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Thom Tillis Must Return $15,800 in Dirty Money From Indicted Donor
Today, news broke that GOP mega donor Elliott Broidy was indicted for illegal foreign lobbying activities. Broidy is accused of scheming to have the Justice Department drop an investigation into a Malaysian state development fund. He was also allegedly lobbying on behalf of the Chinese government to have a Chinese dissident seeking asylum in the United States sent back to China. Around the same time Broidy began…

American Bridge Launches 5 State Ad Campaign on Trump; Senate Republicans’ Plans to Cut Medicare & Social Security
The ad campaign, called “Stealing From Us,” will run in Maine, Iowa, Arizona, Colorado, and North Carolina Sens. Collins, Ernst, McSally, Gardner, and Tillis all…

Supreme Court Puts Massive Spotlight on Senate GOP’s Votes To Take Health Care Away From Millions
In response to the Supreme Court announcing it will hear oral arguments on the latest Republican lawsuit to overturn the…
MEMO: Thom Tillis? Bring it On
North Carolina Senate candidate Thom Tillis, foe of working families and wannabe Tea Party hero, managed to drag his feet across the finish line in today's Republican primary thanks to $2.5 million in support from establishment GOP groups like Crossroads. Now that Tillis has sufficiently touted his extreme conservative positions and record to advance from this far right primary, he is well on his way to defeat in November. Don't take my word for it - take a look at Tillis's abysmal track record in the state house and his extreme rhetoric on the campaign trail. In the state legislature, Tillis has cut education funding by nearly $500 million, bragged about rejecting federal funds for Medicaid expansion, raised taxes on 80% of North Carolinians, made it harder for North Carolinians to exercise their right to vote, and slashed funding for women's health clinics. As he scurried to the right in this bruising primary, Tillis's extreme rhetoric has been on full display. Tillis has said he would consider eliminating the minimum wage, recently claimed that climate change is not a proven fact, has said he thinks states should have the right to ban birth control, supports personhood, and joined national Tea Party leaders in supporting last fall's government shutdown. Couple Tillis's extreme views with his well documented ethical lapses and history of pay-to-play and you have a recipe for his defeat in the Tar Heel state.
Tillis's Electricity Tax Omission from Tuesday Night Debate
At last night's Republican primary debate in the North Carolina Senate race, Thom Tillis credited low North Carolina electricity prices for growing the state's manufacturing sector. What Tillis failed to mention in his answer, however, is that he helped push through the legislature a tax package last year that raised the combined state sales tax on electricity to 7%.