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Tuesday, Sep 14 2021

Poll: 2022 U.S. Senate State Voters Widely Back Build Back Better Agenda

Sep 14, 2021

According to new Data for Progress research, voters across pivotal 2022 U.S. Senate elections — including in Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — widely back President Biden and congressional Democrats’ Build Back Better agenda that calls for historic and transformative investments in jobs, families, and infrastructure, in communities across the country.

In asking voters about the proposal, the survey emphasized that the Democratic proposal includes provisions to:

  • extend the expanded child tax credit’s tax cuts for families with children;
  • strengthen and expand Medicare benefits; 
  • lower health care costs; and
  • invest in the care economy and clean energy.

The survey research also found broad support for Democratic proposals to pay for the policy agenda, where “increased capital gains tax, higher taxes on the wealthy, limiting deductions for business owners, increasing the corporate tax rate and increased I.RS. enforcement all have majority support in each of the 12 states” (while big corporations and the wealthiest Americans will pay more in taxes, President Biden has said that no one making less than $400,000 will face a tax increase — and millions of such families will continue to receive tax cuts under the expanded child tax credit).

It’s just the latest sign that key 2022 state voters are broadly behind Democrats’ policy agenda, even as 2022 GOP Senate incumbents and candidates have worked to position themselves against it, along with the Democratic-led and very popular bipartisan infrastructure bill passed last month in the Senate.

Additional key points, via Data for Progress’ polling memo:

  • “In all twelve states surveyed Build Back Better is supported by a majority of likely voters. In no state surveyed is it supported by less than a +15 percentage point margin, with the margin of support being significantly higher in many states.”
  • “Increased capital gains tax, higher taxes on the wealthy, limiting deductions for business owners,increasing the corporate tax rate and increased I.RS. enforcement all have majority support in each of the 12 states.”
  • “Investing $400 billion in long-term care is popular with likely voters even when they are provided messaging both for and against.”
  • “A majority of voters in all twelve states support creating a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS holders, and essential workers like farmworkers.”

Read the full memo here.


Published: Sep 14, 2021

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