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News Foreign Policy Monday, Jun 13 2016

No Foreign Policy Experience, But Trump Owns Shady Businesses In Saudi Arabia

Jun 13, 2016

Irrational and unpredictable, Donald Trump has repeatedly shown he cannot be trusted as Commander in Chief. But even barring his ego, it is impossible to ignore the presumptive GOP nominee’s complete lack of foreign policy experience and numerous conflicts of interest. What would Trump put first for instance when it comes to Saudi Arabia? America’s best interests or his personal wealth?

According to BuzzFeed, Trump has formed at least 46 companies since last June including in Saudia Arabia where he has formed at least 8 companies — 4 of which “were dissolved within months” — and there’s “been no public disclosure about the purpose” of any of the entities.

Trump’s essentially unprecedented lack of transparency in his staunch refusal to release his tax returns means Americans don’t know where his interests lie. As the country is grieving the loss of 50 innocent lives, Trump has turned the focus to himself, tweeting “self-congratulatory notes” and making it clearer than ever his loyalties will always fall with his self interest first and what’s best for the country second.

Published: Jun 13, 2016

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