American Bridge president Jessica Mackler released the following statement on the final nail in Donald Trump and Senate Republicans’ year-long boondoggle to spurn the Constitution and strong arm Neil Gorsuch onto the Supreme Court:
“Donald Trump and Senate Republicans changed the Senate rules in order to force through the most far right, pro-corporate ideologue they could find onto the Supreme Court. Neil Gorsuch did not meet the bipartisan standards the Senate has used for centuries to confirm Supreme Court justices and as a result, should not have been confirmed.
“While Trump and Republicans are playing today off as a bright spot in an otherwise dark first three months, the end result remains a loss for the country. The people who Neil Gorsuch hurt with his rulings as a federal judge — as well as working families, minorities, women, and LGBT Americans — will be worse off in the future now that Neil Gorsuch is on the Supreme Court.”
Published: Apr 10, 2017