Path 2

Thursday, Dec 1 2011

Plunderbund: Josh Mandel’s salary database even has his own salary wrong

Dec 01, 2011

On November 30, 2011, Plunderbund reported:

A few months back, as the SB5/Issue 2 battle was heating up, Treasurer Josh Mandel put up his “transparency” website which allowed people to search for the salaries of public employees in Ohio. The data, obtained from the right-leaning Buckeye Institute, not only excluded the salaries of a number of key advisers to Mandel, but it also highly overstated the salaries of many public employees.

As all this was going on, Mandel was delaying the release his personal financial disclosure forms with the United State Senate for 6 months supposedly to make sure everything was exactly right.

Here’s the thing: if you compare his own salary for 2010 on the website against the salary he listed on his PFDs, they are different…

Read the full post here

Published: Dec 1, 2011 | Last Modified: Apr 21, 2021

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