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Wednesday, Jul 5 2017

Rauner Veto: Economic Destruction Over Solvency

Jul 05, 2017

It has been over two years since Illinois had a budget. The state is just days away from having its credit downgraded AGAIN – this time, to “junk bond” status, a title no state has ever received. Just days away from running out of funding altogether – for schools, transportation, infrastructure, and social services – the legislature came together and passed a budget to get Illinois’s economy moving again. The only thing left was a signature from Governor Bruce Rauner, but it never came.

Not only did Governor Rauner veto the budget, but today, he actually instructed the legislature not to override his veto.

American Bridge spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement:

“Rauner doesn’t care about Illinois or solving problems for the people of Illinois. Instead of signing a budget that would save Illinois from falling off a financial cliff, Gov. Rauner chose forced layoffs at universities, state worker furloughs, and defunding programs for homeless teens, AIDS patients, and domestic violence survivors. Rauner chose to annihilate transportation projects and cause more Illinois workers to lose their jobs. It’s obvious, Rauner is the problem.”

Published: Jul 5, 2017

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