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News Press Releases Brad Schimel Wednesday, Mar 12 2025

Brad Schimel Tries His Toughest Case Yet (Telling the Truth)

News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Tuesday, Jan 27 2015

Scott Walker's Priorities: Rolls Out Presidential 527, Big Budget Cuts to UW

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is making his priorities clear, rolling out a Presidential vehicle for himself on the same day his budget proposal slashes $300 million from the University of Wisconsin system. Walker's 527, Our American Revival, will offer donors the ability to give unlimited amounts of money with only annual disclosure requirements. Walker himself will face restrictions on his involvement with the committee once he formally files for office, not that coordination rules have stopped him before. American Bridge 21st Century President Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement in reaction to Walker:

"What a week for Scott Walker, from pandering to Steve King in Iowa to kissing the Koch brothers' ring in California to proposing a $300 million budget cut to Wisconsin's public universities while rolling out a new vehicle for his Presidential ambitions. Being President is about priorities, and Scott Walker's willingness to hurt the middle class so that his ambition and his financial backers can benefit couldn't be more clear."

News Tuesday, Jan 27 2015

VIDEO: Jeb Bush, Greetings From Iowa

Jeb Bush didn't make an appearance at last weekend's Iowa Freedom Summit, but that didn't stop attendees from feeling his presence. The speakers who did make the trek to Des Moines for Steve King's presidential testing field were sure to invoke Jeb plenty. But unfortunately for Mr. Bush, most of those references were either thinly veiled or direct shots at the former governor -- and those shots were invariably met with rousing applause from the summit-goers. Jeb Bush may be a temporary media darling when it comes to the Republican presidential primary, but he's hardly experiencing the same embrace from the party's base. Check out our video:

News Tuesday, Jan 27 2015

Jeb on Undocumented Immigrants: "Politely Ask Them to Leave"

Jeb Bush, speaking to the National Auto Dealers Association in San Francisco, told the crowd that his policy for addressing undocumented immigrants would be to "politely ask them to leave." Here's American Bridge tracking footage from the event:

News Monday, Jan 26 2015

American Bridge President Brad Woodhouse On The Kochs' 2016 plans

"The Kochs are planning to spend an outrageous amount of money on the 2016 election, more than the RNC did in 2012, and nearly $1 billion in total, because they'll stop at nothing to purchase a government that grows their profits, weakens pollution standards, and maintains tax breaks for big oil- all at the expense of investing in middle class families and an economy that works for everyone."

News Monday, Jan 26 2015

American Bridge Launches Web Ad On Christie's Already-Dead Campaign

A Leadership PAC Can't Buy Political Relevance

This morning, Chris Christie announced that he is forming a leadership PAC, the closest he's come to officially declaring what we have all known for years -- he really wants to be president. But it seems the closer Chris Christie comes to announcing that he's running, the further he gets from relevance. Between his fiery temper, his awful economic record, his damaging scandals, and his penchant for putting his own interests ahead of his constituents' well-being, Chris Christie's candidacy doesn't appear overly formidable. And some folks are putting it more bluntly: Delving into the polling data, FiveThirtyEight ran a piece this morning with the headline, "Everybody Hates Chris Christie," while others are saying he's already "politically dead." Watch our new web ad:

News Sunday, Jan 25 2015

Bridge Tracking Video: DREAMers Dragged Across Lawn At King Summit

American Bridge trackers captured the DREAMer protest of Texas Governor Rick Perry at Steve King's Iowa Freedom Summit yesterday, as…

News Saturday, Jan 24 2015

MEMO: GOP Candidates Paying Steve King’s Ransom for Primary?

It goes to show just how sharply the Republican party has moved to the right that serious presidential hopefuls are spending today kissing Steve King's ring. Chris Christie calls anti-immigrant crusader King “a very good friend” but he hasn't said if he supports the federal DREAM Act, and he hasn't said if he'd repeal the president's executive action on immigration.  And Scott Walker?  Silent on the federal DREAM Act as well. But even without answering those questions their actions are going to have consequences, because general election voters also happen to have eyes and ears. American Bridge is going to hold these candidates accountable all election cycle, and after appearing on the stump with people that say things like this, it will be crystal clear to voters where they stand.

News Friday, Jan 23 2015

American Bridge Bracketing Steve King Sweepstakes With Twitter Ads, Video, Trackers, Press Call

GOP Presidential Candidates Will Be Held Accountable For Bowing To The Most Extreme Wing Of The Republican Party

Steve King's Iowa Freedom Summit tomorrow will be replete with GOP presidential candidates courting his favor -- Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson and more are slated to attend. It goes to show just how sharply the party has moved to the right that its most serious presidential hopefuls are spending their weekend hoping to flatter the most notoriously anti-immigrant member of Congress, not to mention palling around with the likes of Donald Trump and Sarah Palin. But their desperate attempts to endear themselves to the conservative base will not come without consequences, namely because general election voters also happen to have eyes and ears. American Bridge is holding these candidates accountable for their lunges to the far right.

News Thursday, Jan 22 2015 See what gifts Christie received since becoming governor

From his refusal to cooperate in Bridgegate investigations to concealing his many out-of-state travel expenses, Chris Christie has become notorious for his aversion to transparency. That's why American Bridge continues to do everything in our power to illuminate his highly shrouded tenure as governor. Through a records request, we were able to obtained a 56-page file of every official gift Governer Christie has received since taking office, which has made available in a searchable database. There was nothing in there regarding Cowboys tickets, but he did receive a Christmas ornament from Scott Walker in 2013 to which has office noted "no reply sent from us," the only such note made in the 56-page list.

News Wednesday, Jan 21 2015

GOP busted in immigration doublespeak days before 2016 hopefuls kiss King’s ring

After American Bridge busted Republicans speaking out of both sides of their mouths on immigration reform last night, the Washington press corps is taking note of one of the most cynical political ploys you’ll ever see. And remember-- this is just days before 2016 hopefuls fly to Iowa to kiss Steve King’s ring. King, for his part, didn’t mix messages last night, sticking to calling one of the president’s guests “a deportable.”

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