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News News Articles Donald Trump Marco Rubio Wednesday, Feb 5 2025

Trump’s Chaotic State Department

News Press Releases John Cornyn Joni Ernst Susan Collins Thom Tillis Tuesday, Feb 4 2025

Spineless GOP Senators Up for Reelection Vote to Confirm Prominent Election Denier Pam Bondi

News Press Releases Bill Spadea Jack Ciattarelli Jon Bramnick Tuesday, Feb 4 2025

What You Need To Know About NJ Republican Candidates Before Tonight’s Debate

News Press Releases Donald Trump Economy Trade Monday, Feb 3 2025

Trump Wages Economic Warfare on Trade Allies, American Businesses, and American Consumers

Tuesday, Jul 22 2014

Georgia, Meet Mitt Romney Lite

When Mitt Romney got pummeled in the 2012 election, the GOP was forced to reboot and consider how to attract candidates who can be more competitive. In Georgia, the GOP's conclusion was to run an elitist millionaire with a checkered business record and an inability to understand the concerns of working families. Sound familiar? But don't worry, David Perdue isn't a total clone of Mitt Romney. While Romney was serving as Governor of Massachusetts, for instance, David Perdue was busy tanking a company called Pillowtex, leaving its 7,500 workers out to dry and pocketing a cool $3.1 million in the process. It wasn't the first batch of American jobs that was killed under Perdue's stewardship. From 1994 to 1998, Perdue served as a senior vice-president at Haggar. Under his leadership, Haggar implemented an enormous shift of company employment and operations overseas. Thousands of American workers lost their jobs, and nearly 50% of the company’s domestic workforce was laid off, but Perdue brushed it off as being "in the best interest of the company."

Tuesday, Jul 22 2014

It Gets Worse: The Math on Scott Walker's Job Creation Pledge

With just a few short months left to go in Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s first term, his signature campaign promise — the creation of 250,000 new Wisconsin jobs in four years — is destined for failure. Months ago, PolitiFact noted that “most everyone agrees his promise of 250,000 new jobs in four years won’t be met,” due to the slow rate of job growth in the state. Fast forward to this week and Walker’s job creation prospects have gotten even worse. According to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics as reviewed by PolitiFact, Wisconsin actually had negative job growth in May and June, for a total of about -1,700 jobs. Not only has Scott Walker failed to add even half of the jobs he promised during his first term, job growth is backsliding in Wisconsin and significantly lags behind neighboring Midwestern states. We’re not math experts, but we do know that you can’t add jobs by subtracting them — yet Walker and his appointees have rewarded companies that outsource jobs out of Wisconsin, just one example of the misguided economic policies that make impossible the fulfillment Walker’s job creation promise. Politifact breaks down the latest BLS data on Wisconsin jobs — check out key highlights from their analysis after the jump.

Monday, Jul 21 2014

Ted Cruz's Border Crisis Antics No Help to 2016 Ambitions

Ted Cruz's latest effort at cultural sensitivity - using the ongoing border crisis as an excuse to target DREAMers - is gaining notoriety both inside the beltway and far beyond, and not in a good way. If the Texas Senator with grander ambitions thinks Latino voters aren't paying any attention to his anti-immigrant proposal, he should take a good look at Spanish-language TV, where his antics have been covered on stations coast to coast, from DC to Texas to California. As Univision reporter stated succinctly, "The only thing [Senator Cruz's plan] will do is assure that people like him will never get to the White House." Watch the coverage for yourself above.

Thursday, Jul 17 2014

VIDEO: Christie Aide Testifies She Texted With Gov About Bridgegate, Deleted Texts

While Chris Christie is in Iowa trying to pretend the Bridgegate scandal is no big deal, the governor's incoming chief of staff, Regina Egea, testified this afternoon that she texted with Christie about his George Washington Bridge scandal last fall, but subsequently deleted the texts.

Thursday, Jul 17 2014

VIDEO: A Media Firestorm For The Very Appreciative Rick Scott

Local news. National news. Everywhere you turn, someone is either fuming or just plain reduced to laughter over Rick Scott's refusal to answer questions. The governor is entangled in scandal after scandal, and keeping voters in the dark on where he stands on key issues, but nobody can get an answer from him on any of it.

Wednesday, Jul 16 2014

I Think They Love Me In Iowa Too, Diane!

In just over twelve hours, Chris Christie will make his first appearance of the day in Iowa in an attempt…

Wednesday, Jul 16 2014

Rep. Ellmers And That Elusive GOP Rebrand

Hmmm, the new GOP looks conspicuously like... the old GOP. I suppose you can give them credit for trying. After…

Wednesday, Jul 16 2014

Walker-Appointed WEDC Chief DEFENDS Giving Tax Breaks To Outsourcers

Wow. When it was first uncovered that Scott Walker's WEDC was giving massive tax credits to companies that ship jobs…

Tuesday, Jul 15 2014

NEW VIDEO — Rick Scott: The Man With No Answers

Voters and press alike are growing pretty sick of Rick Scott's utter refusal to answer questions. Ask him anything he doesn't feel like responding to, and he'll just give you the same canned talking point again and again. And again. In court, Rick Scott may get away with pleading the fifth, but on the campaign trail, it just won't cut it. Scott still hasn't explained why he improperly used on-duty police officers as campaign props, and he doesn't seem eager to clarify any time soon.

Tuesday, Jul 15 2014

Scott Walker's WEDC Nightmare Continues

Scott Walker hasn't seen a good headline in a loooong time. Last week was no exception. Walker has been getting hammered by the media after a WKOW investigation revealed that Walker's economic development agency, WEDC, has given tax credits to companies that ship jobs overseas. Moreover, the companies at the heart of the controversy, and their board members, have donated significant money to the Walker campaign. The outsourcing debacle has been covered by ABC, NBC and CBS affiliates across Wisconsin, from Madison and Green Bay to LaCrosse and Wausau, and an AP story has been picked up across the country. Scott Walker is having all sorts of trouble bringing new jobs to Wisconsin. But he's pretty good at shipping them away.

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