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U.S. Senate New Hampshire

Scott Brown

Scott Brown is a political opportunist who prioritizes party loyalty over the needs of the people he represents. Brown’s shift from Massachusetts to New Hampshire in pursuit of political gain and his alignment with divisive, corporate-backed policies make him a poor choice for New Hampshire.

News Scott Brown Tuesday, Sep 9 2014

Two More Months To Enjoy Scott Brown’s Hilarious Campaign

Republicans have their candidate in the New Hampshire senate race. But he'll be the first to tell you, he's not from New Hampshire.

Beyond that obvious shortcoming, Scott Brown comes with plenty of non-carpet baggage as well. As he enters a new stage in his disastrous attempt to become a New Hampshirite and then become a New Hampshire senator, here are the top 10 lowlights from his haphazard campaign thus far:

  1. He said, "I'm not going to create one job" as Senator of New Hampshire -- although he seemed more interested in job creation in Massachusetts. [VIDEO]
  2. In an attempt to close a massive deficit among female voters, Brown awkwardly dished out "hero awards" to female supporters, at least one of whom was confused, embarrassed, and not even sure who she would vote for.
  3. He woke up to this lovely headline about sitting on the board at Kadant: "Brown’s $270K income from Mass. company exporting jobs overseas belies campaign promises"
  4. In his attempt to pander to the right during primary season, Brown made a fool of himself by denying that man-made climate change was scientifically proven -- in direct contradiction with his position from 2012.
  5. He got clobbered for helping to tank Jeanne Shaheen's bipartisan energy bill -- which was supported by Kelly Ayotte -- just to try to strip her of an accomplishment to run on.
  6. He abruptly resigned from an advisory role at obscure Florida-based company froom which he had received $1.3 million in stock after questions began to swirl over the business's practices and his involvement.

News Scott Brown Thursday, Sep 4 2014

First of all, where is Scott Brown *really* from?

At tonight's New Hampshire Senate Republican primary debate, when asked why he's running for Senate in NH this time around, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown said he's running in the Granite State because "first of all I live here in New Hampshire, it's kind of hard to run when you're not in that state... I have long and strong ties" to New Hampshire. Here at American Bridge, that caught our attention, and same for our friends at Granite State Progress, who promptly released this audio from a 2010 radio interview in which the very same Scott Brown clarifies "first of all, I'm not from New Hampshire." So which is it, Scott?

News Wednesday, Sep 3 2014

BREAKING VIDEO: Scott Brown: "I’m not going to create one job. It’s not my job to create jobs."

Here is Scott Brown's job creation plan in his own words:

"Here's the thing, people say, what are you going to do to create jobs, I am not going to create one job, it is not my job to create jobs. It's yours."

News Friday, Aug 22 2014

FOX and Friend (Scott Brown)

This was Scott Brown just last week. Brown was utterly incredulous when it was suggested that FOX News would be any more favorable to his campaign just because he worked there. He pointed out that he was nothing more than a (very well paid) part-time employee. Coincidentally, FOX decided to do an apocalyptic special titled "Live Free Or Die: The Affordable Care Act in New Hampshire." This is the only special FOX has done focused on a single state all cycle. It offers a doomsday view of the new healthcare law in the Granite State, before entering savior Scott Brown in the final minutes to chronicle his heroic campaign to defeat Jeanne Shaheen and repeal the law. And FOX isn't the only outside help Scott Brown is getting in Mission: Tell Everyone ACA Will Destroy Their Lives -- the Koch Brothers' AFP has run false ads to attack Brown's opponent over health care too. But forget the skewed picture painted by FOX and AFP, and the nuanced politics of the Affordable Care Act for Scott Brown (only about one-third of voters support his repeal stance). This special, on the heels of Scott Brown's categorical dismissal of the notion that FOX would do anything to help his floundering campaign, is one more piece of evidence that you can't trust a word that comes out of this guy's mouth. Shocking, from a Massachusetts guy trying to convince the whole state of New Hampshire that he's one of them, right?

The Wire Friday, Aug 15 2014

Scott Brown: "Open" and "Unfettered" (VIDEO)

Scott Brown says a lot of things that he thinks people want to hear. Like, "I'm from New Hampshire," for example. But unfortunately for Scott Brown, reality matters. Recently, Brown has been touting the openness and unfettered-ness of his open and unfettered town halls. The only problem, as BuzzFeed recently reported, is the actual town halls seem to be a bit more closed and fettered than the former Massachusetts senator let on.

The Wire Scott Brown Energy Friday, May 16 2014

Scott Brown’s Rough Week

Scott Brown has had a rough week. The former Massachusetts senator-turned-Fox News commentator-turned-New Hampshire senate hopeful has had a rocky introduction to the Granite State. As he said, "Do I have the best credentials? Probably not. 'Cause, you know, whatever." Well things got even worse this week when it came to light that Brown had been lobbying Republican senators to kill Jeanne Shaheen's bipartisan energy bill--which would have created jobs and protected the environment--to deprive his opponent of the accomplishment. Classy. Even Sen. Ayotte voted for the bill, despite Brown's personal appeal, because in her words, "I just did what I thought was best based on my state." And the week didn't get any better for Scott Brown. But don't take our word for it, just check out the headlines:

Kelly Ayotte Says She Ignored Scott Brown's Wishes For The Good Of New Hampshire

Ryan Grim, Huffington Post

Teamsters say Scott Brown lied to their face

James Pindell, WMUR

Midterm campaigning gets in the way of energy policy

Stephanie Condon, CBS News

News Scott Brown Tuesday, Apr 1 2014

Brown Can’t Hide From His People’s Pledge

Much as he may try, Scott Brown just can't hide from the people's pledge he devised and signed in his 2012 campaign for Senate in Massachusetts. Despite claiming in a recent radio interview that people in New Hampshire have only been asking him about "things that matter," Brown was asked about the pledge twice last weekend at a forum of College Republicans at Plymouth State University, and again at an event at a hospital in Rochester, NH, last week. In February, Brown himself talked up his past pledge during a speech at Cornell University. Sure sounds like Brown thought it was a thing that matters. Watch American Bridge's new video:

News Friday, Mar 14 2014

Remember Scott Brown? We do…

Scott Brown's 2012 campaign for Senate in Massachusetts was a wealth of Wall Street-loving, Conan O'Brien-plagiarizing, Obamacare-hating, Tea Party-adoring, Romney joke-sharing, anti-environmental-protecting, anecdote-stealing hypocrisy. Now that he's looking to stick his toe back into the Senate waters of Massachuse... New Hampshire, American Bridge reminds you of the best of Brown's 2012 campaign.

News Thursday, Dec 12 2013

Scott Brown Still Has Massachusetts Plates

Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, who is publicly flirting with a 2014 Senate campaign in "Massachesett--uh, in New Hampshire," has spent months parading around the state in his famous GMC truck. It seems that Brown was in such a rush, however, that he overlooked crucial details before jumping over the state line to hobnob with New Hampshire Republicans. As you can see below, Brown's famous truck still has Massachusetts plates. Without a New Hampshire license plate to call his own, it's no wonder that while speaking at a fundraiser this summer, Scott Brown tried to recite New Hampshire's famous state motto "Live Free AND Die," before struggling to recover and correcting himself. Perhaps now is the time for Scott Brown to invest in NH plates, if only to remind him what state he's in and what their motto is.

News Friday, Dec 6 2013

Oops! Scott Brown forgets what state he’s in: "Massachus-New Hampshire" (VIDEO)

Last night, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown put Rick Perry's "Oops!" moment to shame by officially forgetting what state he is publicly flirting with seeking office in. While discussing his timetable for making a decision about a potential Senate run (in Londonderry, NEW HAMPSHIRE) Scott Brown said...

What I've heard from the Republicans up here is they're thankful that I've been around for a year, helping them raise money, helping them raise awareness as to the issues that are effecting not only people here in Massachesett--uh, in New Hampshire, but also in Massachusetts, obviously, in Maine. I've been to Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, I've been all over the New England area, certainly, talking and helping people raise money.

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