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U.S. Senate North Carolina

Thom Tillis

Thom Tillis has consistently sided with corporate interests and the extreme MAGA agenda, often prioritizing tax cuts for the wealthy over the needs of working North Carolinians. His failure to support meaningful health care reform, including his efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act and calls for repealing Medicare’s ability to negotiate drug prices, has left many North Carolinians without adequate access to care.

News Thom Tillis Wednesday, Jul 23 2014

Shot/Chaser: Speaker Tillis Goes To Washington

SHOT:  McCrory, GOP at impasse in state budget talks - Fayetteville Observer, 7/22

"[Tillis] previously told The Insider, a political newsletter, that there is a chance that the legislature would adjourn its 2014 lawmaking session without approving a budget, a prospect that would leave teachers without raises."


News Thom Tillis Tuesday, Jun 17 2014

Thom Tillis Is Back And More Racially Divisive Than Ever

You may remember him from his hit single "Divide and Conquer." Well he's back with an all new track. Your…

News Thom Tillis Thursday, Jun 12 2014

Thom Tillis Is Frustrated By "Emotional" Female Colleague

Thom Tillis has a clear record when it comes to women. And it's not good. Tillis supports a personhood amendment that could make some forms of birth control illegal. He passed legislation that threatened to close women's health care clinics in North Carolina. And he even believes states should have the right to make birth control illegal entirely. So it's no surprise when Tillis's attacks on women extend beyond his legislation and into his personal comments and behavior. Coming under fire this week after a film tax credit that supports North Carolina was killed in committee, Tillis let his true colors shine though. While he previously supported the credit, Tillis was notably quiet after the Koch brothers' Americans for Prosperity railed against it--a group that has also poured millions upon millions into false advertisements attacking his Senate opponent. So when a female legislator, Susi Hamilton, called Tillis out for betraying North Carolina's film community, he brushed her criticism off as being "born out of emotions." Thom Tillis. No friend of women.

AB Leadership The Wire Thom Tillis Tuesday, Jun 3 2014

Thom Tillis is a Fraidycat

Speaker Tillis, what do you have to hide, sir?

But the House isn’t making it easy on the Democratic group – prohibiting them from filming at times in the center gallery above the chamber and imposing tougher restrictions. Under new informal rules from the sergeant-at-arms and Tillis’ office, the trackers are not allowed to set up tripods and use the center gallery area, which they say is reserved for credentialed media. No such restrictions exist in the Senate.
You can read the whole report at the News & Observer here.

The Wire Thom Tillis Education Wednesday, May 21 2014

Thom Tillis: Clueless On North Carolina Teacher Pay

Since Thom Tillis became Speaker in of the North Carolina House of Representatives, teachers have suffered. Proving his extreme conservative…

MEMO: Thom Tillis? Bring it On

North Carolina Senate candidate Thom Tillis, foe of working families and wannabe Tea Party hero, managed to drag his feet across the finish line in today's Republican primary thanks to $2.5 million in support from establishment GOP groups like Crossroads. Now that Tillis has sufficiently touted his extreme conservative positions and record to advance from this far right primary, he is well on his way to defeat in November. Don't take my word for it - take a look at Tillis's abysmal track record in the state house and his extreme rhetoric on the campaign trail. In the state legislature, Tillis has cut education funding by nearly $500 million, bragged about rejecting federal funds for Medicaid expansion, raised taxes on 80% of North Carolinians, made it harder for North Carolinians to exercise their right to vote, and slashed funding for women's health clinics. As he scurried to the right in this bruising primary, Tillis's extreme rhetoric has been on full display. Tillis has said he would consider eliminating the minimum wage, recently claimed that climate change is not a proven fact, has said he thinks states should have the right to ban birth control, supports personhood, and joined national Tea Party leaders in supporting last fall's government shutdown. Couple Tillis's extreme views with his well documented ethical lapses and history of pay-to-play and you have a recipe for his defeat in the Tar Heel state.

The Wire Thom Tillis Wednesday, Apr 23 2014

Tillis's Electricity Tax Omission from Tuesday Night Debate

At last night's Republican primary debate in the North Carolina Senate race, Thom Tillis credited low North Carolina electricity prices for growing the state's manufacturing sector. What Tillis failed to mention in his answer, however, is that he helped push through the legislature a tax package last year that raised the combined state sales tax on electricity to 7%.

At GOP Debate Tillis Credited Low NC Electricity Prices Growing Manufacturing Sector…

Video: Tillis Said That Electricity In North Carolina Was “Some Of The Cheapest In The Southeast United States.” During a GOP Senate primary debate, Tillis said: “North Carolina has some of the cheapest electricity in the southeast United States. It’s one of the reasons why our manufacturing sector’s coming back.” [TWC News Senate Debate, 4/22/14]

…But Tillis Helped Through A Tax Plan That Increased Electricity Tax To 7%

Tax Reform Package Increased Combined Sales Tax On Electricity To 7%. According to the Raleigh News & Observer, “The plan would expand the 4.75 percent state sales tax to some service contracts and, movies and amusements. The sales tax on electricity would increase to a combined 7 percent.” [Raleigh News & Observer, 7/15/13]

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