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News Thursday, Aug 25 2016

On Stage Or Off, Ayotte Will Cast Her Ballot For White Nationalist Hero Donald Trump

Aug 25, 2016

Senator Kelly Ayotte isn’t joining Donald Trump on stage at his Manchester rally today, but that doesn’t mean she’s not still fully supporting the alt-right hero.

Trump’s new chief executive, Steve Bannon, makes it clearer than ever how far out of the mainstream the GOP nominee has gone. The latest campaign shake-up didn’t change his positions on immigration, the Muslim ban, or foreign policy — it reaffirmed his affiliations with white nationalism and neo-Nazis. (Read more from American Bridge about Trump’s ties to white nationalists here.)

And who’s voting for him in November? Kelly Ayotte.

Ayotte repeatedly tries to have it both ways when it comes to her party’s leading demagogue. But no matter how many times she tries to explain “support vs. endorse” (it’s means the same thing), the bottom line is Ayotte wants Trump to be Commander-in-Chief and she’s said again and again that she’ll vote for him in November.

Donald Trump isn’t changing: he’s said it himself. He will never stop making offensive and racist comments, or tweeting anti-semetic sentiments, or helping grow the white nationalist movement. Despite all of that and more, Senator Ayotte is still supporting him. New Hampshire deserves better than Kelly Ayotte.

Published: Aug 25, 2016 | Last Modified: Jan 18, 2024

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