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News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Press Releases Rob Bresnahan Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Rob Bresnahan has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 190k on Social Security + 148k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Monday, Sep 24 2012

American Bridge Launches “Meet the Crooks” Website

WASHINGTON – American Bridge 21st Century has launched, highlighting four of the worst ethical transgressors currently running for U.S. Congress. Between them, these candidates have managed to accumulate at least 13 separate investigations by agencies including the IRS, the FBI, and state and county prosecutors. They have been accused of cheating on taxes, evading campaign finance laws, and even secretly running a fake Democrat to interfere with a Democratic primary.

News Taxes Saturday, Sep 22 2012

MEMO: What’s Romney Hiding?

To: Interested Parties From: Rodell Mollineau, President of American Bridge 21st Century Date: 9/22/2012 RE: What’s Romney hiding with his tax summary?

Mitt Romneys inexplicable choice to release a minimal summary of his past twenty years of federal income tax returns only serves to confirm that there must be something so toxic to his candidacy in those returns that it seemed strategically sound to release a short briefing in September after questions had been raised for nearly a year.
American Bridge previously presented a list of things that Mitt Romney could be hiding, but below are just three of the biggest questions raised by Friday’s incomplete disclosure.

News Friday, Sep 21 2012

The Bachmann Files

Michele Bachmann In 180 Seconds

View full archive after the jump.

News Thursday, Sep 20 2012

Chris Christie Speaks In Front Of Steve King's Giant Head

See above -- Chris Christie speaking at a King for Congress fundraiser. Here's American Bridge's preview video of the Christie / King event:

News Thursday, Sep 20 2012

VIDEO: Christie/King 2016?

Chris Christie will be traveling to Iowa today to attend a fundraiser for embattled Representative Steve King, whose recent comments…

News Friday, Sep 14 2012

BRIDGE BRIEFING: Romney's Hollow Tough Talk on China

Romney Opposed Bush Chinese Steel Tariffs And Obama’s Chinese Tire Tariffs. According to the Club for Growth, “In his recent book, Romney also voiced his opposition to President Bush’s steel tariff decision and President Obama’s decision to impose tariffs on foreign tires.” [Club For Growth, 2012 Presidential White Paper #5, 6/7/11]

News Thursday, Sep 13 2012

Roscoe Bartlett Really Likes Comparing Things To Nazis

Recently, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) was forced to apologize for implying that federally-issued student loans could lead the United States down a "slippery slope" comparable to the Holocaust. But do you know who else liked comparing things to Nazis? Well, actually, Roscoe Bartlett. It appears that eliminating subsidies for private companies in the student loan process is just the latest action that Bartlett has identified as setting America down the path to fascism and genocide.

News Saturday, Aug 25 2012

VIDEO: The Romney/Ryan Bromance

Despite Boston's best etch-a-sketching efforts to distance Mitt Romney from the extremely unpopular views of his running mate, the truth…

News Friday, Aug 24 2012


Mitt Romney is throwing a party, and Mike Huckabee is on the VIP list. Huckabee has broken from mainstream Americans and raced to defend Rep. Todd Akin's hateful and disgusting comments about “legitimate rape.” In fact, according to The Atlantic, Huckabee has emerged as "Akin's Biggest Backer." Share this graphic on Facebook.

Friday, Aug 24 2012

#DropHuck Effort: It’s Not Just His Support Of Akin

WASHINGTON - American Bridge today launched its #DropHuck petition drive and online ad campaign demanding Mitt Romney drop Todd Akin-backer and Republican leader Mike Huckabee from his prime time speaking slot at the Republican National Convention., the effort’s online hub, is equipped with a petition and web ad allowing voters to see first hand the offensive and inexcusable ideas Huckabee is supporting. As the research below shows, Huckabee’s steadfast support of Akin is far from an isolated occurrence. Throughout his career, Huckabee has shown he is on the wrong side of issues impacting women and victims of rape.

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