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News Tuesday, Apr 21 2015

Rarely Is the Question Asked: Is Our Children Learning?

Apr 21, 2015

The right-wing attack dogs have it out for Jeb on education, and the governor is running for the hills. Once seen as a part of his platform he would highlight, Jeb’s support for Common Core has provided fertile ground for conservatives to sully his record. But instead of taking the principled position and arguing his case, Bush has caved completely.

Jeb in September 2011: “I think Secretary Duncan and President Obama deserve credit for pushing, putting pressure on states to change…They’re providing carrots and sticks — and I think that’s appropriate.”

Jeb last weekend in New Hampshire: “Here’s what we don’t need, we don’t need a federal government involved in this at all.”

He has seen the light, or at least the most recent polling numbers. Watch the latest from American Bridge: Jeb vs. Jeb on Common Core.

Published: Apr 21, 2015

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