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Ron Johnson frowning during hearing for DC Statehood - 6-22-21 (1)

U.S. Senate Wisconsin

Ron Johnson

Ron Johnson has repeatedly opposed Wisconsinites best interests while working to secure tax breaks for himself and his biggest billionaire corporate backers. He supports hardline abortion bans, voted against lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs, and championed the outsourcing of Wisconsin jobs.

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.
Ron Johnson Wednesday, Jun 30 2021

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Editorial: Ron Johnson “Not Fit To Be Your Senator”

Editorial Board writes that Johnson is Wisconsin’s most “irresponsible representative” since Joseph McCarthy, and “not fit to be your senator”…

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.
Ron Johnson Friday, Jun 25 2021

Wisconsin Doctor: “Sen. Johnson Should Cancel Anti-Vaccine Event”

Yesterday, WITI-TV reported Johnson’s planning to hold a 6/28 event where he plans to spread misinformation about the COVID vaccines’…

Ron Johnson Thursday, Jun 24 2021

Ron Johnson “Not A Real Fan” Of Tax Cuts For Working Families

Yesterday, Johnson reaffirmed his opposition to the expanded child tax credit that will provide up to $300/month per child to…

Joe Biden Ron Johnson Wednesday, Jun 23 2021

Wisconsin News Covers Working Families Tax Cuts As Ron Johnson Doubles Down On His Opposition

As U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson continues to attack the American Rescue Plan’s expanded child tax credit that’s set to benefit 39 million families starting on…

Ron Johnson Tuesday, Jun 22 2021

Ron Johnson Filibusters Effort To Strengthen Voting Rights And Elections

Earlier this month, Republicans filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act,and they filibustered the establishment of a bipartisan Jan. 6 Commission in May,…

Ron Johnson Monday, Jun 21 2021

Ron Johnson Doubles Down On Opposition To Tax Cuts For Working Families

Ron Johnson: “I’m all for families, but...” Previously: Johnson delayed and then voted against the American Rescue Plan which included the up to $300-per child-per month…

Marco Rubio Ron Johnson Wednesday, Jun 9 2021

Johnson, Rubio Vote to Make China Great Again

Senate Republicans Ron Johnson and Marco Rubio sided with China over America’s working families by opposing the bipartisan U.S Innovation…

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.
Donald Trump Ron Johnson Friday, May 14 2021

Ron Johnson’s Big Lie About the Big Lie

Today Wisconsin Senator and noted insurrection defender Ron Johnson told a Forbes reporter that he’s “never talked about the election…

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.
Ron Johnson Monday, Apr 19 2021

From Ron Johnson’s Lips to Your Ears: “I Get Criticized Brutally for Wanting to Stand in the Way of Getting Checks to Everybody

Listen to Johnson make the case against his own reelection here: Well, you don’t see this every day. Embattled…

Ron Johnson Saturday, Mar 13 2021

American Bridge 21st Century Calls on Ron Johnson to Resign Over Racist January 6 Comments

Johnson said yesterday that he wasn’t worried when white insurrectionists stormed the Capitol because they “love this country,” but that…

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