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Friday, Sep 14 2018

QUICK CLIP: In Painfully Awkward Interview, Scott Struggles To Walk The Line On Trump Support

Sep 14, 2018

Scott was pressed on Trump’s lies about the Hurricane Maria death toll

In an interview with local press today, Rick Scott had a really, really tough time walking the line on his support for President Trump. Scott has recently been called out for dampening his gung-ho support for the President.

Pressed on Trump’s false denial of Hurricane Maria’s death toll, Scott stammered his way through an awkward position, while his staff urgently tried to stop the interview.

REPORTER: [0:53Do you think it’s presidential behavior for him to be tweeting lies and making things up like that?

SCOTTWell I– I’m gonna — I’m — I’m going to do what I do. I represent Florida. When I agree with the President I’ll agree with him and when I disagree with him I’ll disagree with him.

STAFFERLast question.

SCOTTI’m appreciative that we’ve gotten our money to fix the dike at Lake Okeechobee. I’m appreciative that we were able to stop offshore drilling, um, but, you know, what he said about Putin, I disagree with,  what he said yesterday I disagree with it.

WATCH Scott struggle:

Watch the full clip here.

Published: Sep 14, 2018

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