STUDY: Republicans vote with Steve King on immigration 90% of the time
Recently, while speaking about DREAM Act-eligible young Americans, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) claimed, "For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds--and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.” Offensive on just about every level, the statement drew the excoriations from his colleagues that did not accompany his comparison of immigrants to dogs during the 2012 election. Said Speaker John Boehner, King’s comment “does not reflect the values of the American people or the Republican Party.” Unfortunately, Boehner is only half-correct. While the American people are deeply opposed to the bigotry espoused by King, the Republican caucus is solidly aligned with King’s worldview. Since Rep. King first took office as a member of the House in 2003, Congressional Quarterly has identified 110 votes in the House as pertaining to immigration. On 98 of those votes, the majority of Republicans in the House followed King’s lead. Excluding one vote that King missed, that means that the Republican caucus sided with the virulently anti-immigrant King 89.9% of the time when asked to vote on immigration issues.
Uncovered: Jonnie Williams' invoice* to Cuccinelli for $18,000 worth of gifts
*Just kidding! Cuccinelli has ignored repeated calls for him to follow Gov. McDonnell's lead and repay Jonnie Williams for more than $18,000 in gifts. But if he had, the itemized invoice would probably look a lot like this:
American Bridge Releases New Ad On Cuccinelli’s Extreme Social Agenda
American Bridge 21st Century released a new web ad titled “Not Buying It.” The video shows Cuccinelli’s cynical history of deceiving voters by pretending to address important issues like jobs or transportation. Cuccinelli himself has admitted on multiple occasions that no matter what issues he talks about publicly, his main focus will always be instituting his extreme social agenda. Cuccinelli went so far as to brag to supporters about his success at misleading voters and the press: “[We] told the Post we were talking about transportation. They bought it.” We’re not buying it this time.
WHSV: Cuccinelli "wants to change your sex life"
This WHSV segment that cuts through the clutter & tells it like it is. It's sad that with so many important issue at stake, Cuccinelli is obsessed with his extreme stances on divisive social issues.
E.W. Jackson: "We are a Unified Ticket!"
During a "Just Right" party on Sunday, July 21st, Lt. Governor candidate E.W. Jackson, Ken Cuccinelli's ticket mate, proudly declared:
"I represent the entire ticket by the way. And we are a unified ticket and we are going to win in November."
Cuccinelli: "What You See is What You Get?"
"Virginia needs a Governor who'll be straight with you, not just tell you what you want to hear." That's what Ken Cuccinelli had to say during his opening statement of today's debate, right after he told Virginians "as your next Governor, I'll advance policies that grow jobs for the middle class." Riiiight. A review of Cuccinelli's career proves that he was not being straight with the people of Virginia today in Hot Springs. Despite running from his past throughout this campaign, Cuccinelli has devoted his entire career to imposing his extreme views on divisive social issues.
Cuccinelli requested gifts from Star Scientific CEO
Remember those gifts from Star Scientific CEO Jonnie Williams that Ken Cuccinelli failed to disclose? It turns out Cuccinelli actually *ASKED* for them.
Bridge Briefs for tomorrow's VA-Gov debate
In preparation for tomorrow's Gubernatorial debate between Terry McAuliffe and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, American Bridge released the following Bridge Briefs:
Cuccinelli’s Anti-Woman Record Cuccinelli, Personhood & Birth Control Cuccinelli’s Anti-Gay Views & Statements Cuccinelli’s Disastrous Tax Plan Cuccinelli’s Opposition to Bipartisan Transportation Plan
BRIDGE BRIEF: Cuccinelli's Anti-Woman Record
Cuccinelli Withheld Support From Bipartisan Letter From 47 Attorneys General Urging Reauthorization Of The Violence Against Women Act. According to the Washington Times, “Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II was one of just three state attorneys general who did not sign onto a letter urging Congress to reauthorize the federal Violence Against Women Act - a decision that is now placing Virginia’s top prosecutor squarely in the middle of another politically charged debate. The letter drew widespread bipartisan support from members of the National Association of Attorneys General when it was issued in January, and with debate over the act heating up in Congress, Mr. Cuccinelli has been urged to reconsider withholding his support.” [Washington Times, 4/1/13] Cuccinelli Opposed Abortion In Cases Of Rape And Incest. According to the Washington Post, “Where Cuccinelli opposes abortion -- without exception in the case of rape or incest -- Belter supports abortion rights.” [Washington Post, 8/05/02]
BRIDGE BRIEF: Cuccinelli's Anti-Gay Views & Statements
Cuccinelli Said That “Homosexual Acts” Should Be Illegal Because “They Don’t Comport With Natural Law.” According to a Virginian-Pilot editorial Cuccinelli said, “My view is that homosexual acts, not homosexuality, but homosexual acts are wrong. They’re intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that. ... They don’t comport with natural law. I happen to think that it represents (to put it politely; I need my thesaurus to be polite) behavior that is not healthy to an individual and in aggregate is not healthy to society.” [Editorial – Virginian-Pilot, 10/26/09] Cuccinelli Said That The Acts Of Homosexuality Are “A Detriment To Our Culture.” According to an interview exchange with Cucinelli aired on MSNBC, “UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: You think gays -- the practice of homosexuality is a detriment to our culture? KEN CUCCINELLI, VIRGINIA STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL: The acts are. I mean, you certainly want everybody in your society to be integrated into society, so that`s a focus that I’d like to take.” [MSNBC, 3/192010] Cuccinelli Said Homosexuality “Brings Nothing But Self-Destruction, Not Only Physically But Of Their Soul.” According to the Washington Post, “Cuccinelli told the Family Foundation that the ranks of conservatives who still focus on the social issues are quite small in the state Senate, with but six conservatives among 19 Republican senators. That's a tally many on the other side of the aisle would find all too stinting. But Cuccinelli said all is not lost. Despite the Democrats taking back the Senate this year, a few Democrats support the right on social issues. ‘And on the homosexual agenda,’ the senator said, "we will sometimes get members of the Black Caucus with us.’ ‘Your prayers strengthen us,’ Cuccinelli said, telling about his effort to defeat a resolution expressing support for a Richmond gay organization. ‘When you look at the homosexual agenda, I cannot support something that I believe brings nothing but self-destruction, not only physically but of their soul.’” [Washington Post, 2/5/08]