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News Press Releases Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 6 2025

Spineless Susan Collins Refuses to Stand Up for Maine Workers, Farmers, and Veterans Devastated by Trump Cuts

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Trump Cashes In: Secret Service Spent $143K on Golf Carts at Trump Property

News Press Releases Ryan Mackenzie Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Ryan Mackenzie has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 177k on Social Security + 125k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Press Releases Rob Bresnahan Wednesday, Mar 5 2025

Rob Bresnahan has Enabled Cuts that Threaten 190k on Social Security + 148k on Medicaid in His Own District

News Education Friday, Mar 30 2012

USA Today: Donors To Romney Super PAC Have Ties To For-Profit Colleges

On March 29, 2012, USA Today reported:

For-profit colleges and individuals with ties to them have donated $430,000 to a super PAC spending millions of dollars to help elect Republican Mitt Romney to the presidency — as the industry faces intense federal scrutiny over recruitment practices, educational quality and the amount of debt its students incur.

News Friday, Mar 30 2012

NPR: Latina Gov. A Rising Star, Just Not To Some Hispanics

On March 29, 2012, NPR reported:

But that popularity doesn't always translate among Hispanics, a group that in New Mexico makes up nearly half of the population. One issue that makes many of the state's Latino voters seethe is their governor's stance on driver's licenses and illegal immigrants. In her 2010 campaign, Martinez promised to repeal a law that makes New Mexico one of only three states in the country where illegal immigrants can get a driver's license.

AB Leadership Josh Mandel Friday, Mar 30 2012

1600PennAve: For The Record: Josh Mandel, Akron Press Club, And The Campaign Fishbowl

On March 29, 2012, the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue blog wrote:

Following the Mandel event, media reports surfaced that the Mandel campaign attempted to prevent opposition trackers from recording Mandel’s speech to the Press Club. Since I was present at the event and since questions continue to be raised, I wanted to post, for the record, my thoughts about what transpired.

News Friday, Mar 30 2012

Tampa Bay Times: Mack, Campaigning In South Florida, Misses Big Vote

On March 29, 2012, the Tampa Bay Times reported:

Rep. Connie Mack, R-Fort Myers, missed today's vote on the Ryan budget plan, campaign manifesto for the GOP. Mack was doing some campaigning of his own, with events in South Florida for his U.S. Senate bid.

News Jobs Thursday, Mar 29 2012

Journal Sentinel: Romney Gets Flak Over Wisconsin Anecdote From Long Ago

On March 28, 2012, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported:

Talking by conference call with thousands of Wisconsin voters Wednesday, Mitt Romney told them he had a humorous connection to their state. But it didn’t take long for “funny anecdote” to become “campaign fodder.” Romney’s story involved the time more than 50 years ago that his father, George, an American Motors executive, shut down a factory in Michigan and moved the work to Wisconsin.

News LGBTQ+ Wednesday, Mar 28 2012

Demand Mitt Romney Disavow NOM's Hateful, Homophobic Strategy

Secret strategy memos from the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) reveal that they are actively seeking to "drive a wedge" between the African-American and LGBT communities in order to advance their agenda. A judge ordered that the memos be released as part of a court case in Maine, exposing highly detailed plans for using African-Americans as pawns in NOM's state-level campaigns to fight marriage equality. From the memos:

"The strategic goal of the project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks — two key Democratic constituencies. Find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage; develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots."
NOM was a crucial funder of the Prop 8 campaign to deny Californians equal marriage rights, and the organization continues to use their hateful, divisive tactics to fight equality across the country. In response to yesterday's news, equality advocates across the country immediately spoke out and condemned the group's race-baiting, divide-and-conquer strategy. NAACP's Julian Bond, a civil rights icon, said:
“NOM’s underhanded attempts to divide will not succeed if Black Americans remember their own history of discrimination. Pitting bigotry’s victims against other victims is reprehensible; the defenders of justice must stand together.”
Why This is Important Mitt Romney has made a lot of backroom deals with the extreme right wing in order to win the Republican nomination.  We need to hold him accountable as a candidate for president of the United States for backing hateful and bigoted organizations like NOM. Does he support NOM's race-baiting, divisive tactics?  We deserve to know. Mitt Romney bet $10,000 on NOM and a cynical strategy to divide Americans, and we need your help getting the word out. Sign our petition now -- demand that Mitt Romney disavow NOM's hateful strategy and instead bet on equal rights for all Americans.

News Wednesday, Mar 28 2012

POLITICO: Rubio Backs 'Stand Your Ground' Law

On March 27, 2012, POLITICO reported:

As a Florida House member, Marco Rubio voted to enact his state’s Stand Your Ground policy — the controversial law now at the heart of the Trayvon Martin case. As a senator, Rubio says he’s still standing behind the law — at least for now.

News Tuesday, Mar 27 2012

Mitt Romney's Hidden Agenda

WASHINGTON, DC -- Admittedly afraid of how voters will react to his ideas, Mitt Romney has a bad habit of teasing his policy proposals before refusing to show voters the details. First, Romney told told the Washington Examiner that he had an immigration plan that he hadn't unveiled -- that was over 100 days ago. Next, he gave a widely panned "major" policy address at Ford Field in Detroit to unveil his new tax plan, only he never actually released the details of the plan in question. And finally, while speaking with the Weekly Standard, Romney flat-out admitted he was keeping secrets from voters because he was afraid his ideas would be unpopular. The Standard wrote: "But Romney, ever cautious, is reluctant to get specific about the programs he would like to kill. He did this in his bid for the Senate 18 years ago and remembers the political ramifications."

Read more after the jump.

AB Leadership Tuesday, Mar 27 2012

Dick Lugar's Even Worse Week

Earlier this month, American Bridge put together a compilation video highlighting Dick Lugar's awful week. It turns out last week was even worse!

AB Leadership Monday, Mar 26 2012

Etch-A-Sketch Redux

Last week top Romney campaign advisor Eric Fehrnstrom's now-famous Etch-A-Sketch remark ricocheted around the internet at warp speed, and many of the stories featured or mentioned American Bridge's Etch-A-Sketch rapid response video.  Check out just a few of the shout-outs below.

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