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News Friday, Dec 6 2013

Oops! Scott Brown forgets what state he’s in: "Massachus-New Hampshire" (VIDEO)

Dec 06, 2013

Last night, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown put Rick Perry’s “Oops!” moment to shame by officially forgetting what state he is publicly flirting with seeking office in. While discussing his timetable for making a decision about a potential Senate run (in Londonderry, NEW HAMPSHIRE) Scott Brown said…

What I’ve heard from the Republicans up here is they’re thankful that I’ve been around for a year, helping them raise money, helping them raise awareness as to the issues that are effecting not only people here in Massachesett–uh, in New Hampshire, but also in Massachusetts, obviously, in Maine. I’ve been to Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, I’ve been all over the New England area, certainly, talking and helping people raise money.

I don’t know if this has ever been polled, but I reckon that being confident about the name of the state you’re running for office in is fairly high on voters’ list of important attributes for candidates.

Here’s the American Bridge tracking video:

Published: Dec 6, 2013 | Last Modified: Dec 30, 2024

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