Ron Johnson has repeatedly opposed Wisconsinites best interests while working to secure tax breaks for himself and his biggest billionaire corporate backers. He supports hardline abortion bans, voted against lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs, and championed the outsourcing of Wisconsin jobs.

Report: Ron Johnson Secured $200-Million Tax Break for Biggest Billionaire Backers
A new report from ProPublica documents Ron Johnson’s ferocious advocacy to secure large tax breaks in the 2017 GOP tax for his biggest…

U.S. Senate Passes Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Thanks to Democratic Leadership
Across the country, 2022 GOP Senate candidates have joined Republicans like Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, and Pat Toomey, in opposing…
Johnson Says He’ll Oppose “Good” Infrastructure Bill
Despite its expected benefits for Wisconsin, Ron Johnson has fully ruled out supporting the bipartisan infrastructure deal he last week…
As Medicare Turns 56, GOP Eyes Cuts
On the 56th anniversary of Medicare being signed into law, President Biden and Democrats in Congress are considering proposals that would…
Losing BID: Ron Johnson Praises Dough, Then Votes “No”
Johnson praises bipartisan infrastructure deal, then votes “no” anyway A politician says one thing and does another -- it’s a…
Ron Johnson Says “No” to Bipartisan Infrastructure
Putting partisan politics ahead of getting things done for Wisconsinites, Ron Johnson is indicating he’ll vote to block debate on…

Senate GOP Pushes Social Security & Medicare Cuts
Approximately every six months, Senate Republicans inevitably return to openly promoting their long-running project of trying to cut Social Security…
Ron Johnson & GOP Oppose New Working Family Tax Cut
Beginning tomorrow, Thursday, July 15, working families across Wisconsin will start receiving a monthly tax cut that was established under…

WI Coverage: Ron Johnson Caught Lying
Following recent CNN reporting, news outlets across Wisconsin and the country are highlighting that Ron Johnson was this week caught…

Ron Johnson: Climate Change Is “Bullshit”
As reported by CNN, Johnson’s private 6/5/21 remarks directly contradict his recent public contention that “I am not a climate…