The Hill and Politico Report on AB21’s New Poll on Women & the Economy
Today, The Hill and Politico reported on a poll commissioned by American Bridge 21st Century and conducted by Impact Research. The survey found that as…

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential Campaign Announcement
Donald Trump was a failed President who left America with an out-of-control pandemic and the largest unemployment in modern history.

AB21 Announces $10 Million Effort To Keep Elections Free and Fair
Yesterday, American Bridge 21st Century announced the launch of a $10 million effort to keep elections free and fair against…

AB21 Launches 8 Figure Program Targeting Down Ballot Election Administration Races
Today, American Bridge 21st Century launched "Bridge to Democracy" a 2022 midterm and 2024 Presidential program where AB21 will be targeting election…

Pompeo Plays ‘24 Endorsement Politics With Donations to Anti-MAGA Republicans
According to a new report from the Kansas Reflector, in 2021 Mike Pompeo’s super PAC sent more than $2 million to…

AB21 President Jess Floyd Calls Out GOP for Obstructing Economic Recovery
Thanks to the American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, our economy is on the road to recovery. But…

Brutal FL Headline: “When talking about COVID-19, DeSantis leaves out key facts”
Today, the Orlando Sentinel published a comprehensive breakdown of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ COVID-19 public response — and public health experts had a…

2024 GOP Presidential Contenders Fall for Yet Another Conspiracy Theory
Yesterday the Washington Post reported that major potential Republican 2024 candidates, including Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and Josh…

Gov. Noem campaign received contributions made by right-wing extremist, killer
In Response American Bridge Released a Video Highlighting Her Unscrupulous Fundraising Ties In case you missed it, yesterday the Argus…

Cecile Richards Slams GOP For Focus On “Ending Access To Safe And Legal Abortion.”
Former Planned Parenthood president and American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Cecile Richards joined ABC Live to discuss Justice Breyer’s retirement and the impact it…