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AB Leadership News News Articles Donald Trump Education Health Care Thursday, Feb 6 2025


News Tom Barrett Education Thursday, Feb 6 2025

Well That Was a Load of Horse Sh*t — Rep. Tom Barrett’s Claims That the GOP’s Funding Freeze Wouldn’t Impact Schools Was Wrong

News News Articles Donald Trump Marco Rubio Wednesday, Feb 5 2025

Trump’s Chaotic State Department

News Press Releases John Cornyn Joni Ernst Susan Collins Thom Tillis Tuesday, Feb 4 2025

Spineless GOP Senators Up for Reelection Vote to Confirm Prominent Election Denier Pam Bondi

Wednesday, Mar 25 2015

GOPers stepping in e-mail problems

Republicans have been quick to score political points after recent e-mail controversies, but even more GOPers are now being called out for their own transparency issues. Chris Christie,Terry Branstad, Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush are the latest Republican pots to call the kettle black. Check out the recent dust-ups over Republican email hypocrisies: WNYC: "One year ago this week, a taxpayer-funded report traced the George Washington Bridge lane closures to Gov. Chris Christie's office and determined that a series of reforms were needed to make sure nothing like Bridgegate ever happened again..."

Wednesday, Mar 25 2015

Jeb Bush pushes to change primary rules, too

Jeb Bush is now the third Republican to meddle with his state's election laws to benefit himself, as The Intercept reports. In addition to currying political support from a Republican state rep, Bush coordinated with the Florida legislature to move the 2016 presidential primary so that he would reap a maximum reward from his home state. From The Intercept:

State Representative Matt Gaetz wrote to Bush on January 2 that he is “concerned that Florida’s current primary date will lead to proportional allocation of delegates” and that a “winner take all” system would be preferable. “Unless you ask me otherwise, I’ll file legislation to move our primary date back a week,” Gaetz told Bush, who responded to say that his political advisor Sally Bradshaw would give Gaetz a call. “10 4,” Gaetz shot back.

Wednesday, Mar 25 2015

AP Uncovers More Hypocrisy From Jeb Bush


Bush Emails Website: “I Am Posting The Emails Of My Governorship Here… But They're All Here So You Can Read Them” I am posting the emails of my governorship here. Some are funny; some are serious; some I wrote in frustration. But they're all here so you can read them and make up your own mind.” [, accessed 3/17/15]


As Florida governor, Jeb Bush used another, previously unreported email address, records show - the newest wrinkle in an evolving debate over public officials' use of private email accounts. ... Those emails also include references to another email address, [email protected]. Bush said through a spokeswoman that he was unaware of the account, although records showed that people wrote to him there more than 400 times between 1999 and 2004.

Tuesday, Mar 24 2015

Senator Walsh?

Former Congressman Joe Walsh just refuses to fade into obscurity, telling WROK Radio that he is considering a Senate primary against Senator Mark Kirk. His challenge will likely have Kirk running to the right to shore up his conservative bona fides as Walsh touts his Tea Party platform. American Bridge will be here to hold both candidates accountable to their promises. Check out Walsh's highlight reel below: FLAT TAX - MONEY IN WASHINGTON - ELIMINATION OF THE DOE- DAVID AND GOLIATH -

Tuesday, Mar 24 2015

Jeb's Fox Problem

Add another one to the list -- first it was Jeb Bush's high expectation problem, then his talk radio problem,…

Monday, Mar 23 2015

American Bridge Reaction to Ted Cruz Presidential Campaign

It’s official: Tea Party Republican Ted Cruz is running for president, setting the stage for a long and bloody primary that reveals the extreme nature of Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and the rest of the field as they struggle to keep up with Cruz’s radical streak. “Ted Cruz shut down the government in a tantrum, opposes marriage equality, denies climate change, and opposes a woman’s right to choose even in cases of rape or incest. He’s everything voters hate about the modern Republican Party in one candidate, and the entire field is already signing on to his positions,” said Brad Woodhouse, President of American Bridge 21st Century. American Bridge has been scouting Cruz for years. Our full scouting report on Cruz is available here, including biographical info and what to watch for in his campaign.

Thursday, Mar 19 2015

VIDEO: Marco Rubio: Big Fan Of Not Voting

On Hannity last night, Marco Rubio passionately argued that "not voting is a legitimate choice." He should know -- he's the nation's preeminent expert in 'not voting,' missing more votes than anyone else in the Senate. A noted hip-hop fan, perhaps the slogan for Rubio's presidential campaign should be "2 Legit 2 Vote." Watch our new video:

Wednesday, Mar 18 2015

CAMPAIGN AD: Nobody's Tougher Than Trump

Jeb Bush's favorables are 16 points underwater. Scott Walker can't stop tripping over his own feet. It's clear there's only…

Wednesday, Mar 18 2015

CO Flashback: Coffman Called Social Security "Ponzi scheme"

With news breaking today that the national GOP is trying to draft Congressman Mike Coffman to run for Senate in Colorado, a reminder from 2011 that his record isn't likely to pass the smell test:

POLITICO: Coffman on board with 'Ponzi scheme'

Second-term Colorado GOP Rep. Mike Coffman is on board with Rick Perry's characterization of Social Security, calling it a "Ponzi scheme" on a local radio show.

Tuesday, Mar 17 2015

ICYMI: Jeb Bush's Baffling Hypocrisy (WEB AD)

Jeb Bush attacked Hillary Clinton's private e-mails as “a little baffling, to be honest with you" but what's baffling is why Governor Bush would taunt others given his troubling vulnerabilities about his much more extensive e-mail problem. The Washington Post reported that Bush compromised security by discussing troop movements on his personal e-mail account, and The New York Times found that it took Governor Bush more than seven years to fully comply with a Florida public records statute on email disclosure -- a violation of state law.

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