the Florida Family Policy Council, an organization infamous for its hate speech against the LGBT community. Rubio likes to obfuscate on LGBT rights and has not given his opinion on conversion therapy, but by supporting these organizations, his message to the voters is unequivocal.

News Education Wednesday, May 6 2015

Multimillionaire, Political Savant Ron Johnson is on a Warpath Against College Kids

Multimillionaire Senator Ron Johnson thinks we're helping too many young, aspiring Americans go to college. At a recent event in Wisconsin, Johnson said, "What's wrong? Well partly, student loans are available and kids are using them." Students are taking 5 and 6 years to graduate simply because loans are too easy to access and "college is a lot of fun," he went on to say.

News Tuesday, May 5 2015

MEMO: Mike Huckabee is the GOP in all its offensive glory

Mike Huckabee represents the extreme majority of the Republican Party in all its offensive glory. After winning the 2008 Iowa caucus and racking up the second most delegates that year, Huckabee is jumping into a crowded GOP primary where candidates are already trying to prove they’re the most conservative. Huckabee will immediately pull the primary even further to the whack job fringes of the Tea Party. He compared abortion to slavery. He said women “cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.” And while Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and the rest of the field jumped to support Mike Pence’s religious discrimination law, Huckabee outflanked the pack and said: When business people you sit in church with every week are told they're going to pay a fine of $1,000 a day and possibly go to jail because their conscience won't let them make a wedding cake with two men on the top of the wedding cake.

News Monday, May 4 2015

ICYMI: 10 worst moments of Chris Christie's political career

Republicans have a bridge to sell to anyone who thinks Chris Christie still has a chance at the White House. The George Washington Bridge scandal is just the latest low point in Chris Christie's two decade career. Here is a look at his 10 worst moments. 10 worst moments of Chris Christie's political career

News Monday, May 4 2015

MEMO: The C[onservative] Team

The Republican presidential field keeps getting wider, but not any deeper. Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson are set to announce their long-shot bids this week.

And although they're more likely to win FOX News contracts than the White House, each of these three candidates can and will have an impact on the contours of 2016 and the eventual GOP nominee. Look no further than Mitt "Self Deportation" Romney's lurch to the right in the previous presidential nominating contest -- one of  the weakest fields in quite some time.

Carson, Huckabee and Fiorina will have their moment in the sun and fire up base. When they do, the true contenders will have to react. Will Walker, Bush and Rubio lose the primary to win the general? If history is any indication, it is quite likely to be just the opposite.

When it comes to electability, these three may make the core of the C-Team, but they're also extremely and unabashedly conservative. Here's how we expect Huckabee, Carson and Fiorina to shift the wide field right.

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