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Wednesday, Sep 22 2021

Refusing to Avoid Devastating Consequences, Ron Johnson Plays Politics on Debt Limit

Sep 22, 2021

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson is leading the charge to discourage Republicans’ from preventing a debt default and an ensuing economic crisis with “devastating consequences.”

Johnson has organized his colleagues against raising the debt ceiling, even though — among other things — “Failure to raise the debt ceiling in time could halt payments that millions of Americans rely on, including paychecks to federal workers, Medicare benefits, military salaries, tax refunds, Social Security checks and payments to federal contractors.”

Despite those risks, Johnson reiterated earlier today that “there’s no way” he’ll help to avoid a default.


Read more on the consequences that Johnson is working AGAINST preventing:

Washington Post: U.S. default this fall would cost 6 million jobs, wipe out $15 trillion in wealth, study says

CBS News: U.S. debt default could wipe out 6 million jobs and $15 trillion in wealth, Moody’s says

CNN: ‘No one would be spared’: Debt default would set off dire consequences

Fox News: Former treasury secretaries warn Congress debt limit default would be ‘detrimental’

AFP: US Fed warns of ‘severe damage’ if senators allow debt default


Published: Sep 22, 2021

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