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U.S. Senate

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.

Today, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that during a campaign stop last week, Ron Johnson “was definitive — saying he…

News Articles Press Releases Mehmet Oz Wednesday, Sep 7 2022

PASEN Republican Mehmet Oz Claims Incest Is “Not A Big Problem”

According to a new report from Jezebel, during a 2014 Breakfast Club interview, then-New Jerseyan and current Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Senate…

Marco Rubio: Just Pay Off Your Student Loans with a Ghostwritten Book

A recent story from Newsweek reported that disparaging and out of touch comments from 2024 GOP hopeful and U.S. Senator Marco Rubio on student…

U.S. Senate Republican Candidates Grab “Third Rail”: Back Cuts to Social Security

A recent report from NBC News highlights that Republican U.S. Senate candidates “have called for cutting long-term Social Security.” GOP…

Press Releases Herschel Walker Economy Tuesday, Aug 16 2022

GASEN Nominee Herschel Walker AGAIN Complains About “Taxing the Wealthy”

According to a new report from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Georgia Republican U.S. Senate nominee Herschel Walker is doubling down on…

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.
Press Releases Ron Johnson Tuesday, Aug 9 2022

American Bridge Statement On The Wisconsin GOP Senate Primary

In response to Ron Johnson winning the Wisconsin Republican primary, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Aidan Johnson issued the following…

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.
Press Releases Ron Johnson Health Care Wednesday, Aug 3 2022

Ron Johnson Signals Support for Cutting Social Security and Medicare

Yesterday, the Wisconsin State Journal reported that Wisconsin GOP U.S. Senator Ron Johnson suggested Social Security and Medicare should be…

Blake Masters Peter Thiel Wednesday, Aug 3 2022

AB21 Statement on Arizona’s Republican U.S. Senate Primary Results

American Bridge 21st Century released the following statement on Blake Masters winning the Arizona Republican U.S. Senate primary after Big…

Press Releases Eric Schmitt Abortion Tuesday, Aug 2 2022

Abortion Extremist, Medicaid Expansion Opponent Eric Schmitt Wins MO-Sen GOP Nomination 

American Bridge 21st Century released the following statement on Eric Schmitt winning today’s Missouri Republican U.S. Senate primary, after using…

Mehmet Oz Monday, Aug 1 2022

Mehmet Oz Had a Direct Financial Stake in Products Promoted on His Show

According to a new report from the Daily Beast, Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Senate nominee Mehmet Oz has “long used his…

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