Huffington Post: Democrats Target Big Oil Profits In Latest Attack On GOP Senate Candidates
On October 27, 2011 The Huffington Post wrote:
"The Democrats' Senate campaign committee is making good Thursday on its promise to try to tar several GOP contenders with their votes protecting tax breaks for oil companies. A Democratic source said an online campaign will use targeted Google and Facebook ads that coincide with oil companies announcing their latest round of mega profits. The ads, launching in four states, target Nevada Sen. Dean Heller, former Virginia Sen. George Allen, Arizona Rep. Jeff Flake and Montana Rep. Dennis Rehberg, all of whom have opposed ending tax subsidies for oil companies..."Click here to read more.
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Heller upsets Latin Chamber of Commerce by canceling Vegas meeting
On October 26, 2011 The Las Vegas Review-Journal wrote:
"Members of the Latin Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas are upset with U.S. Sen. Dean Heller for canceling a meeting with them this week after he reached out to the Hispanic group. Heller, R-Nev., refused to go ahead with a roundtable Tuesday night because a staffer for his Senate opponent, U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., was present as well as a camera.
Boston Globe: Brown stumps for cash in Texas
On October 26, 2011, the Boston Globe reported:
Senator Scott Brown sought help from the deep pockets of Texas earlier this week to raise money for what is expected to be a tough and expensive reelection campaign. On Monday, two prominent Houston GOP boosters hosted a reception and dinner for Brown and Texas Senator John Cornyn, who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Yesterday, Brown held a luncheon at the San Antonio Country Club. Brown’s campaign declined to provide details about his visit to the Lonestar State...
Billings Gazette: Abramoff-connected lobbyist sentenced to prison had Montana clients
On October 26, 2011, the Assoicated Press and Billings Gazette reported:
Kevin Ring, a former lobbyist who was a rising star under Jack Abramoff’s tutelage, was sentenced Wednesday to nearly two years in prison for giving public officials meals and event tickets. Ring represented two clients in Montana — and both have said he did a good job for them. [...] Carter County hired Ring in 2003 — at the suggestion of U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., who said he advised the county that a lobbyist could help its quest to secure highway funding, and gave them some names, including Ring’s. Ring gave $2,000 in campaign donations to Rehberg in 2002 and 2003 and $1,000 to then U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont.
VIDEO: Mitt Romney's Ohio "Confusion"
Here's American Bridge's newest video demonstrating perhaps Romney's fastest & most transparently political flip yet: Yesterday's refusal to weigh in on local Ohio issues & today's statement "fully support[ing]" Gov. Kasich's anti-union measure. Yesterday: “I’m not speaking about the particular ballot issues, those are up to the people of Ohio." Today: "I’m sorry if I created any confusion in that regard. I fully support Gov. Kasich’s – I think it’s called ‘Question 2′ in Ohio. Fully support that."
MEMO: Rubio Had At Least Twenty Opportunities To Correct The Record
As the story of Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s parents’ departure from Cuba continues to unfold, it should be noted that Rubio has had at least twenty opportunities throughout his years as a public figure to correct media accounts of his family’s history. While the extent to which Rubio embellished their story can be debated, there is no doubt that he actively perpetuated an incorrect retelling by failing to correct the record any number of times.
American Bridge 21st Century has found twenty opportunities for Rubio to correct this popular myth.
If he was not taking advantage of the obvious political advantages afforded to him by the myth of his parents’ departure from Cuba, why did Marco Rubio pass up so many opportunities to correct the record? The fact is he did not mind this popular – yet untrue – tale because it helped advance his political career in the eyes of Florida voters. Now that the truth has been exposed, Rubio owes his constituents an explanation.
See the examples after the jump.
LA Times: Tea party group puts more pressure on Lugar
On October 25, 2011 The LA Times wrote:
"The tea party pressure on Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar continues to mount. FreedomWorks PAC, an offshoot of the advocacy group led by Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, has endorsed Lugar’s primary opponent, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock. “Over the past few months we have been speaking with our Indiana members and allies, including those affiliated with the Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate, and two things are clear: they want Richard Mourdock to be their senator and they are going to do the hard work necessary to make it happen,” said Max Pappas, executive director of FreedomWorks PAC, in a statement..."
The Hill: Mourdock nabs FreedomWorks nod in Indiana Senate primary
On October 24, 2011 The Hill wrote:
"FreedomWorks PAC, the well-funded Tea Party organization chaired by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas), has endorsed Richard Mourdock in his primary battle with Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.). The endorsement adds another voice to the conservative push to unseat an incumbent Republican for being too centrist and supporting Democratic spending initiatives. Lugar has served in Congress for more than three decades, but has attracted Republican challengers due to his support for the Troubled Asset Relief Program and other votes..."
Omaha World-Herald: Critics: Subsidy benefits Fischer
On October 23, 2011, the Omaha World-Herald reported:
"Republican U.S. Senate candidate Deb Fischer and her husband, Bruce, are among a handful of Nebraska ranchers whose cattle graze on federal land at prices some say amounts to a significant federal giveaway."
Indy Star: National tea party group endorses Mourdock
On October 22, 2011 The Indy Star reported:
"Indiana state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, has won the endorsement of FreedomWorks, according to a news release sent Friday from the tea party-aligned national group. Mourdock is running against incumbent Sen. Richard Lugar in the 2012 Republican primary..."