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President Florida

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Health Care Wednesday, Jun 24 2020

Trump ACTUALLY Slows COVID-19 Testing Down

On Saturday night in Tulsa, Donald Trump boasted that he ordered coronavirus testing to be slowed down to prevent a…

Donald Trump Tuesday, Jun 23 2020

American Bridge Releases Report Detailing Trump’s Failed Coronavirus Response

The report contrasts the erratic U.S. response to other developed nations Today, 2,200,000 Americans have contracted the virus, and 120,000…

Donald Trump Kelly Loeffler Tuesday, Mar 24 2020

Corrupt Wall Street Megadonors Have Direct Line To Trump While Americans Struggle

Just hours ago, Donald Trump shocked health experts and the nation by claiming that he wants the country “opened up”…

Donald Trump Tuesday, Mar 24 2020

FACT CHECK: Trump Lies to Hide Failing COVID-19 Response

As Donald Trump addresses the nation through a virtual town hall, the American people should think twice before believing a…

Donald Trump Friday, Mar 20 2020

Washington Post: A brutal new ad uses Trump’s own words against him

By Greg Sargent on 3/20/20 at 3:28 PMIt’s often argued that we must avoid “politicizing” crises like the current coronavirus catastrophe. But…

Donald Trump Friday, Mar 20 2020

New Digital Campaign Slams Trump For Failing Coronavirus Response

American Bridge Launches New Digital Ads in MI, PA, WI American Bridge is launching an aggressive new digital campaign slamming…

Donald Trump Thursday, Mar 19 2020

New York Times: Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded

Donald Trump continues to gaslight our country about what he knew and when knew it, but we know the truth:…

Donald Trump Richard Burr Susan Collins Thursday, Mar 19 2020

Devastating Audio of Sen. Burr’s Coronavirus Warning Raises Questions About What Susan Collins Knew and When Did She Know It

This morning, NPR obtained devastating audio of Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Burr telling an elite group of business people in a…

Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 18 2020

GASLIGHTER/DENIER: Trump: “I’ve Always Known This Is a Pandemic.”

After months of downplaying the threat of COVID-19 and failing to prepare the United States for a global pandemic that…

Donald Trump Wednesday, Mar 18 2020

QUICK CLIPS: Trump: “That’s Been the Story of Life,” Wealthy People to the Front in COVID-19 Testing

During today’s Coronavirus Task Force press conference, Donald Trump made it alarmingly clear that the wealthy will have access to…

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