As many Wisconsin workers prepare for a much deserved long weekend, it seems fitting to take note of the many times that Governor Scott Walker didn’t have workers’ backs. Below are the top 6 times Walker sold out Wisconsin workers.
- Walker said he doesn’t believe the minimum wage serves a purpose. He should talk to the 46,000 Wisconsin workers that make minimum wage or less if they agree.
- Walker stripped Wisconsin of its living wage laws and put in a lower minimum wage in its place.
- Walker signed legislation that took away the ability of localities to provide paid sick leave programs. The bill superseded Milwaukee’s paid sick leave ordinance, which was overwhelmingly approved by voters.
- Walker eliminated collective bargaining rights for government employees in Wisconsin. The same legislation also cut benefits for government employees.
- On the campaign trail, Walker equated teachers unions protesting legislation to terrorism.
- Walker approved right-to-work legislation, despite his initial opposition because of likely union backlash.
Published: Sep 1, 2017