FACT CHECK: Trump Lies to Hide Failing COVID-19 Response
As Donald Trump addresses the nation through a virtual town hall, the American people should think twice before believing a…

Washington Post: A brutal new ad uses Trump’s own words against him
By Greg Sargent on 3/20/20 at 3:28 PMIt’s often argued that we must avoid “politicizing” crises like the current coronavirus catastrophe. But…

New Digital Campaign Slams Trump For Failing Coronavirus Response
American Bridge Launches New Digital Ads in MI, PA, WI American Bridge is launching an aggressive new digital campaign slamming…

New York Times: Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded
Donald Trump continues to gaslight our country about what he knew and when knew it, but we know the truth:…

Devastating Audio of Sen. Burr’s Coronavirus Warning Raises Questions About What Susan Collins Knew and When Did She Know It
This morning, NPR obtained devastating audio of Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Burr telling an elite group of business people in a…

GASLIGHTER/DENIER: Trump: “I’ve Always Known This Is a Pandemic.”
After months of downplaying the threat of COVID-19 and failing to prepare the United States for a global pandemic that…

QUICK CLIPS: Trump: “That’s Been the Story of Life,” Wealthy People to the Front in COVID-19 Testing
During today’s Coronavirus Task Force press conference, Donald Trump made it alarmingly clear that the wealthy will have access to…

Amidst COVID-19 Crisis, Trump & Family Continue Illegally Profiting off of Taxpayers at Doral Resort
"With a looming public health crisis on the horizon, Donald Trump, again, sought to corruptly leverage his power to personally…

NPR: Poll: Americans Don’t Trust What They’re Hearing From Trump On Coronavirus
“For months, Donald Trump dangerously downplayed the risks of COVID-19 and stumbled over himself to take credit for a lackluster…

*Excluding all countries with a Trump Resort “In the middle of a global pandemic, it comes as no surprise to…