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Governor New Hampshire

Kelly Ayotte

News Kelly Ayotte Thursday, Oct 8 2015

New Hampshire Can’t Trust Ayotte To Protect Medicare

More than 230,000 New Hampshire residents were Medicare beneficiaries in 2012, according to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Yet Senator Kelly Ayotte voted…

News Kelly Ayotte Wednesday, Oct 7 2015

Karl Rove "Spending Big Bucks" To Save Kelly Ayotte

Another one of Kelly Ayotte's special interest backers is spending millions this week to try to save her campaign. NH1 reports,…

News Kelly Ayotte Tuesday, Oct 6 2015

Kelly Ayotte Puts Big Banks Ahead Of NH Students

In a laughable attempt to cover up her terrible record on college affordability, Kelly Ayotte introduced a new bill that…

News Kelly Ayotte Wednesday, Aug 12 2015

Ayotte Lends An Ear, Kochs Spend Big

Since she's been in the Senate, Kelly Ayotte has lent an ear to the Koch brothers. Now, the billionaire brothers…

News Kelly Ayotte Tuesday, Aug 4 2015

Ayotte’s Embarrassing Record On Women’s Health

Senator Kelly Ayotte's record on women's health ignores the hard working families of New Hampshire. Siting heavily edited and misleading…

News Kelly Ayotte Tuesday, Jul 21 2015

Ayotte Allies Want To Take Jobs From New Hampshire

Kelly Ayotte's record on outsourcing is shameless. While she was supposed to be representing the people of New Hampshire in the…

News Greg Abbott Kelly Ayotte Wednesday, Jul 8 2015

Pro-Ayotte Super PAC Leader Texas Two-Stepping In The Granite State

Kelly Ayotte is already running scared, calling on big money allies to put up hundreds of thousands of dollars for…

News Kelly Ayotte Economy Education LGBTQ+ Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

Kelly Ayotte Goes Full Washington

Kelly Ayotte is launching her reelection campaign as one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country. Granite Staters don’t trust Ayotte to put them first ahead of the special interests bankrolling her campaign, and it’s easy to see why after five years in D.C. Ayotte’s resume reads like a who’s who of out-of-touch Republican positions:

  • Ayotte supports raising the retirement age and cutting Social Security benefits.
  • Ayotte voted to roll back Wall Street reforms, while her largest donors are Wall Street execs.
  • Ayotte opposes equal pay measures and voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act.
  • Ayotte voted to voucherize Medicare in the Ryan Budget.
  • Ayotte is anti-choice and would overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • Ayotte voted to defund Planned Parenthood.
  • Ayotte would allow employers to make health care decisions for female employees by supporting the Blunt Amendment and Hobby Lobby decision.
  • Ayotte opposes marriage equality and same-sex adoption.
  • Ayotte voted against allowing people to refinance their college loan debt.
It’s no wonder that Republicans are already vowing to shatter previous New Hampshire spending and groups like Karl Rove’s are jumping into the race to prop up Kelly Ayotte. Special interests are doing everything they can to keep Ayotte in D.C. because she’s a rubber stamp for their priorities.

News Kelly Ayotte Tuesday, Jun 9 2015

Shady Ayotte Allies Behind Factually-Challenged Attack on Hassan

Senator Kelly Ayotte is battling trouble on multiple fronts, from her awkward attempts to distance herself from onetime ally Frank Guinta to her experiment in legislation to cover up her anti women's health record and getting busted in a lie about a campaign film crew at a taxpayer-funded event.  Now, she's turning to a pair of shady old allies to try and rough up Governor Maggie Hassan with misleading claims about her record.  Read more about Ayotte's ties to this shady special interest group in the Bridge Project's Conservative Transparency database:

Impact America Action is a shadowy right-wing organization that first popped up in the 2014 Nebraska gubernatorial election.  In that election, the group ran $200,000 in ads against then-candidate Pete Ricketts “for once supporting a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants during his 2006 U.S. Senate race” despite Ricketts’ reversal on that position in 2014, according to the Omaha World-Herald.

Virtually no information is available about the organization, and IAA’s website provides little more than a boilerplate endorsement of “pro-growth solutions.”

News Kelly Ayotte Wednesday, May 27 2015

Ayotte steps into a “mostly false” on women’s healthcare

Kelly Ayotte is rehashing an outdated conservative bill in a recent op-ed that would make birth control up to 600 bucks more expensive per year and cost women around the country more than $480 million. One big problem for Ayotte – it's the same bill that Cory Gardner sponsored last year when his argument that it would make birth control "cheaper and easier for you" was deemed “mostly false." No surprise that the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Planned Parenthood oppose Ayotte's bill.

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