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News News Articles Mike Johnson Friday, Sep 13 2024

FLASHBACK: Speaker Mike Johnson: “I hate CRs…It is not the way you’re supposed to do it…We’re not doing this under my leadership”

News News Articles Press Releases Deb Fischer Thursday, Sep 12 2024

ICYMI: Endangered Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer Caught Using Foreign Stock Footage in TV Ads

News News Articles Press Releases JD Vance Thursday, Sep 12 2024

ICYMI: Where Are JD Vance’s Tax Returns?

News Press Releases Donald Trump Thursday, Sep 12 2024

WATCH: American Bridge Launches $15M Wave of Ads in Blue Wall States

News Taxes Monday, Aug 1 2011

AP: Lugar: Norquist tax pledge, others hamper Congress

On July 31, 2011. the Associated Press reported:

Lugar is the only Republican in the state’s Congressional delegation who hasn’t signed Norquist’s pledge, which requires the signer to “oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.” The pledge is popular in Tea Party circles, and for Lugar, who faces a tough primary challenge from State Treasurer Richard Mourdock, a Tea Party favorite, signing it might seem to make sense. But Lugar said he won’t sign any political pledges because they tie lawmakers’ hands.

News LGBTQ+ Thursday, Jul 28 2011

Huffington Post: Entire Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Appears In 'It Gets Better' Video — Except Scott Brown

On July 27, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:

The Massachusetts congressional delegation has put together a new video for the "It Gets Better" project, reassuring LGBT youth who may be getting bullied that their lives will improve when they get older. But one of the state's most high-profile politicians, Republican Sen. Scott Brown, is notably absent from the video. Of the 12 lawmakers who represent Massachusetts in the Senate and House of Representatives, Brown is the only one who does not appear.

News Tuesday, Jul 26 2011

Roll Call: In Missouri, Akin Has His Own Asset Problems

On July 25, 2011, Roll Call reported:

Rep. Todd Akin apparently has personal assets far beyond what he has previously revealed on his annual financial disclosure forms. Last week, the Missouri Republican amended nearly a decade’s worth of personal financial disclosure forms, reporting assets for 2010 worth a minimum of $355,000, more than 10 times what he had reported in May...

News Friday, Jul 22 2011

POLITICO: Allen West tirade: Wasserman Schultz 'vile…despicable…not a Lady'

On July 19, 2011, POLITICO reported:

Florida GOP Congressman Allen West this afternoon dispatched a scathing personal email to Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, calling her "vile, unprofessional ,and despicable," "a coward," "characterless," and "not a Lady," and demanding that she "shut the heck up."

News Friday, Jul 22 2011

Huffington Post: Scott Brown Taps Wall Street For Cash In Advance Of Possible Elizabeth Warren Challenge

On July 21, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:

As Democrats urge Elizabeth Warren, one of Wall Street's most public foes, to seek a U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts next year, the financial industry is already throwing its support behind the seat's current occupant, Sen. Scott Brown (R), giving him nearly $315,000 in the most recent fundraising quarter.

News Friday, Jul 22 2011

Miami Herald: Feds investigate Congressman David Rivera on casino contract

On July 21, 2011, the Miami Herald reported:

Federal investigators have opened a second criminal probe of U.S. Rep. David Rivera, examining undisclosed payments from a Miami gambling enterprise to a company tied to the Republican congressman, The Miami Herald has learned.

AB Leadership Taxes Thursday, Jul 21 2011

WSJ: Bachmann: Everybody Should Pay Taxes

On July 21, 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported:

"Republican presidential candidates have been resolutely opposed to tax increases in the debate over the nation’s budget straits, but Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann this week suggested there’s one group that needs to be paying more: poor people who pay nothing now."
More from the Wall Street Journal after the jump.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Jul 20 2011

National Journal: In 2006 Interview, Bachmann Attacks Same-Sex Marriage, 'Big Love' Series

On July 20, 2011, National Journal reported:

"As a state lawmaker in 2006, now-Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., warned that efforts to allow same-sex marriage would open the door to polygamy and 'group marriage,' and she condemned a popular cable television series about a fundamentalist Mormon with three wives."
More from National Journal after the jump.

News Foreign Policy Jobs Trade Friday, Jul 15 2011

Romney Attacked Obama For Being Soft On Chinese Trade, Yet Opposes Steel And Tire Tariffs

Romney Accused Obama Of Not Taking China “To The Mat” On Trade. According to the Eagle Tribune, “He also was critical of Obama over trade with China.’ The President said he would take China to the mat,’ Romney said. ‘He's been taken to the door mat instead. I won't let that happen.’” [Eagle Tribune, 7/15/11] More research after the jump

AB Leadership Thursday, Jul 14 2011

Washington Post: Allen criticized for voting against equipment for soldiers in Senate

On July 14, 2011,  the Washington Post reported:

"Former governor and senator George Allen was captured on video while campaigning in Franklin on Wednesday talking to a soldier’s father about the need to properly equip troops with body armor. Allen, a Republican, said it was “deplorable” that the soldier’s family had to provide his own equipment, specifically gloves. [...] But American Bridge 21st Century, the Democratic-leaning group that has been tracking Allen while he is campaigning for the U.S. Senate next year, pointed out that the former senator voted at least twice against equipment for soldiers during his one term.

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