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News Press Releases Donald Trump JD Vance Abortion Thursday, Sep 5 2024

Trump-Vance: Anti-Abortion Extremists’ Dream Ticket

News News Articles Press Releases Donald Trump Abortion Reproductive Rights Thursday, Aug 29 2024

Donald Trump’s Deep Ties to the Anti-IVF Movement

News Press Releases Donald Trump Thursday, Aug 29 2024

BREAKING: U.S. Army Rebukes Donald Trump for Arlington Cemetery Disrespect

News Wednesday, Aug 28 2024

GOP Senate Candidates Are Too Toxic for Workers

Friday, Nov 4 2011

Real Clear Politics: As Potential VP Candidate, Rubio Draws Scrutiny, Attacks

On November 4, 2011, Real Clear Politics reported:

American Bridge, a well-funded Democratic organization “committed to holding Republicans accountable for their words and actions,” is making hay out of The Post’s story. It put together a Web video detailing Rubio’s misstatements, as well as a memo asserting that he had 20 opportunities to correct the record, but didn’t do so. Rodell Mollineau, who leads the organization, told CNN last week that the group posted the video with the 2012 presidential election in mind even though Rubio repeatedly says he doesn’t want a spot on the ticket.

News Thursday, Nov 3 2011

Des Moines Register: Michele Bachmann’s ‘tax the poor’ plan won’t be flat or simple

On November 3, 2011, the Des Moines Register reported:

Michele Bachmann wants everybody to pay taxes — even the poorest Americans. [...] Bachmann didn’t offer many details about her proposal, but it seemed she was suggesting she’d accomplish this through the income tax. But she didn’t explain how she’d charge an income tax on people who have no income.

Wednesday, Nov 2 2011

POLITICO: Iowa radio host accuses Herman Cain of 'inappropriate' remarks

On November 2, 2011, POLITICO reported:

In a cryptic comment made at National Journal’s Election 2012 Preview event Tuesday, Mark Block, Herman Cain’s campaign manager, made reference to an incident involving Cain and a receptionist for a radio talk show host. [...] POLITICO has learned that the incident involved a staffer for Steve Deace, an influential conservative talk radio host who hosts a nationally syndicated show in Des Moines. And Deace says he did take offense. Deace, who penned an opinion piece critical of Cain earlier this month, told POLITICO in an email that Cain said "awkward" and "inappropriate" things to the staff at his station.

Wednesday, Nov 2 2011

LA Times: Romney, Cain skip Iowa economic forum

On November 1, 2011, the Los Angeles times reported:

Much of the Republican presidential field gathered here Tuesday to discuss how to improve the nation's economy. But what was most notable was who skipped the event — Iowa front-runners Mitt Romney and Herman Cain...

Wednesday, Nov 2 2011

Texas Tribune: UT/TT Poll: Most Texans Don't Credit Perry on Economy

On November 1, 2011, the Texas Tribune reported:

A key part of Gov. Rick Perry's pitch to Republican presidential primary voters is the performance of the state's economy — especially in job creation — during his tenure as governor. But Texas voters, for the most part, are more likely to see him as a bystander to the state's success than its driver, according to the new University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll.

Tuesday, Nov 1 2011

Discussing #Occupy Movement, Rick Perry Repeats Fake Quote From Canadian Satirical Article

On October 31, 2011, Mediaite reported on a humorous trend in the conservative blogosphere: bloggers citing fake quotes from a satirical column in Canada's Globe and Mail.

Over the last week, bloggers, emailers, commenters, and posters have shared the words of a 38 year-old slacker Toronto resident named Jeremy, who took part in the Occupy Toronto protests:
“It’s weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9 a.m. and the rich bankers who you want to hurl insults at and change their worldview have been at work for two hours already. And then when it’s time to go, they’re still there. I guess that’s why they call them the one per cent. I mean, who wants to work those kinds of hours? That’s the power of greed.”
What they don’t realize is that the quote was one of many featured in a satirical piece by The Toronto Globe and Mail’s Mark Schatzker. 38 year-old Jeremy doesn’t exist. It turns out that bloggers weren't the only ones duped. During a radio interview on October 28, Rick Perry cited this very same 38-year-old "Jeremy." American Bridge caught it on tape. Take a look:

Tuesday, Nov 1 2011

WSJ: Satire on Occupy Wall Street Trips Up Rick Perry

On November 1, 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported:

"Satire may not be Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s thing. Last Friday, at the swanky Barley House tavern in Concord, N.H., Mr. Perry took a little jab at the Occupy Wall Street crowd, referencing an amusing quote his son had sent him from a protester occupying Toronto..."

Saturday, Oct 29 2011

The Atlantic: A Tour of Mitt Romney's New Hampshire Mansion

On October 28, 2011, the Atlantic reported: Autumn is in the air in New Hampshire, which means the political rhetoric…

News Climate Change Environment Saturday, Oct 29 2011

CBS News: Mitt Romney's shifting views on climate change

On October 28, 20111, CBS News reported:

The longer he runs for president, the more doubts Republican front-runner Mitt Romney seems to have about the science behind global climate change...

Saturday, Oct 29 2011

Paul Ryan Townhall – 10/28/11

The following video was recorded at a Paul Ryan townhall event in Wisconsin on October 28, 2011.

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