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News Press Releases Brad Schimel Wednesday, Mar 12 2025

Brad Schimel Tries His Toughest Case Yet (Telling the Truth)

News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Foreign Policy Saturday, Feb 28 2015

Scott Walker: "Most Significant" Foreign Policy Decision Was Firing American Workers

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, fresh off of comparing middle class American workers in his state to ISIS, is tripling down on the idea that doing Wall Street's dirty work will prepare him to face down foreign threats. This morning at a closed Club for Growth event, Walker called Reagan's decision to fire 11,000 air traffic controllers the most important foreign policy decision in his lifetime. Scott Walker was born in 1967. Here's a brief list of major foreign policy decisions that have occurred in his lifetime: - Nixon opening China - The global war on terror - Every START treaty - The Vietnam War - American involvement in Kosovo

News Friday, Feb 27 2015

Walker flailing on ISIS

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker revealed over and over again at CPAC yesterday that he's not up to the task of confronting ISIS and doesn't understand the threat. How bad was it? Even Rick Perry and the National Review thought he went too far. First, Walker compared thousands of middle class Wisconsinites who protested his destructive policies to ISIS terrorists. Then, trying to do damage control, he said that no, he didn't meant to compare the two, but that the intensity was similar.

News Thursday, Feb 26 2015

VIDEO: Watch Walker Compare Wisconsinites to ISIS

Governor Scott Walker, who has a record of ducking foreign policy questions, showed why today at CPAC.  When asked what his plan was to deal with ISIS, Walker compared thousands of middle class constituents protesting his destructive policies to ISIS.  Watch the stunning video here:

News Wednesday, Feb 25 2015

MEMO/VIDEO: Floundering Republican Candidates Are Desperate To Right The Ship At CPAC

It's CPAC time. That means thousands of Republicans are descending on National Harbor over the next few days. And at this rate, it seems that about half of them will run for president. Now all they need is one viable candidate. The 2016 Republican presidential primary began unexpectedly early, when Jeb Bush made the December declaration that he was "actively exploring" a run at the White House, accelerating his rivals' timeline in the process. Maybe they shouldn't have jumped the gun. If the last couple months have shown us anything, it's how wildly unprepared for primetime this cast of presidential hopefuls truly are.

News Tuesday, Feb 24 2015

VIDEO: Scott Walker: The Fringe Candidate

The good news for Gov. Scott Walker is that a new poll shows him right in the mix of what promises to…

News Tuesday, Feb 24 2015

Christie's Budget Address Highlights Terrible Track Record

Chris Christie's team got one thing right when they released this hopped-up movie trailer for this afternoon's address: his budget…

News Monday, Feb 23 2015

Frontrunner to Fringe: Scott Walker's Tumble

Just a couple weeks ago, it looked like Scott Walker had catapulted himself to frontrunner status in what remains a comically crowded and flawed Republican primary field. But we quickly learned that Walker isn't quite ready for primetime. Since being dubbed the leader of the GOP pack, Scott Walker has managed to marginalize his candidacy with an astounding display of gutlessness. First, he was asked flatly if he believed in evolution, and refused to answer. Then, he stood beside Rudy Giuliani as the former mayor raised racially-tinged questions about Barack Obama's patriotism. Asked point-blank, Scott Walker was not willing to concede that the president of the United States of America in fact loves America. Then, Walker took his act one step further when he claimed not to know whether Barack Obama was a Christian because he's "never asked him" that. Perhaps Walker was inspired by his meeting earlier last week with birther-in-chief Donald Trump. All this has been enough to make Democrats yearn for 2008 and the comparative civility of John McCain. But Scott Walker's willingness to entertain such radicalism in order to avoid political risks is more than just a sign of his utter lack of a leadership. It's a sad commentary about the party he belongs to -- a party in which Scott Walker and the fringe have become mainstream.

News Friday, Feb 13 2015

London Falling: Walker Stumbles Across The Pond

For the pack of GOP presidential hopefuls, this was the second calamitous London trip in as many weeks. Last week found New Jersey Governor Chris Christie repeatedly putting his foot in his mouth during what was supposed to be a lay-up of a foreign visit. Likely as a result of Christie's Britain implosion, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker chose to take a different approach while across the pond this week, dodging questions on evolution and foreign policy. What better way to honor President Lincoln's birthday than by being proof positive of his famous adage: "Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt." Governor Walker somehow managed to do both -- remain silent on the tough questions, but remove all doubt that that plan was utterly foolish. Rather than spell it out for you ourselves, we're going to take a page out of Walker's book and "punt on that one." See for yourself what the headlines had to say about Walker's trip to Britain...

News Wednesday, Feb 4 2015

Jeb Bush, Who Opposed The Auto Bailout, Set To Roll Out Economic Vision In Detroit

Jeb Bush is set to unveil his economic vision of "reform conservatism" in Detroit this morning. It's an ironic if not insulting decision considering Bush flatly opposed the auto bailout, assailing it as "a form of capitalism where the government intervenes in a very muscular kind of way." Of course, the former Lehman Brothers consultant and Barclays Capital adviser didn't feel the same way about the bank bailouts. The truth is, this the only economic vision Jeb Bush has subscribed to throughout his career:

News Friday, Jan 30 2015

Rand's New Senior Adviser Oversaw A 19th Century Party Platform

Rand Paul is moving forward on his presidential pipe dream, but his vision for America is hauntingly backwards. Look no further than his campaign's newly minted senior adviser, former Texas GOP Chairman Steve Munisteri. Under Munisteri's leadership, the Republican Party of Texas established an official party platform last year that endorses reparative therapy for homosexuals; urges the repeal of the Voting Rights Act, the 17th Amendment (direct election of US Senators), and the minimum wage; offers support for nullification of federal laws and the immediate privatization of Social Security; and encourages "dispelling the myth of separation of church and state." Rand Paul continues to try to paint himself as the Republican candidate who can broaden the party's appeal -- a remedy the GOP desperately needs. But when you move past his charade, it's the same ol' movie... Honey, I Shrunk The Tent.

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