AP: NH gay marriage push highlights GOP shifts
On November 24, 2011, the Associated Press reported:
Whether they like it or not, Republican presidential candidates are joining New Hampshire’s intensifying gay marriage debate.
LA Times: Mitt Romney still faces a trust deficit with GOP voters
On November 24, 2011, the Los Angeles Times reported:
But for months, the threshold of support for the former Massachusetts governor [Mitt Romney] hasn't inched above a quarter of Republican voters in national polls. For many GOP voters in early primary states, hesitation about Romney comes back to one thing: their perception that he has routinely molded his views to suit the political mood, with ambition his overriding principle. "He's not a person we could trust to lead our country," said Angela Cesar, a 41-year-old Republican from Ypsilanti, Mich., who said Romney had changed his position on too many issues. "He's going to be listening to voices outside. I want someone who can hear his own voice — a clear voice." Steve Holroyd, a 54-year-old chef from Rye, N.H., was initially attracted to Romney's candidacy, but now describes him as evasive: "The more I listen to him, the more he just kind of flip-flops and doesn't know where he stands on anything." Romney's advisors say the argument that their candidate is a political contortionist will not resonate because voters are concerned about the economy — and little else. But in his failed 2008 bid, when the issue was raised — as now — by opponents, it hit its mark not because of the issues involved but because of what Romney's flip-flops suggested about his character.Click here to read the entire story.
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Heller Backs off on 'March Madness'
On November 21, 2011, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported:
There has been a quick change in the fundraiser that Sen. Dean Heller is planning during the NCAA basketball tournament next spring.
NY Times: Vilifying Rival, Wall St. Rallies for Senate Ally
On November 18, 2011, the New York Times reported:
The warning has ricocheted around the financial world in recent weeks, in conversations at Midtown restaurants and Washington fund-raisers, carrying urgent appeals for money from financial executives around the Northeast: The battle to re-elect Senator Scott P. Brown, the Republican from Massachusetts, just got a little more interesting.
Fox News Reports On American Bridge
On November 17, 2011, Fox News' Megyn Kelly hosted GOP strategist Ed Rollins to discuss American Bridge 21st Century:
Huffington Post: Scott Brown Held Bank Of America Stock While Advocating For Big Banks
On November 17, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) positioned himself as a clean-government advocate this week, co-sponsoring the STOCK Act, which is designed to halt insider trading-like activity by members of Congress. But Brown's financial disclosure records show that he has been a large investor in Bank of America, GE and Exxon-Mobil throughout his time in the Senate -- even as he secured lucrative legislative protections for the nation’s biggest banks, trading houses and oil companies. What's more, under Brown's new good-government legislation, this type of activity would still be permitted...
TPM: How Mitt Romney Revived A Scandal-Plagued CEO’s Career
On November 18, 2011, Talking Points Memo reported:
In this particular case, however, Romney’s business experience really was instructive. As an executive at Bain Capital he faced a similar situation in the private sector with a businessman whose successful career had been derailed by a sex scandal...
POLITICO: Romney vs. DNC FOIA wars, round two
On November 17, POLITICO reported:
In response to the Romney campaign's Freedom of Information Act earlier today to highlight the ties between Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and President Obama, the Democratic National Committee is filing a FOIA request of its own: for any references to deleting files or emails during Romney's time as governor. [...] It's a request that may not get the DNC any actual documents -- many of Romney's old files are sealed to the public, according to the Democratic opposition research group American Bridge, and can't be FOIAed.
USA Today: Bachmann, Democrats take shots at Gingrich
On November 17, 2011, USA Today reported:
American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic organization, has a new video out today that compiles some of Gingrich's past statements about Fannie and Freddie with clips of more recent coverage.
POLITICO's Arena: Will Obama's "lazy" comments haunt him?
For all that Republicans talk about American exceptionalism, it appears that it is they who have forgotten what makes America great. Without Americans’ determination, the gifts with which we are uniquely endowed would go to waste. Without Americans’ commitment, declarations of American greatness would be but hollow claims. Rather than desperately taking the President’s words out of context, Republicans should understand that over 235 years of American success have been driven by the singular thought that we can do better. As any athlete or artist who reaches the pinnacle of their craft would attest, when the benchmark of the best has been passed, it is the motivation to always be better that remains the elusive target for which we strive. The American people know that President Obama’s words were meant to challenge our country not to be corrupted by a culture of complacency. We can’t afford to grow lazy, can’t afford to settle just for being the best when there is always room to get better. Though the formulation changes, the challenge has been issued time and again, from John F. Kennedy to Vince Lombardi. In fact, Mitt Romney would be well served to remember that in his own book, “No Apology,” he issues the same challenge: “We have been accustomed to being the world’s leading nation for so long, enjoying the freedom, security, and prosperity that comes with that leadership, that we have tended to avoid the hard work that overcoming challenges requires.” So while Republican candidates choose to feign outrage, expect the American people to back leaders who exemplify the truly American response – rising to meet the challenge, as we have always done.