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News Press Releases Mark Robinson Thursday, Sep 19 2024

Donald Trump on Mark Robinson: “He’s got to win. Got to win. He’s a good man.”

News Press Releases Donald Trump Thursday, Sep 12 2024

WATCH: American Bridge Launches $15M Wave of Ads in Blue Wall States

News Press Releases Donald Trump Monday, Aug 19 2024

Catch ‘Em All: American Bridge Debuts RNC Trading Cards

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Jul 31 2024

Largest Democratic Opposition Research Org Launches ‘Trump’s Orbit’ Research Hub

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Founded in 2010, American Bridge 21st Century is the largest research, video tracking, and rapid response organization in Democratic and progressive politics. We find what Republicans are hiding and make sure voters hear about it.

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News Press Releases Kelly Ayotte Tuesday, Oct 22 2024

What You Need to Know About Kelly Ayotte Before Today’s NH Gubernatorial Debate

This week, there are two New Hampshire gubernatorial debates — today’s NHPR debate and Thursday's Manchester Chamber of Commerce debate. We’re expecting the usual lies from Kelly Ayotte about her anti-choice record, her corporate connections, and her history of voting to gut the key programs that Granite Staters rely on — and we’re here to make sure you don’t fall for them. “Despite the tune…

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