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Friday, Feb 17 2017

Newspapers Across the Country Call on Congress to Investigate Trump’s Ties to Russia

Feb 17, 2017

Editorials Call an Investigation an “urgent obligation,” “duty to the American people,” and a “dire need”

As Donald Trump flees to Mar-A-Lago this weekend, he can’t escape the scathing headlines and editorials from newspapers across the country calling for a thorough and independent investigation of Trump and his aides’ connections to the Russian interests that stole documents to influence our election. This week it we learned Trump’s campaign  was in “constant communication” with Russian intelligence officials and his National Security Advisor was forced to resign after lying about potentially illegal conversations he had with Russia about lifting sanctions.

The New York Times – Bring On the Special Prosecutor

“In light of the stunning events of the past week, the question is not whether the Trump administration’s ties to the Russian government need to be investigated immediately and fully — clearly they do. It’s who will be in charge of that investigation?”

The Washington Post: The nation needs answers, not deflections, on Russia and Trump

“Still, the latest news, on the heels of the forced resignation of national security adviser Michael Flynn over contacts with the Russian ambassador, underscores the dire need for a broader, bipartisan probe of Russia’s election-year meddling.”

The Wall Street Journal Editorial: The Michael Flynn Fallout

“The House and Senate intelligence committees ought to include any FISA warrants and leaks as part of their probe. Someone—perhaps the President—should declassify any FISA order request and the Flynn transcripts if they don’t harm other reputations.”

The Chicago Sun Times Editorial: Put pressure on for honest probe of Trump and Russia

“If there is any chance the Senate, House or Justice Department — now run by a Trump appointee — will take an honest and thorough look at the Trump administration’s dealings with Moscow before and after the November election, it will be because an outraged public demands it.” […] “Demand a close examination by legislators of the transcript of Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador. Demand that Flynn be called to testify under oath.”

San Francisco Chronicle Editorial: Congress must investigate Trump’s Russia ties

“But that’s more reason — not less — for Congress to launch an independent bipartisan investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. A pattern is forming within Trump’s circle of officials and associates, and so is a credibility gap.”

The New York Times Editorial: The Missing Pieces in the Flynn Story

“With the world in turmoil, his three-week-old administration is consumed by a self-inflicted crisis, marked by a pattern of recurrent lying and incompetence, and perhaps worse.”

The Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial: It’s time for an investigation of Trump’s dealings with Russia

“The evidence pointing to dark doings between Donald Trump and Russia’s autocratic regime is circumstantial. Individually, the elements can be explained away. But taken together, they point to a pattern that merits intense scrutiny.”

The Dallas Morning News Editorial: Trump’s Russia problem imperils his presidency, and undermines faith in America

“Americans deserve to know — and know soon — is what ties Trump and his team have had over the years with Russia, and how have they influenced him as a candidate and as president.”

Tampa Bay Times Editorial – Get to the bottom of Russian connections

“The best way to clear the air and get the facts would be a thorough investigation by the Justice Department, Congress or an independent, bipartisan commission. The American people need to be fully informed, and the Trump administration cannot be successful with such a dark cloud hanging over it.”

The Bangor Daily News Editorial – Russian investigation one of many Congress should undertake

“When it comes to Russia, however, there are troubling signs that the administration continues to withhold information and mislead lawmakers and the public about the extent and nature of its ties with the Putin regime.”

The New York Times Editorial: Time for Congress to Investigate Mr. Trump’s Ties to Russia

“Coming on top of credible information from America’s intelligence agencies that Russia tried to destabilize and influence the 2016 presidential campaign, these latest revelations are more than sufficient reason for Congress to investigate what Moscow has been up to and whether people at the highest levels of the United States government have aided and abetted the interests of a nation that has tried to thwart American foreign policy since the Cold War.”

Star Tribune Editorial: Congress must investigate Trump-Russia connections

“After rumors of Russian ties with previous campaign aides, after boasts by a Trump son of extensive business dealings with Russia, after Trump’s own high-profile urgings that Russia essentially hack into his campaign rival’s e-mails and distribute them, it is time for the American public to know exactly what is going on between the Trump administration and a longtime adversary of this nation.”

Mass Live Editorial: Trump-Russia connection merits full congressional probe

“These are truly disturbing revelations.” […] “Congress must investigate the Trump-Russia link, fully and exhaustively – now.”

The Charlotte Observer Editorial: Investigate Trump’s ties to Russia – now

“The need for an independent, nonpartisan investigation into the role Russia played in the November election, and the potential influence it may have in the Trump administration, becomes more urgent and sobering by the day.”

Arizona Republic Editorial: Trump won’t give us answers. Congress should find them, anyway

“Trump won’t give us straight answers to tough questions about his involvement with Russia. Congress has a duty to the American people to find those answers.”

The Shelby Star Editorial: Flynn saga needs to be probed

“The resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn doesn’t end the story. On the contrary, questions about his — and the Trump administration’s — ties to Russia are only beginning. The nation deserves answers.”

The Waco Tribune-Herald Editorial: Time overdue to determine US-Kremlin ties in Trump administration

“We support calls by Republican Sens. John Cornyn, Roy Blunt and Lindsey Graham to broaden bipartisan investigations to include the apparent subterfuge involving Flynn, the Trump White House and transcripts of Flynn’s calls with the Russian ambassador to the United States.”

The Detroit Free Press Editorial: What did Trump know about Michael Flynn and when?

“It is the now the urgent obligation of both the Justice Department and the U.S. Congress to follow the trail of evidence that begins with the U.S. government’s own intercepts wherever it leads.”

The Lincoln Journal Star Editorial: A nation needs answers on Russia

“In fact, it makes total sense for the Republicans to investigate Republicans — to restore trust in representative government, reinforce the separation of powers between the three branches of government and, most importantly, to determine if the nation’s security and electoral process were compromised by the Russians.”

Published: Feb 17, 2017

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