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U.S. Senate New Hampshire

Scott Brown

Scott Brown is a political opportunist who prioritizes party loyalty over the needs of the people he represents. Brown’s shift from Massachusetts to New Hampshire in pursuit of political gain and his alignment with divisive, corporate-backed policies make him a poor choice for New Hampshire.

AB Leadership Scott Brown Thursday, Oct 13 2011

Massachusetts Press Hammers Sen. Scott Brown Over Plagiarism

Massachusetts television stations are running with a Boston Globe report on Scott Brown plagiarizing web content from former Sen. Elizabeth Dole. The Globe wrote: 

"A Democratic group has unearthed a bit of inspirational autobiography on Senator Scott Brown’s official website that was lifted verbatim from Elizabeth Dole’s site, language that originated in a campaign speech..."

More from The Globe and local news clips after the jump.

AB Leadership Scott Brown Thursday, Oct 13 2011

Boston Globe: Scott Brown web message mirrors Elizabeth Dole’s remarks on site

On October 12, 2011, the Boston Globe reported:

A Democratic group has unearthed a bit of inspirational autobiography on Senator Scott Brown’s official website that was lifted verbatim from Elizabeth Dole’s site, language that originated in a campaign speech. In a message to students, the Massachusetts senator uses the exact words as remarks delivered by the former North Carolina senator at her campaign kickoff in 2002. Brown’s staff acknowledged yesterday the words originally were Dole’s and said their presence in Brown’s message was the result of a technical error...

AB Leadership Scott Brown Wednesday, Oct 12 2011

Scott Brown’s Website Steals Childhood Anecdote From… Elizabeth Dole

Sen. Scott Brown may have some explaining to do. It seems a passage from his website detailing the values instilled in him as a young child was stolen essentially word-for-word from former Sen. Elizabeth Dole. Original research & screenshots after the jump.

Thursday, Oct 6 2011

Scott Brown Decries "Petty attacks," Publicly Mocks Elizabeth Warren’s Appearance

On October 4th, 2011, Sen. Scott Brown delivered a much-hyped speech decrying destructive partisanship and calling on members of both parties to come together in the spirit of solving problems. Two days later, in true Scott Brown fashion, he went on the radio to publicly mock his opponent's appearance. Take a look:

Friday, Sep 30 2011

RELEASE: Sen. Scott Brown’s Truckload of Lies

WASHINGTON -- Continuing his quest to hide his record from Bay Staters, Sen. Scott Brown used a recent Watertown appearance to lie to constituents about supporting tax loopholes for oil companies and powerful corporations.

At a September 28 event at the Watertown Chamber of Commerce, Sen. Scott Brown responded to a question from a concerned constituent by making a series of false statements and misleading claims to perpetuate the myth that he is fighting for working Massachusetts families.

AB Leadership Scott Brown Tuesday, Sep 13 2011

Boston Globe: Facing possible Warren challenge, Brown burnishes image as Wall Street reformer

"Facing a possible challenge from Elizabeth Warren next year, Senator Scott Brown appears to be positioning himself as a steadfast Wall Street reformer in an attempt to defuse one of the Harvard professor’s most important credentials while defending himself against potential attacks on the campaign trail. [...] Democratic groups are accusing Brown of “trying to rewrite history” ahead of next year’s election, accusing the senator of distorting his position for political gain. “Scott Brown tried to completely derail this bill,” said Rodell Mollineau, president of a liberal “super PAC,” American Bridge 21st Century. Mollineau worked for the Senate Majority Leader’s office when the bill was passed. “He was playing his own game of chicken, so for him to sit there and say that he was the savior that rescued the bill is disingenuous at best,” said Mollineau."

Monday, Sep 12 2011

MEMO: Scott Brown’s Desperate Attempt To Rewrite History On Wall Street Reform

During a recent interview with New England Cable News, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) attempted to rewrite the history of how 2010’s historic Wall Street Reform bill became law. Despite making nationwide news for delaying, obstructing and nearly torpedoing the entire process, Brown laughingly claimed, “I worked on it, I voted on it, I pushed it through.”

“Pushed it through”? Not so fast, Senator.

For weeks, Brown made headlines for threatening to derail Democrats’ efforts to rein in Wall Street in order to protect the big wigs that bankrolled his campaign.

Get the facts after the jump.

Wednesday, Aug 24 2011

Boston Globe: Brown links to ‘CrazyKhazei’ Twitter feed

On August 24, 2011, the Boston Globe reported: For nearly a month, Democratic Senate candidate Alan Khazei has been mocked…

News Scott Brown LGBTQ+ Monday, Aug 1 2011

Boston Globe: Brown’s decision to skip ‘It Gets Better’ video brings a wave of criticism

On July 31, 2011, the Boston Globe reported:

In an act organized by [Brown's] senior partner, Senator John F. Kerry, the 11 Democrats in the state’s congressional delegation made an “It Gets Better’’ video aimed at offering moral support to gay teenagers contemplating suicide or struggling with depression. The 12th member of the delegation - Brown - declined to participate, prompting immediate questions when the video was released Wednesday.

News Scott Brown LGBTQ+ Thursday, Jul 28 2011

Huffington Post: Entire Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Appears In ‘It Gets Better’ Video — Except Scott Brown

On July 27, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:

The Massachusetts congressional delegation has put together a new video for the "It Gets Better" project, reassuring LGBT youth who may be getting bullied that their lives will improve when they get older. But one of the state's most high-profile politicians, Republican Sen. Scott Brown, is notably absent from the video. Of the 12 lawmakers who represent Massachusetts in the Senate and House of Representatives, Brown is the only one who does not appear.

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