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News Press Releases Brad Schimel Wednesday, Mar 12 2025

Brad Schimel Tries His Toughest Case Yet (Telling the Truth)

News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Wednesday, Dec 17 2014

WEB AD: Welcome To The GOP Primary, Jeb

On Tuesday, Jeb Bush officially threw the first hat in what's soon to be a very crowded ring, announcing his…

News Tuesday, Dec 16 2014

Feel Free To Actively Explore Our Initial Jeb Bush Research

This morning, Jeb Bush announced in a facebook post that he's "actively exploring" running for president. The announcement is hardly a surprise and will no doubt satiate GOP voters' burning desire for another establishment Republican millionaire with a tangled web of problematic financial ventures. For starters, feel free to familiarize yourself with American Bridge's Jeb Bush chapter from our 2016 Scouting Report here or below. And rest assured, this is the tip of the iceberg. If Jeb Bush wants to be scrutinized under the microscope of the presidential vetting process, that's his prerogative, but he does so at the peril of his reputation. Let's just say, it's going to be an interesting two years. We agree with Jeb -- onward!

News Monday, Dec 15 2014

Under Scott Walker, Wisconsin Taxpayers Footing The Bill For Private Company's Mine Review

Scott Walker has spent his political career ostensibly crusading for taxpayers (mostly wealthy ones) and lamenting the persistence of government waste. In fact, Walker overhauled the Wisconsin budget to give massive tax cuts to the rich at the expense of education funding -- an overhaul that has led to huge budget shortfalls. But when it comes to facilitating a controversial iron mining project -- one that happens to benefit a company that gave massive donations to help Walker and other Republicans during their 2012 recall elections -- suddenly Walker's concern for Wisconsin taxpayers vanishes. The mining company behind the project, Gogebic Taconite, contributed $700,000 to Wisconsin Club For Growth in 2011 and 2012, who spent heavily to save Walker and GOPers in the state legislature. Gogebic used their influence to help craft the legislation that would loosen the state's environmental standards and allow them to move forward on their $1.5 billion endeavor.

News Monday, Dec 8 2014

American Bridge Kicks Off the 2016 Presidential Campaign with New Book:  2016 Scouting Report – American Bridge’s Media Guide To The Republican Presidential Field

Democratic Opposition Research Playbook Will Be Shared with Allies, Press and the Public and Represents the Most Comprehensive Early Look…

News Friday, Dec 5 2014


Since Chris Christie's Bridgegate scandal first broke, threatening his 2016 ambitions, he has been desperately trying to sweep it under…

News Friday, Dec 5 2014

BREAKING: Christie Aide Deleted Texts To Governor, Lied About It In Testimony

In July, one of Chris Christie's top aides, Regina Egea, was called to testify before the legislature's Bridgegate committee. At…

News Friday, Dec 5 2014

VIDEO: The New Voice Of The GOP On Immigration

If you believed that Republicans controlling both houses of Congress meant that they would make efforts to work with President Obama and prove they could govern, I've got a bridge to sell you (but I'm going to need to see your papers first). Nearly a year and a half ago, the Senate passed a balanced, bipartisan bill to fix our broken immigration system. All the Republican House "Leadership" had to do was put it up for a vote. But they've proven that that's never going to happen, so President Obama used executive action to make progress. So how would House Republicans respond? Did they finally pass their own comprehensive immigration reform bill? Of course not. Wednesday, they handed the microphone to de-facto Speaker Ted Cruz, Steve King, Michele Bachmann and friends, and yesterday, they voted to rebuke the President's actions and call for more deportations. Some things never change.

News Education Tuesday, Dec 2 2014

NEW VIDEO — Vitter Hypocrisy Alert: Common Core

Sen. David Vitter made headlines yesterday when he announced his new-found distaste for Common Core standards. The flip-flop by Vitter…

News Thursday, Nov 20 2014

Here's Who Republicans Just Picked To Run Their Governors Association

The Republican Party really wants you to know that they've changed. They've broadened their appeal. No more war on women. No more out-of-touch super-rich white guys as their standard bearers. So guess who they just picked to run the Republican Governors Association? Ding ding ding! A super-rich white guy who opposes raising the minimum wage and defunded Planned Parenthood in his state. Meet Bill Haslam, governor of Tennessee, partial owner of Pilot Flying J -- a company under investigation for defrauding customers -- and new chair of the RGA. Some things never change.

News Thursday, Nov 20 2014

All of the poison in all of the wells!

In case you haven't heard, Republicans are adamant that when Obama announces his immigration reform executive action tonight, he will be "poisoning the well." But how can you poison a well that's already been poisoned so many times? Why, it seems every time the President takes a position, according to Republicans, he's "poisoning the well." When President Obama tried to pass background checks on gun sales after Newtown -- a policy supported by 9 in 10 voters -- Lindsey Graham accused him of poisoning the well. And when Obama signed legislation reforming a broken health care system -- a goal of Democratic and Republican presidents for decades -- John McCain said he had poisoned the well. Jeff Flake said that if Obama took any credit for the immigration reform principles in the bipartisan Senate bill, he would be poisoning the well. According to Marco Rubio, policy to protect DREAMers poisoned the well. To other Republicans it was the president's refusal to cave to their demands during their government shutdown that poisoned the well, or criticizing Paul Ryan's draconian budget, or passing a stimulus package, or repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell. So what was truly the moment when President Obama poisoned the well? What was the well-poisoning-iest moment of his illustrious well-poisoning career? To Republicans, it appears that perhaps it was just the moment he was elected president -- ever since then, the GOP can't stop finding newly poisoned wells.

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