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AZ healthcare oppo

Anthony Kern Thursday, Aug 13 2020

Oppo Dump: AZ Republicans’ Disastrous Health Care Records

Aug 13, 2020

American Bridge 21st Century released the second in a series of reports targeting Republican state lawmakers, read it here.

Today American Bridge 21st Century — a Democratic super PAC— released a new “oppo dump” targeting Republican state legislative candidates on health care. The report focuses on their legislative actions and positions that harm public health and access to affordable health care. 

“With Trump dead-set on rolling back the Affordable Care Act in the midst of a pandemic, electing state legislators who will stand up for our health care matters now more than ever,” said Katie Parrish, spokesperson at American Bridge 21st Century. “These Republicans have pushed to make health care more expensive and less accessible to everyday Arizonans, and it’s time to show them the door this November.” 

Report Highlights:

  • Sen. JD Mesnard (LD-17) used his position on the Finance Committee to keep health care expensive, killing bills that would stop surprise out-of-network bills. He’s also opposed Medicaid expansion, the restoration of KidsCare, and paid sick leave. 
  • Sen. Kate Brophy McGee (LD-28) sponsored a bill letting businesses offer employees junk insurance plans that don’t cover essential services like hospitalization and maternity care. 
  • Rep. Anthony Kern (LD-20) used his position on the Rules Committee to kill bills that would increase access to care for indigeneous communities and pregnant individuals. He also voted for vaccine exemptions and to make doctors overemphasize the risks of vaccination. 

American Bridge 21st Century’s Oppo Dump is a component of the group’s new state legislative program which aims to help Democrats flip the Arizona Legislature through comprehensive candidate research and tracking. 

Read the report here

Published: Aug 13, 2020

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