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U.S. Senate

Josh Mandel Tuesday, Aug 16 2011

Plain Dealer: Josh Mandel's finances include dozens of stocks, real estate and some recent wise buys

Steve Koff examines Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel's Ohio financial disclosure.

If you bought stock in Exxon Mobil last summer and held it until February, your profit could be as high as $30 a share. Except for a temporary dip, Exxon Mobil Corp. was on a path to make money for investors in 2010. That, presumably, is why Josh Mandel bought it.

Josh Mandel LGBTQ+ Tuesday, Aug 16 2011

PolitiFact Ohio: Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland raps Josh Mandel as a flip flopper on abortion, gay rights

Politifact Ohio examines Gov. Strickland's comments on Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel's positions. Despite his support for domestic partner benefits…

Josh Mandel Monday, Aug 15 2011

Columbus Dispatch: Mandel’s financial report still unfiled

Jessica Wehrman reports on Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel's still unfiled Senate personal financial disclosure.

U.S. Senate rules require candidates to publicly disclose their personal finances, but Ohio Treasurer and 2012 Senate candidate Josh Mandel has yet to do so.
You can read the rest of the article here.

Friday, Aug 5 2011

MEMO: Republican Candidates And The Debt Limit

To: Interested Parties From: Rodell Mollineau, President American Bridge Date: 8/5/11 RE: Republican Candidates and the Debt Limit This past week we witnessed the Republicans and their Tea Party allies play a dangerous game of chicken with our nation’s economy. They drove the economy right to the brink threatening to let our nation fail to pay its bills for the first time in history. And while eventually the Republican leaders came to their senses and agreed to raise the debt ceiling, what was truly frightening was how Republican candidates for both President and the Senate ran to the far right advocating either default or the dangerous economic policies, deemed “cut cap and balance,” that would have sent our economy right over the cliff.


All respected economic experts agreed we had to raise our debt ceiling and instituting the “cut, cap, and balance” would be a death knell to our economy.

“This would be an unprecedented event in American history. A default would inflict catastrophic, far-reaching damage on our Nation’s economy, significantly reducing growth, and increasing unemployment… Default would not only increase borrowing costs for the Federal government, but also for families, businesses, and local governments – reducing investment and job creation throughout the economy.” [letter from Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, 5/13/11]

Wednesday, Aug 3 2011

Plain Dealer editorial: Josh Mandel's opportunism

The Plain Dealer editorialized on Josh Mandel's opposition to the debt deal. Mandel's position may appeal to the Tea Party…

Tuesday, Aug 2 2011

Plain Dealer: Josh Mandel would have voted against debt deal, blasts Sherrod Brown

Steve Koff at the Plain Dealer reports: U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel, who's currently the Ohio treasurer, would have voted…

Josh Mandel Tuesday, Jun 21 2011

Toledo Blade: Senate candidate misses financial filing deadline

On June 20, 2011, the Toldeo Blade reported:

Republican Ohio state Treasurer Josh Mandel has missed a deadline by more than 30 days in which to file his personal financial disclosure statement as a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Josh Mandel On Voting Rights

2009: Mandel Voted Against Online Voter Registration And Other Voting Reform Measures. In 2009, Mandel voted against HB 260. The bill would allow online voter registration and absentee ballot requests, eliminate the requirement that a voter’s identification show the voter’s current address, expand from one to four the number of locations early voting can take place in a county, and automatically register people to vote upon graduating high school, updating information at certain agencies or updating driver’s license information. It would also create a formula for boards of elections to determine distribution of voting machines, eliminate the requirement that a person must reside in the precinct in which the person votes, require changes of address made to driver’s licenses to serve as notification of change of address for voter registration, and allow people who have moved within a county to cast a regular (not a provisional) ballot. It would require notification be sent if a board of elections does not accept a person’s voter registration or absentee ballot application and allow that person up to 15 days before an election to correct the voter registration application, allow people to request absentee ballots once for the entire calendar year, allow certain county-wide elections by mail, reform financing of elections and revise language on ballots and voter registration forms. The bill passed 52-46. [H.B. 260, 11/18/09]

Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Josh Mandel On Housing

Mandel 1 Of Only 5 To Vote Against Expanding Homestead Property Tax Exemption. In 2008, Mandel voted against S.B. 306. The bill would expand eligibility for the homestead property tax exemption, the 2.5% “rollback,” for residents of housing cooperatives by reducing the number of units a housing complex must contain to qualify as an eligible housing cooperative from 250 to 2. The bill passed the House 90-5. [S.B. 206, 12/17/08]

Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Josh Mandel On Health Care

Mandel Voted Against $209,035,021 For Medical And Health Programs, Including $10,020,403 For Hospitals. In 2010, Josh Mandel was one of only 18 legislators in both the House and the Senate (out of 129 legislators) to vote against House Bill 462, the capital re-appropriations bill. The bill included $209,035,021 for medical and health programs, including $10,020,403 for hospitals. [H.B. 462, 3/16/10]

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