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News Friday, Mar 14 2014

Remember Scott Brown? We do…

Mar 14, 2014

Scott Brown’s 2012 campaign for Senate in Massachusetts was a wealth of Wall Street-loving, Conan O’Brien-plagiarizing, Obamacare-hating, Tea Party-adoring, Romney joke-sharing, anti-environmental-protecting, anecdote-stealing hypocrisy. Now that he’s looking to stick his toe back into the Senate waters of Massachuse…New Hampshire, American Bridge reminds you of the best of Brown’s 2012 campaign:

VIDEO: Scott Brown Plagiarism

Brown had some explaining to do when American Bridge uncovered that a passage from his website detailing the values instilled in him as a young child was stolen essentially word-for-word from a speech by former Sen. Elizabeth Dole.

Scott Brown Steals From Conan O’Brien

Oh, and that time Scott Brown stole a joke from Conan O’Brien

VIDEO: Mitt Romney and Scott Brown Tell the Same Joke

Need we say more?

VIDEO: Scott Brown: Tea Party Patriarch

The Tea Party took a lot of credit for Scott Brown’s election to Senate, and Brown was “very thankful for the Tea Party’s support.”

MEMO: Scott Brown’s Desperate Attempt To Rewrite History On Wall Street Reform

During an interview with New England Cable News, Brown attempted to rewrite the history of how 2010’s historic Wall Street Reform bill became law. Despite making nationwide news for delaying, obstructing and nearly torpedoing the entire process, Brown laughingly claimed, “I worked on it, I voted on it, I pushed it through.”

Scott “Bring Home The Pork” Brown Has Zero Earmark Credibility

Scott Brown launched a number of attacks on Elizabeth Warren regarding earmarks. Overlooking the fact that Warren had never actually sponsored an earmark, Brown has – and bragged about it.

VIDEO: Scott Brown says Oil Companies don’t get subsidies

American Bridge caught Scott Brown on video saying: “Oil companies don’t get subsidies. I’m positive.”

Scott Brown On The Environment

When it comes to the environment, Brown has flip flopped on cap and trade, been a climate change-denier, voted to advance a bill to speed approval of drilling permits in sensitive coastal areas, and more…

Scott Brown on Obamacare: This is What Hypocrisy Looks Like

Published: Mar 14, 2014 | Last Modified: Dec 30, 2024

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