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News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Press Releases Rob Bresnahan Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Rob Bresnahan has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 190k on Social Security + 148k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Tuesday, May 22 2012

Gary Miller “Comments” On His Record

After raw footage of Gary Miller campaign ad outtakes surfaced on the internet, American Bridge decided to have a little fun at his expense. Check out Miller “reacting” to questions about his ethical lapses and shady real estate deals.

News Energy Health Care Friday, May 18 2012

MEMO: What you need to know about Deb Fischer

Thanks to the more than $250,000 investment from billionaire Joe Rickett’s super PAC, Deb Fischer won a surprising last-person-standing victory in Nebraska’s Republican senate primary. But now Nebraskans are left wondering: who is their Republican nominee? As an untested, unknown, unscrutinized candidate, Deb Fischer didn’t “win” on Tuesday, her opponents lost. But now that she will be the Republican standard bearer in the most high profile race in the state, her record, votes, and positions will be thoroughly vetted by voters. While no means exhaustive, below is a quick primer on what you need to know about Deb Fischer.

News Jobs LGBTQ+ Friday, May 11 2012

MOTHER'S DAY MEMO: Romney's Record On Issues Important To Women And Families

As families across the country celebrate Mother’s Day and honor the women in their life, it is also a good opportunity to reflect on the policies that allow women to pursue equal pay for equal work, protect women and families from violence, and help to prevent serious illnesses. Unfortunately for women and their families, Mitt Romney has consistently advocated against these policies. With the Republican Party consistently advocating an anti-women agenda, they have found the perfect standard bearer in Mitt Romney.

News Jobs Tuesday, May 8 2012

MEMO: Richard Mourdock’s Extreme Record

Let’s be clear about one thing regarding Richard Mourdock’s win over Dick Lugar tonight in the Indiana Republican Senate primary: Richard Mourdock did not win; Dick Lugar lost. Assuredly, Lugar’s precipitous drop in the final weeks was propelled by his stumbles over the residency issue. But Lugar’s vulnerability stemmed from being identified as one of the Tea Party’s top targets of the 2012 election cycle. Lugar will have been felled by the same extreme fringe of the Republican Party that took down several pragmatic Republican candidates in 2010. These extremists found a mouthpiece in State Treasurer Richard Mourdock and are nominating a candidate who is well outside the mainstream of Indiana voters.

The Republican primary has been a referendum on Lugar, not an endorsement of Richard Mourdock. As Hoosiers across the state learn more about Mourdock,  they will realize that his soft-spoken demeanor belies a fervent, extreme view of politics and governance that would hurt Indiana’s middle class families, students, veterans, women, seniors, and farmers.


Mourdock Said Auto Bailout Was Illegal. According to a Mourdock Editorial in the South Bend Tribune, “By any traditional legal analysis, fundamental elements of the Obama administration’s Chrysler bankruptcy plan were illegal. It turned 200 years of U.S. bankruptcy law on its head by awarding more value to a select group of unsecured creditors than to secured creditors. Others are apparently willing to tolerate the violation of federal bankruptcy laws simply because they liked the result: It helped their friends. But most Americans, including the Hoosier retirees who had their property stolen away, see such picking and choosing by the federal government as fundamentally un-American.” [Mourdock Editorial, South Bend Tribune, 10/9/10]

News Monday, May 7 2012

Happy Birthday, Ricky: A Look Back at 25 Years of “Accomplishment”

WASHINGTON - Ricky Gill, Republican candidate for Congress in California’s 9th Congressional District, has grossly exaggerated his resume to make it appear as though he is eligible to serve in Congress. This law student is turning 25 today, making him technically eligible to serve in the House, but a close examination of his resume shows he is nowhere near as qualified as he would lead you to believe. American Bridge decided to look into the claims he makes on his resume. You can check out what we found at our Ricky Gill Tumblr here: “Reading Ricky Gill’s resume makes him sound like he is not only qualified to run for Congress, but President, and Secretary General of the United Nations as well. Sadly for him, virtually every title on this now 25-year-old law student’s resume can be replaced with the word ‘intern.’ Californians deserve a representative who does not see Congressional service as yet another bullet on an already-inflated resume,” said Matt Thornton, spokesman for American Bridge 21st Century.

News Wednesday, May 2 2012

Stephen King's Message To Mitt Romney

Stephen King sticks it to Mitt Romney. You have to read this! You can read King's full column here on The Daily Beast.

News Tuesday, Apr 24 2012

Governor Romney’s Education Cuts Hurt Massachusetts and His Agenda Would Make America Less Competitive

Video and Memo: Governor Romney’s Education Cuts Hurt Massachusetts and His Agenda Would Make America Less Competitive

The Massachusetts decline from 37th to 47th in job growth under Governor Mitt Romney was not just a coincidence - his cuts to job training and higher education helped make Massachusetts less competitive. Now, Romney wants give massive new tax cuts to the wealthiest while making dramatic cuts to job training and higher education on a national level. Even with college costs increasing, Romney bragged about his cuts to higher education and his answer to a student asking about affordability was ‘shop around’ or join the military. Romney’s rhetoric on college reflects his priorities and worldview: cutting taxes for the wealthy is more important than investing in an economy that works for the middle class. Governor Romney’s record made Massachusetts less competitive and his agenda would make America less competitive.

News Wednesday, Apr 18 2012

Washington Post: Romney Adviser Kris Kobach: No Legal Status Of Any Kind For The Undocumented

On April 18, 2012, the Washington Post reported:

It’s been widely assumed that Mitt Romney will moderate his positions on immigration to make inroads among Latinos in the general election, perhaps by supporting some sort of GOP version of the DREAM Act. But what if Romney has no room to execute any such pivot? I just got off the phone with Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an adviser to Romney on immigration. He stated flatly that he didn’t think Republicans — or Romney — should, or would, support any version of the DREAM Act that provides undocumented immigrants with any kind of path to legal status.

News Wednesday, Apr 18 2012

In VP Search, Will Beth Myers Ask For More Than 2 Years Of Tax Returns?

In today's New York Times, Beth Myers said she will use the detailed questionnaire from John McCain's 2008 vice presidential search as a model for the Romney campaign's quest for its own VP nominee. As part of the VP vetting process in 2008, Mitt Romney supplied John McCain's campaign with 23 years of tax returns. Will Beth Myers ask for a comparable disclosure for Gov. Romney's potential running mates? If not, why? If so, why is it that the campaign demands candidates disclose years and years of returns for the #2 slot, yet Gov. Romney will only release a couple of years of taxes on the top of the ticket? Something doesn't add up here. For more information:

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