Today in a Morning Joe interview about the new, disastrous Graham-Cassidy-Heller health care bill, Senator Jeff Flake, who supports the legislation, admitted it would leave some of his constituents worse off:
Mark Halperin: “Be honest with your constituents, some will be worse off, right?
Sen. Flake: “That’s right.”
Mike Barnicle: “Have you read the current bill that you’re going to be voting on?”
Sen. Flake: stammering “oh..ah..we’ re…I’ve read a lot of it. We’re all looking at it.”
Mike Barnicle: “How long is it? 2-3 pages?”
Sen. Flake: “I don’t know the..the.. number of pages.”
“By Jeff Flake’s own admission, many of his constituents would be worse off if this disastrous bill was passed, yet still he supports it,” said American Bridge spokesperson Allison Teixeira Sulier. “That’s the height of negligence. If Flake read the entire bill, he might learn how it guts Arizona health care, would kick more than half a million Arizonans off their health care, and makes costs skyrocket for millions. But as usual, he is putting his own political interests ahead of he people he’s supposed to serve, no matter how much it hurts them. Arizonans will hold him accountable in 2018.”
Published: Sep 21, 2017