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Monday, Feb 15 2016

Rep. Joe Heck: Wrong on Immigration, Just like Sharron Angle

Feb 15, 2016

Given Congressman Joe Heck’s record on voting to deport 5 million people in the U.S., it’s no surprise the Washington Republican was a no-show at the Latin@ Vote Summit this past weekend. 

Nevada has a strong and active Hispanic community, and Heck’s D.C. double talk on immigration is a self-created problem. One minute he’s “welcoming” immigrants to Nevada and talking about the American Dream, the next he’s voting to deport DREAMers and workers and saying the U.S. deny citizenship to people born in this country.

In a state where Hispanic voters make up more than a quarter of the vote, Congressman Joe Heck cannot hide his shameful record on immigration.

With Sharron Angle eyeing taking on Joe Heck, will Heck own up to his anti-immigrant votes and therefore demonstrate he’s equally as hostile to immigrants as she is?




June 2012: Heck Voted To Block DACA

2012: Heck Voted To Block Implementation Of Obama’s Executive Order To Delay Deportation of DREAMers. In June 2012, Heck voted for an amendment that would have, according to Congressional Quarterly, “bar[red] the use of funds in the bill to finalize, implement, administer or enforce Immigration and Customs Enforcement memos regarding prosecutorial discretion to prioritize the removal of certain illegal immigrants.” The underlying bill was on Department of Homeland Security appropriations. The vote was on passage of the amendment, the House passed the amendment by a vote of 238 to 175. The bill was passed by the House, but the Senate took no subsequent action. [House Vote 363, 6/7/12; Congressional Actions, H.R. 5855; Congressional Quarterly, 6/7/12]

June 2013: Heck Opposed DACA

VIDEO: In June 2013, Heck Claimed DACA Was A “Flawed Approach” To Address Immigration Reform. In a video to his constituents, Joe Heck said, “Recently, I supported an amendment to the Homeland Security appropriations bill to defund enforcement of the President’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals order. This order was issued one year ago and would allow certain young people who were brought to the United States illegally to avoid deportation for a period of two years if they met certain criteria. The DACA order is a flawed approach to addressing immigration reform and will only undermine the efforts that are currently underway in Congress.” [YouTube – Constituent Video, 6/14/13]

June 2013: Heck Voted To Defund DACA

2013: Heck Voted To Block President Obama’s Order Deferring Deportation For DREAMers. In June 2013, Heck voted for an amendment that would have blocked President Obama’s executive decision not to deport illegal immigrants who came to America as children, known as DREAMers. According to Congressional Quarterly, the amendment would have “bar[red] the use of funds provided in the [underlying] bill to finalize, implement, administer, or enforce a number of policies and memorandums within the Homeland Security Department, including ones pertaining to prosecutorial discretion for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children.” The House approved the proposed amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2014 by a vote of 224 to 201. The House later passed the overall bill. The Senate Appropriations Committee has produced its own version of the bill, but the full Senate has not acted on it. [House Vote 208, 6/6/13; Congressional Quarterly, 6/6/13; Congressional Actions, H.R. 2217]

2013: Heck Supported A Bill To Make Deporting Immigrants Protected By DACA Easier

ThinkProgress: Heck Backed An Amendment By Steve King To Make Deporting Undocumented Youths Easier. According to Think Progress, “He [Heck] supports a pathway to earned citizenship, but also backed an amendment by Rep. Steve King (R-IA), which would give federal immigration agents wider discretion to deport undocumented youths who were granted given temporary legal presence through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.” [Think Progress, 10/25/13]

June 2015: Heck Voted To Block President Obama’s Legal Defense Of DACA

June 2015: Heck Voted To Block The Legal Defense Of President Obama’s Executive Action On Immigration. According to The Hill, “The Houseon Wednesday endorsed a proposal to block the Obama administration from further pursuing its legal defense of the president’s executive actions to shield illegal immigrants from deportation. […] The 19 Republicans who voted against the amendment were primarily centrists and lawmakers who represent large Hispanic populations. They were Reps. Mike Coffman (Colo.), Carlos Curbelo (Fla.), Jeff Denham (Calif.), Mario Diaz-Balart (Fla.), Bob Dold (Ill.), Dan Donovan (N.Y.), Chris Gibson (N.Y.), Richard Hanna (N.Y.), Joe Heck (Nev.), Bill Johnson (Ohio), David Jolly (Fla.), John Katko (N.Y.), Peter King (N.Y.), Tom MacArthur (N.J.), Martha McSally (Ariz.), Devin Nunes (Calif.), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.), Elise Stefanik (N.Y.) and David Valadao (Calif.).” [The Hill, 6/3/15]

  • 2015: Heck Opposed President Obama’s Executive Action To Halt Deportations Of Undocumented Children. According to the National Journal, “While Heck doesn’t currently support repealing President Obama’s executive order to halt deportations of undocumented immigrants’ children, he did vote to defund the program before it had been implemented.” [National Journal, 7/6/15]

July 2015: Heck Claimed He Did Not Support Repealing DACA

July 2015: Heck Said He Did Not Support Repealing President Obama’s Executive Order To “Halt Deportations Of Undocumented Immigrants’ Children, He Did Vote To Defund The Program Before It Had Been Implemented.” According to the National Journal, “Heck backs a pathway to citizenship, for example, but he also wants to pass legislation that increases border security first. Many immigration-reform advocates want to enact those policies in tandem, and Heck opposed the 2013 Senate bill that would have done just that. While Heck doesn’t currently support repealing President Obama’s executive order to halt deportations of undocumented immigrants’ children, he did vote to defund the program before it had been implemented.” [National Journal, 7/6/15]

Washington Post: Heck “Has Opposed Efforts To Block Obama’s Executive Action That Stopped The Deportation Of Children Brought To The United States Illegally By Adults.” According to the Washington Post, “Heck has opposed efforts to block Obama’s executive action that stopped the deportation of children brought to the United States illegally by adults, trying to walk a fine line between that and opposing other immigration-related executive orders.” [Washington Post, 11/17/15]

November 2015: Said He Opposed President Obama’s Deferred Action Immigration “Approach”

November 2015: Heck Said He Did Not Support President Obama’s Deferred Action Immigration “Approach.” According to News3LV, “On the one-year anniversary of President Barack Obama’s expansion of the ‘deferred action’ program, local immigration activists wanted to make a point. They say they’re watching what happens, and they’re ready to vote in 2016. ‘This issue, immigration as a whole, will be an incredibly important issue,’ says Assemblyman Nelson Araujo, a Democrat who represents Clark County District 3 in Carson City. He was among a couple dozen or so people marking the anniversary in front of Republican Joe Heck’s Henderson office. Heck is a supporter of immigration reform but he does not support the president’s approach to act when Congress doesn’t. His office released a statement saying, ‘Congressman Heck believes fixing our broken immigration system should be done through legislation in Congress, not executive actions that do the Hispanic community a disservice because they provide no certainty, politicize the issue and push us further from a long-term, legislative solution.’” [News3LV,11/20/15]


2015: Heck Opposed DAPA

2015: Heck Opposed DAPA. According to the National Journal, “While Heck doesn’t currently support repealing President Obama’s executive order to halt deportations of undocumented immigrants’ children, he did vote to defund the program before it had been implemented.” [National Journal, 7/6/15]

January 2015: Heck Voted To Cancel DAPA

January 2015: Heck Voted For The Aderholt Amendment, Which Canceled The Expansion Of The Deferred Action Program Obama Announced In November 2014. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “Another amendment, by Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala., would cancel an expansion of the ‘deferred action program’ that Obama announced in November extending temporary deportation relief and work permits to illegal immigrants who are parents of U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. […] The Aderholt amendment was adopted, 237-190. Amodei, Hardy and Heck supported the amendment; Titus opposed it.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1/18/15]

Statements In Opposition

November 2014: Heck Said DAPA Would Make Immigration Enforcement More Difficult

November 2014: Heck Said President Obama’s Executive Order On Immigration “Will Make Enforcing Current Law More Difficult.” According to the official Twitter account of Congressman Joe Heck, “This exec order will make enforcing current law more difficult…. my full stmnt on #immigration exec actions [link] #NV03.” [Congressman Joe Heck, Official Twitter Account, 11/20/14]

November 2015: Heck Said He Did Not Support President Obama’s Deferred Action Immigration “Approach.” According to News3LV, “On the one-year anniversary of President Barack Obama’s expansion of the ‘deferred action’ program, local immigration activists wanted to make a point. They say they’re watching what happens, and they’re ready to vote in 2016. ‘This issue, immigration as a whole, will be an incredibly important issue,’ says Assemblyman Nelson Araujo, a Democrat who represents Clark County District 3 in Carson City. He was among a couple dozen or so people marking the anniversary in front of Republican Joe Heck’s Henderson office. Heck is a supporter of immigration reform but he does not support the president’s approach to act when Congress doesn’t. His office released a statement saying, ‘Congressman Heck believes fixing our broken immigration system should be done through legislation in Congress, not executive actions that do the Hispanic community a disservice because they provide no certainty, politicize the issue and push us further from a long-term, legislative solution.’” [News3LV,11/20/15]

November 2015: Heck Claimed The Deferred Action Programs Were A “Disservice” To The Hispanic Community. According to News3LV, “On the one-year anniversary of President Barack Obama’s expansion of the ‘deferred action’ program, local immigration activists wanted to make a point. They say they’re watching what happens, and they’re ready to vote in 2016. ‘This issue, immigration as a whole, will be an incredibly important issue,’ says Assemblyman Nelson Araujo, a Democrat who represents Clark County District 3 in Carson City. He was among a couple dozen or so people marking the anniversary in front of Republican Joe Heck’s Henderson office. Heck is a supporter of immigration reform but he does not support the president’s approach to act when Congress doesn’t. His office released a statement saying, ‘Congressman Heck believes fixing our broken immigration system should be done through legislation in Congress, not executive actions that do the Hispanic community a disservice because they provide no certainty, politicize the issue and push us further from a long-term, legislative solution.’” [News3LV,11/20/15]


2014: Heck Voted To Prohibit The Executive Branch From Implementing President Obama’s November 2014 Immigration Executive Actions. In December 2014, Heck voted for prohibiting the executive branch from carrying out President Obama’s immigration executive action. According to Congressional Quarterly, “Passage of the bill […] would prohibit the executive branch from exempting or deferring from deportation any immigrants considered to be unlawfully present in the United States. It also would prohibit the administration from treating those immigrants as if they were lawfully present or had lawful immigration status. It would specify that any action taken by the executive branch to circumvent the measure’s prohibitions would be ‘null and void and without legal effect.’ “ The bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 219 to 197. The bill died in the Senate. [House Vote 550, 12/3/14; Congressional Quarterly, 12/3/14; Congressional Actions, H.R. 5759; ThinkProgress, 12/4/14]

  • Nov. 2014: President Obama Ordered Immigration Authorities To Not Deport – And To Potentially Provide Work Permits To – Undocumented Parents Of U.S. Citizens And Permanent Residents Who Have Been In The U.S. Since January 1, 2010.According to The Washington Post, “The executive action will have two key components: It would offer a legal reprieve to the undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who’ve resided in the country for at least five years. This would remove the constant threat of deportation. Many could also receive work permits.” According to the U.S. Customs and Immigration Services website, “These initiatives include […] [a]llowing parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents to request deferred action and employment authorization for three years, in a new Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, provided they have lived in the United States continuously since January 1, 2010, and pass required background checks.” [Washington Post, 11/20/14; U.S. Customs and Immigration Services website, 1/30/15]

  • Obama Also Expanded The Deferred Action Program For Young DREAMers That He Started In 2012 To Cover DREAMers Of Any Age, Rather Than Limiting The Program To Those Under The Age Of 30.According to The Washington Post, “It would expand the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that allowed young immigrants, under 30 years old, who arrived as children to apply for a deportation deferral and who are now here legally. Immigrants older than 30 now qualify, as do more recent arrivals.” [Washington Post, 11/20/14]


2015: Heck Voted To Fund The Department Of Homeland Security For FY 2015 While Blocking President Obama’s Immigration Executive Orders, Including The 2012 Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals Program. In January 2015, Heck voted to fund the Department of Homeland Security for the remainder of FY 2015, while blocking funding for President Obama’s executive orders on immigration, including the programs for DREAMERs. According to Congressional Quarterly, “Passage of the bill would provide $47.8 billion in fiscal 2015 for the Homeland Security Department and related activities. The bill would include $12.6 billion for Customs and Border Protection; $6.3 billion for Immigration and Customs Enforcement; $7.2 billion for the Transportation Security Administration, including fees; $10 billion for the Coast Guard; $1.7 billion for the Secret Service; and $10.8 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including $6.4 billion for emergency disaster relief. As amended the bill would bar the use of funds to implement the administration’s immigration policies or to grant any federal benefit to any illegal immigrant as a result of those policies.” The vote was on passage, the bill passed 236 to 191. The president signed a bill, but without language blocking his immigration executive orders. [House Vote 35, 1/14/15; Congressional Quarterly, 1/14/15; PBS, 3/4/15]

2015: Heck Voted To Block President Obama’s 2014 Immigration Executive Orders. In January 2015, Heck voted to block President Obama’s enforcement and prosecutorial discretion immigration executive orders. According to Congressional Quarterly, the amendment “would bar the use of funds in the bill to implement the administration’s immigration policies or to grant any federal benefit to any illegal immigrant as a result of those policies. The amendment would bar funding for the implementation of the executive actions announced in November 2014, four of the so-called ‘Morton memos’ from 2011 and 2012 focusing on prosecutorial discretion and changes to immigration enforcement priorities and any substantially similar policies issued after Jan. 9, 2015. It also would state that such immigration policies have no statutory or constitutional basis.” The vote was on passage. The House passed the amendment passed by a vote 237 to 190. The underlying bill was FY 2015 Appropriations for Homeland Security. The final bill signed by the president did not include the policy found in this amendment. [House Vote 29, 1/14/15; Congressional Quarterly, 1/15/15; PBS, 3/4/15]

Birthright Citizenship


2010: Heck Opposed Birthright Citizenship For Children Of Undocumented Immigrants

May 2010: Heck Said He Opposed Granting Birthright Citizenship To Children Of Undocumented Immigrants.  According to Politico, “Heck said he supported the Arizona immigration law cracking down on illegal immigrants, and favors a similar approach nationally.  Heck said he opposes birthright citizenship – giving legal status to illegal immigrants’ children who are born in the United States – and said he favors cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants. ‘It was unfortunate that Arizona had to go to those lengths, but it was bold of them to do it’, Heck said.” [Politico, 5/17/10]

2011: Heck Supported Ending Birthright Citizenship All Together

February 2011: Heck Said Citizenship Should Not Be Automatically Granted To All U.S.-Born Children. According to the Associated Press, “Republican Rep. Joe Heck of Nevada says citizenship should not automatically be granted to all U.S.-born children. KVVU-TV reported Wednesdaythat Heck told constituents that the 14th Amendment that guarantees citizenship to those born in the United States needs to be reinterpreted.” [Associated Press, 2/4/11]

April 2012: Heck Said Citizenship Should Only Be Granted To Children Who Had At Least One Parent Who Was An American Citizen


April 2012: Heck Said He Believed “To Be A Citizen, You Need To Be Born Of One Parent That Is A Citizen Of The United States.” Heck, at a Hispanics in Politics event at Dona Maria’s in Las Vegas, said, “I said I think we need to visit the area of birthright citizenship, and I said I believe that to be a citizen, you need to be born of one parent that is a citizen of the United States.” [Heck Tracking Footage – Hispanics in Politics Las Vegas, 4/4/12]

VIDEO: In February 2012, Heck Said That He Believed Steve King’s Bill To End Birthright Citizenship Was “Something That Warrants Discussion.” Heck, at a town hall at the Whiney Community Center, in Henderson, said: “Birthright citizenship – There’s a bill from Steve King out of Iowa that would end birthright citizenship. My personal opinion is that if you’re gonna be a citizen – be considered a citizen – you should be born to at least one parent that’s a U.S. citizen. We’re the only industrialized nation that still grants birthright citizenship. And I think that, while I’m not signed on as a co-sponsor of that bill, I think that’s something that warrants discussion.” [Heck Tracking Footage – Henderson Town Hall, 2/21/12]

2012: Heck Supported A “Reconsideration” Of Birthright Citizenship

April 2012: Heck Told The Group “Hispanics In Politics” That He Wanted To Change Birthright Citizenship So That “Some Children Of Illegal Immigrants Will No Longer Be Granted Automatic Citizenship At Birth.”According to The Associated Press, “Heller and Heck also said they want to overhaul the 14th Amendment so that some children of illegal immigrants will no longer be granted automatic citizenship at birth. ‘What I said was I think we need to visit the area of birthright citizenship,’ Heck said Wednesday during his meeting with the group. He noted that most developed countries require one or both parents to be citizens.” [Associated Press, 4/8/12]

October 2012: Heck Suggested “A Reconsideration” Of Birthright Citizenship. According to Las Vegas Sun, “In April, Heck suggested a reconsideration of the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of citizenship to anyone born in the United States. ‘I think we need to visit the area of birthright citizenship,’ he said at a meeting of Hispanics in Politics.” [Las Vegas Sun, 10/11/12]

2013: Heck Questioned The Practice of Birthright Citizenship

Nevada Progressive Blog: In 2013, Heck Questioned Birthright Citizenship. According to the Nevada Progressive Blog, “‘Heck wasn’t just pandering to his conservative audience; he had said something similar last year when he addressed the Hispanics in Politics group in Las Vegas. The 14th Amendment was added to the Constitution after the Civil War to overrule the Supreme Court’s notorious Dred Scott decision that denied citizenship to black slaves. The high court has subsequently ruled that the amendment confers citizenship on all children born on American soil, no matter the legal status of their parents. ‘We’re one of the only industrialized counties that grants birthright citizenship,’ Heck added after the Republican meeting. Hispanic leaders say it’s hard to reconcile Heck’s claim to be open to a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants with his willingness to question the widely held interpretation of the citizenship clause.” [Nevada Progressive Blog, 7/9/13]

2015: Heck Supported Considering Ending Birthright Citizenship

July 2015: Heck “Endorsed A Debate Over Revoking Birthright Citizenship.” According to the National Journal, “And although Heck tried to introduce his own version of the Dream Act—which would make such children eligible for U.S. citizenship if they earned a college degree or served in the military—he has also endorsed a debate over revoking birthright citizenship of ‘anchor babies.’” [National Journal, 7/6/15]

August 2015: Heck Said He Thought That Birthright Citizenship “Needs To Be Part Of The Discussion” About Immigration Reform. According to 3 News Las Vegas, “Trump has highlighted birthright citizenship, enshrined in US law, that makes anyone born on US soil a citizen. ‘Anchor babies,’ Trump has said, single-handedly introducing the phrase into the 2016 race. Immigration critics have long-sought its end. And Joe Heck? ‘I think it needs to be part of the discussion,’ Heck told News 3. ‘People want to talk about immigration reform, so if we’re going to talk about immigration reform, then let’s talk about all aspects of immigration reform.’” [3 News Las Vegas, 8/27/15]

Heck In August 2015: “Let’s Talk About” Birthright Citizenship. According to 3 News Las Vegas, “Trump has highlighted birthright citizenship, enshrined in US law, that makes anyone born on US soil a citizen. ‘Anchor babies,’ Trump has said, single-handedly introducing the phrase into the 2016 race. Immigration critics have long-sought its end. And Joe Heck? ‘I think it needs to be part of the discussion,’ Heck told News 3. ‘People want to talk about immigration reform, so if we’re going to talk about immigration reform, then let’s talk about all aspects of immigration reform.’” [3 News Las Vegas, 8/27/15]

August 2015: Heck Said The “Immigration Reform” Debate Should Include Birthright Citizenship. According to the Twitter account of Steve Tetreault of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, .@RepJoeHeck, via spox:  If we are going to debate immigration reform, should be on every facet, birthright citizenship included. #NVSen [Twitter – Steve Tetreault, 8/21/15]

On Birthright Citizenship, Heck “Came Down With A Case Of Trump-It is”

MSNBC: Heck “Came Down With A Case Of Trump-Itis” By Allowing Donald Trump To “Affect The Direction Of His Senate Campaign” When Heck Announced He Was “Willing To Take A Look At Changing Birthright Citizenship.” According to MSNBC, “Republican Rep. Joe Heck is a prominent U.S. Senate candidate in Nevada, and at first blush, the conservative congressman, running for an open seat, appears to be well positioned. Nevada is a fast-growing swing state with a diverse population, and Heck has previously won with fairly broad support. But it won’t be easy. Heck voted for a far-right budget plan that tried to scrap Medicare; he’s opposed minimum-wage increases; the GOP candidate is a staunch opponent of reproductive rights; and he’s even condemned Social Security as a pyramid scheme. Last week, the Republican congressman even came down with a case of Trump-itis. That’s understandable, though when Heck said he’s willing to take a look at changing birthright citizenship as ‘part of the discussion,’ he necessarily allowed Donald Trump to affect the direction of his Senate campaign.” [MSNBC, 9/2/15]

Border Security


2012: Heck Voted To Exempt Homeland Security From Environmental And Land Use Laws On The U.S. Border. In 2012, Heck voted against an amendment that, according to Congressional Quarterly, “would [have struck] language from the bill exempting Homeland Security Department border security activities from a wide variety of environmental and land use laws.” The underlying bill pertained to several conservation, federal land, and renewable energy matters. The vote was on passage of the amendment, and the House rejected the amendment by a vote of 177 to 247. [House Vote 385, 6/19/12; Congressional Actions, H.R. 2578; Congressional Quarterly, 6/19/12]

  • Provisions Exempting Homeland Security From Environmental Laws Were Added Into The Bill Because Environmental Laws Were Used In The Past To Litigate The Building Of A Border Fence In California.According to the Congressional Record, Rep. Rob Bishop, (R-UT) said, “The first one is to narrow the list of laws that can be waived by the Border Patrol on these areas to maintain operational control of the land. Presently, it lists 36 bills that could be waived. Now I want you to know that that number was not irrational. It was not picked out of the air. Thirty-six bills have precedence of what this House has already done. […]When the government was trying to finish the fence in California, there were litigations and environmental laws that were prohibiting them from doing that, so the Department of Homeland Security recommended the 36 laws that they thought did or could impede the building of that particular wall along our border. Congress agreed with them and, for the purpose of concluding that wall, we allowed them to waive those 36 rules, regulations, or laws. Those are the same 36 in this bill.” According to the Congressional Record, “The Acting CHAIR. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP ). The amendment was agreed to.” [Congressional Record,6/19/12]



April 2012: Heck Said He Had “Problems” With The DREAM ACT

VIDEO: In 2012: Heck Said He Had “Some Problems With The DREAM Act.” Heck, at a Hispanics in Politics event at Dona Maria’s in Las Vegas, said, “You used DREAMers in reference to the DREAM Act, and I gotta tell you, I’ve got some problems with the DREAM Act.” [Heck Tracking Footage – Hispanics in Politics Las Vegas, 4/4/12]

April 2012: Heck Told The Group “Hispanics In Politics” That He Opposed The DREAM Act. According to The Associated Press, “Heller and Heck both told the Hispanics in Politics group that they oppose the DREAM Act, which seeks to create a path toward citizenship for some illegal immigrants who complete college or join the military.” [Associated Press, 4/8/12]

2013: Heck Criticized The Lack Of An Upper Age Limit On DREAM Act Legislation

2013: Heck Said He Wanted An Upper Age Limit On DREAM Act Legislation. According to the Washington Post, Joe Heck: ‘Obviously those decisions will be made by Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte. […] ‘One of the things unless I missed it, and again I just read through the Senate bill over the weekend is that they do not include an upper-limit age, which was originally in the DREAM Act. But theoretically, if you were here before age 16 but you’re now 50 years old, you could theoretically qualify for the provisions in the Senate bill and I don’t agree with that. I think if you’re talking about DREAMers, it’s got to be teens and young adults.” [Washington Post, 7/5/13]


July 2015: Heck Claimed He Supported “A Pathway To Citizenship For DREAMers.” According to the Pahrump Valley Times, “On immigration, Heck said he supports a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers, a term for young immigrants with temporary legal status through the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. He said immigration reform issues, including border security, the guest worker program and others, need to be addressed and debated separately to make them transparent.” [Pahrump Valley Times, 7/8/15]

Jon Ralston: Heck Had “Flip-Flopped On The DREAM Act”

Jon Ralston Op-Ed: Heck Had “Flip-Flopped On The DREAM Act” When He Voted To Defund President Obama’s Executive Order On DREAMers. In an Op-Ed, Jon Ralston wrote, “More recently when I talked to him about illegal immigration on ‘Ralston Live’ a couple of months ago, Heck bristled at any notion he had flip-flopped on the DREAM Act, portraying his nay vote as principled opposition to what he saw as a presidential usurpation of executive power. Again, the intellectual over the emotional, which is no way to be a candidate!” [Op-Ed – Reno Gazette-Journal, 9/1/15]
December 2013: Heck Introduced His Own Version Of The Dream Act That Required School Or Military Service

December 2013: Heck Said He Was Planning To Introduce His Own Version Of The DREAM Act. According to the Las Vegas Sun, “Immigrants unlawfully brought to the U.S. as children would have to successfully complete a course of schooling or military service before they can apply to become U.S. citizens under the terms of a bill Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nev., has laid out in legislation he may formally propose as early as today. Heck’s bill would be the first answer the House has produced to the Senate’s Dream Act.” [Las Vegas Sun, 12/5/13]

Heck’s Version Of The DREAM Act Required DREAMers To “Complete A Course Of Schooling Or Military Service Before They Could Apply” For Citizenship

Heck Said His Legislation Would Require DREAMers To “Complete A Course Of Schooling Or Military Service Before They Could Apply” For Citizenship. According to the Las Vegas Sun, “Immigrants unlawfully brought to the U.S. as children would have to successfully complete a course of schooling or military service before they can apply to become U.S. citizens under the terms of a bill Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nev., has laid out in legislation he may formally propose as early as today. Heck’s bill would be the first answer the House has produced to the Senate’s Dream Act.” [Las Vegas Sun, 12/5/13]

Heck’s Bill Would Require Immigrants Brought To The United States As Children To Enroll In College, Join The Military, Pursue A Registered Apprenticeship, Or Pursue A Vocational Certification. According to the Las Vegas Sun, “Under Heck’s legislation, immigrants who can prove they entered the country as children would go into conditional resident status, effective on the first day they enroll in one of four citizenship-earning activities – pursuit of a college degree at either a two- or four-year institution; military service; pursuit of a registered apprenticeship; or pursuit of certification through a vocational tech school.” [Las Vegas Sun, 12/5/13]

2015: Heck Reversed His Position And Voted To Bar DREAMers From Serving In The Military

2015: Heck “Voted Against Allowing” DREAMers To Join The Military. According to Defense One, “[I]n one of the biggest battles of the NDAA, he [Heck] voted against allowing so-called ‘DREAMers’ to join the military.” [Defense One, 5/31/15]

2015: Heck Voted For An Amendment That Would Effectively Prevent DREAMers From Serving In The United States Military. In May 2015, Heck voted for an amendment that would help prevent the Secretary of Defense from reviewing DREAMers could enlist in the armed forces. According to Congressional Quarterly, the amendment, “would strike the section of the bill that would express the sense of the House that the Defense secretary should review current law to determine whether individuals participating in President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program may enlist in the armed forces.” According to Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), the amendment would, “leave the deeply unjust status quo unchanged. Right now, in America, DREAMers can be drafted into the military, but they can’t sign up to serve in the military force they choose. That is simply unacceptable. These young people are Americans in every respect, except on paper.” The underlying bill was FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act. The vote was on the amendment. The House adopted by a vote of 221 to 202 and subsequently passed the amended bill. After the Senate passed its own version, the bill went to a conference committee. The resulting compromise version did not contain the provision struck by the amendment. Both the House and the Senate subsequently passed the legislation; however, the president has said he will veto the bill. [House Vote 229, 5/14/15; Congressional Quarterly, 5/14/15; Congressional Record, 5/14/15; Congressional Actions, H.R. 1735; House Report 114-270, 9/29/15; White House Press Briefing, 9/30/15]

English As The Official Language



2007: Heck Sponsored A Bill To Mandate English As The Official Language Of Nevada


Heck Sponsored A Bill Mandating English As The Official Language Of Nevada. On March 19, 2007, Joe Heck sponsored SB 325. According to the Legislative Counsel’s Digest, “Section 1 of this bill designates English as the official language of the State of Nevada and, with limited exceptions, requires that all official proceedings of the State be conducted in English, requires all official records of the State to be prepared, stored and made available in English, and requires all official publications of the State to be printed in English.” [SB 325, 3/19/07; Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 3/19/07]

2007: Heck Sponsored A Bill To Require All State Publications To Be In English

Heck Sponsored A Bill To Make Require All Official State Publications To Be In English. On March 19, 2007, Joe Heck sponsored SB 325. According to the Legislative Counsel’s Digest, “Section 1 of this bill designates English as the official language of the State of Nevada and, with limited exceptions, requires that all official proceedings of the State be conducted in English, requires all official records of the State to be prepared, stored and made available in English, and requires all official publications of the State to be printed in English.” [SB 325, 3/19/07; Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 3/19/07]

  • The Bill Prohibited Employment Discrimination Based On The Inability Of A Person To Converse In A Language Other Than English. According to the Legislative Counsel’s Digest, “Existing law prohibits employment discrimination by state and local governmental officers and agencies based on race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation or disability except when based on a bona fide occupational qualification. (NRS 281.370) Section 2 of this bill adds to this list of prohibited bases of employment discrimination the inability of a person to converse in a language other than English.” [Legislative Counsel’s Digest,3/19/07]

Critics Called Heck’s Bill “Racist”

Critics Called Heck’s Bill “Racist.” According to the Associated Press, “Advocates praised a bill making English the official language of the state of Nevada during a state Senate hearing Friday but critics labeled the plan as racist. State Sen. Bob Beers, R-Las Vegas, defended his SB325 during the Government Affairs Committee hearing, interrupting witnesses who criticized the measure and insisting he had no ‘racist intent.’” [Associated Press, 4/7/07]

Critics Interrupted The Government Affairs Committee Hearing On SB325. According to the Associated Press, “Advocates praised a bill making English the official language of the state of Nevada during a state Senate hearing Friday but critics labeled the plan as racist. State Sen. Bob Beers, R-Las Vegas, defended his SB325 during the Government Affairs Committee hearing, interrupting witnesses who criticized the measure and insisting he had no ‘racist intent.’ He said 29 other states already have approved similar measures. ‘Your proposal is racist in intent and is being proposed to divide Nevadans at the cost of the rights of Hispanic Nevadans,’ Rene Cantu of the Latin Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas told Beers. Cantu added that Hispanics make up a fourth to a third of the state’s population. John Mendoza, whose long public service career included stints as a judge, Public Utilities Commission chairman and Clark County district attorney, agreed with Cantu, telling Beers, ‘You’re not Hispanic and you apparently don’t understand what the Hispanics are up against in this community.’” [Associated Press, 4/7/07]

  • Rene Cantu Of The Latin Chamber Of Commerce Said SB325 Was “Racist In Intent” And Was “Proposed To Divide Nevadans At The Cost Of The Rights Of Hispanic Nevadans.” According to the Associated Press, “Advocates praised a bill making English the official language of the state of Nevada during a state Senate hearing Friday but critics labeled the plan as racist. State Sen. Bob Beers, R-Las Vegas, defended his SB325 during the Government Affairs Committee hearing, interrupting witnesses who criticized the measure and insisting he had no ‘racist intent.’ He said 29 other states already have approved similar measures. ‘Your proposal is racist in intent and is being proposed to divide Nevadans at the cost of the rights of Hispanic Nevadans,’ Rene Cantu of the Latin Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas told Beers. Cantu added that Hispanics make up a fourth to a third of the state’s population. John Mendoza, whose long public service career included stints as a judge, Public Utilities Commission chairman and Clark County district attorney, agreed with Cantu, telling Beers, ‘You’re not Hispanic and you apparently don’t understand what the Hispanics are up against in this community.’” [Associated Press, 4/7/07]

  • John Mendoza Told Bob Beers That He Was “Not Hispanic And You Apparently Don’t Understand What The Hispanics Are Up Against In This Community.” According to the Associated Press, “Advocates praised a bill making English the official language of the state of Nevada during a state Senate hearing Friday but critics labeled the plan as racist. State Sen. Bob Beers, R-Las Vegas, defended his SB325 during the Government Affairs Committee hearing, interrupting witnesses who criticized the measure and insisting he had no ‘racist intent.’ He said 29 other states already have approved similar measures. ‘Your proposal is racist in intent and is being proposed to divide Nevadans at the cost of the rights of Hispanic Nevadans,’ Rene Cantu of the Latin Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas told Beers. Cantu added that Hispanics make up a fourth to a third of the state’s population. John Mendoza, whose long public service career included stints as a judge, Public Utilities Commission chairman and Clark County district attorney, agreed with Cantu, telling Beers, ‘You’re not Hispanic and you apparently don’t understand what the Hispanics are up against in this community.’” [Associated Press, 4/7/07]

Gang Of Eight Bill


July 2013: Heck Said He “Would Vote No” For Senate Gang Of Eight Immigration Bill. According to the Washington Post, “On the flight home from Washington last week for the Fourth of July recess, Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.) read all 1,200 pages of immigration reform that had just passed the Senate. […] Later, a younger woman in the back of the room put Heck on the spot: Would he vote for the Senate bill if it ever earned a vote in the House? He wavered at first, then said, ‘If it was brought up in the House, there would be an opportunity to amend it.’ But the woman pressed him again. ‘As it’s currently written, I would vote no,’ he said.” [Washington Post, 7/5/13]


July 2015: Heck Admitted He Would Not Have Voted For The 2013 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package. According to the Reno Gazette-Journal, “HECK SAID IF HE were a Nevada senator in 2013 when the U.S. Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform package, he would have voted against it. Both Nevada’s Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, voted for the package.” [Reno Gazette-Journal, 7/8/15]

  • Both Nevada Senators, Republican Dean Heller And Democrat Harry Reid, Voted For The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package.According to the Reno Gazette-Journal, “HECK SAID IF HE were a Nevada senator in 2013 when the U.S. Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform package, he would have voted against it. Both Nevada’s Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, voted for the package.” [Reno Gazette-Journal, 7/8/15]

Immigration System, Generally

In The 2016 Senate Campaign, Heck “Will Have To Fend Off Questions About His Own Voting Record” On Immigration. According to the National Journal, “But Heck has shown uncommon popularity with Latinos in winning three Las Vegas-area congressional elections, thanks in part to his moderate tone toward immigration reform. On the bigger stage of a marquee Senate race, Heck will have to fend off questions about his own voting record that Democrats are already promising to ask.” [National Journal, 7/6/15]

Heck’s “Immigration Votes Could Dog Him” With The Latino Community

Heck’s “Past Immigration Votes Could Dog Him” With His Outreach To The Latino Community. According to the Associated Press, “Past immigration votes could dog him. Heck voted to defund the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in 2013, but defied his party in 2014 by voting to keep it running.” [Associated Press, 8/12/15]

Immigrant Activists Reactions

[SPANISH LANGUAGE] Activista Astrid Silva: “Necesitamos Que Los Políticos Como El Congresista Joe Heck Entienda Que Esto No Es Unn Juego; Son Familias Que Sufren Por Ser Separadas Por Las Deportaciones.” According to El Tiempo Libre, “Mientras que localmente, la activista y miembro de PLAN, Astrid Silva declaró que, ‘Nuestro moviemiento es diverso e inclusivve, seguimos creciendo cada día. Estamos preparados para ganar la reforma migraotia con un camino a la ciudadanía para mantener unidas a las familias’. ‘Necesitamos que los políticos como el Congresista Joe Heck entienda que esto no es unn juego; son familias que sufren por ser separadas por las deportaciones’, precisó Silva.” [El Tiempo Libre, 1/3/14]

[ENGLISH] Immigration Activist Astrid Silva: “We Need Politicians Like Congressman Joe Heck To Understand That This Isn’t A Game; There Are Families Who Suffer When They Are Separated By Deportation.”According to El Tiempo Libre, “Meanwhile, locally, activist and PLAN member Astrid Silva delcared that ‘Our movement is diverse and inclusive, we keep growing every day. We are prepared to win immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship in order to keep families together.’ ‘We need politicians like Congressman Joe Heck to understand that this is not a game. These are families who suffer when they are separated by deportations,’ insisted Silva.” [El Tiempo Libre, 1/3/14]


Pathway To Citizenship


2007: Heck Said “I Firmly Believe If Someone Wants The Rights Of An American, Then They Have An Obligation To Work Towards Citizenship.” According to meeting minutes of the Senate Committee on Human Resources and Education: “SENATOR JOSEPH J. HECK (Clark County Senatorial District No. 5): Senate Bill 415 is an attempt to put Nevada law in concert with current federal law. The federal Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 prohibits states from providing a postsecondary education benefit to an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States unless the citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit. The 8 United States Code, (U.S.C.) section 1623 states: Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State (or a political subdivision) for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit (in no less an amount, duration, and scope) without regard to whether the citizen or national is such a resident […] In his book Leadership, Rudy Giuliani, the grandson of immigrants, addresses the problems plaguing social programs of New York City when he served as mayor. He writes, ‘for every right there is an obligation, and for every privilege there is a duty.’ Grandson of immigrants myself, I firmly believe if someone wants the rights of an American, then they have an obligation to work towards citizenship. If they want to enjoy the privileges of what America has to offer, they have the duty to obey her laws. It is for these reason, I urge your support of S.B. 415.” [Meeting Minutes – Senate Committee on Human Resources and Education, 4/9/07]

July 2013: Heck Was “Eager” To Overhaul The Nation’s Immigration Laws. According to the Washington Post, “As we write in today’s Washington Post, Heck is eager to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws, but knows he faces tough resistance from some of his own colleagues.” [Washington Post, 7/5/13]

October 2013: Heck Claimed He Wanted To Introduce Bills That Provided Pathways To Citizenship For Immigrants. According to the Las Vegas Sun, “The Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill last June by a vote of 68 to 32. The House has been considering a series of its own measures, Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., and Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nev., have also said they want to introduce bills addressing pathways to citizenship for immigrants without legal authorization to be here.” [Las Vegas Sun, 10/17/13]

2014: Heck Said He Favored A “Tough But Fair” Pathway To Citizenship. According to NPR’s Here & Now, “‘I’ve [Heck] always said that I think a tough but fair pathway to earned citizenship, that doesn’t allow anyone to jump to the front of the line, that has certain benchmarks that need to be met, like the ability to show that you’re going to be able to support yourself and your family, that you’ve learned English, that you have a clean criminal and national security background check, that I would support those.’” [Here & Now, 6/24/14]

July 2015: Heck Said He Backed “A Pathway To Citizenship” But Wanted To Pass “Legislation That Increases Border Security First.” According to the National Journal, “Heck backs a pathway to citizenship, for example, but he also wants to pass legislation that increases border security first. Many immigration-reform advocates want to enact those policies in tandem, and Heck opposed the 2013 Senate bill that would have done just that. While Heck doesn’t currently support repealing President Obama’s executive order to halt deportations of undocumented immigrants’ children, he did vote to defund the program before it had been implemented.” [National Journal, 7/6/15]


July 2013: Heck Opposed Comprehensive Immigration Reform

2013: Heck Opposed Comprehensive Immigration Reform. According to the Washington Post, “Heck approves a pathway to citizenship but opposes reforming the system all at once like the 2013 immigration reform bill that passed the Senate. He has proposed his own version of a bill to allow some young undocumented immigrants to stay in the country, but he opposes the president doing so via executive action.” [Washington Post, 7/7/15]

July 2015: Heck Emphasized Border Security Before Creating A Pathway To Citizenship

July 2015: Heck Said He Wanted To Focus On Border Security Before Creating A Pathway To Citizenship For Undocumented Residents.  According to the National Journal, “Heck backs a pathway to citizenship, for example, but he also wants to pass legislation that increases border security first. Many immigration-reform advocates want to enact those policies in tandem, and Heck opposed the 2013 Senate bill that would have done just that.” [National Journal, 7/6/15]

July 2015: Heck Refused To Take A Stance On Whether The 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants In The United States Should Be Granted A “Pathway To Legal Status Or A Pathway To Citizenship.” According to the Reno Gazette-Journal, “Nevada’s 3rd U.S. House District Rep. Joe Heck, R-Henderson, who announced Monday he is running for U.S. Senate, did not take sides when asked if he prefers a ‘pathway to legal status’ or a ‘pathway to citizenship’ when it comes to our nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants […] When pressed, Heck still did not state his preference. ‘There are pros and cons to both sides of whether it is just legal status or whether it is citizenship,’ Heck said. ‘But I can’t say what I prefer at this point in time because we have not had the debate on it. I have not (in the House) given it the level of due diligence because we haven’t had a bill come up.’” [Reno Gazette-Journal, 7/8/15]

Problematic Rhetoric


2014: Not Being Critical Of The Term “Illegal Aliens”

VIDEO: During A Town Hall In February 2014, When One Of The Audience Members Talked About “8 Million Illegal Aliens,” Heck Responded “I Agree With You” And Did Not Criticize The Audience Member For Using The Term. Heck, at a town hall in Henderson, Nevada, on February 19, 2014, had the following exchange: “QUESTIONER: “Don’t put anyone in front of us. We had 22 million people who are unemployed, or underemployed. We have 8 million illegal aliens working in this country right now. And so, my concern is, so what if you create another immigration bill, it’s not gonna be enforced! HECK: And that’s part of the issue – and I agree with you. That’s why the House approach has been – or the proposed approach…” [Heck Tracking Footage – Henderson Town Hall, 2/19/14]

Denying Scholarship Money To “Alien[s]” Not “Lawfully Present In The United State”

2007: Heck Claimed That Federal Law Prohibited Nevada From Giving Scholarships To “An Alien” Who Was Not “Lawfully Present In The United States.” According to meeting minutes of the Senate Committee on Human Resources and Education: “SENATOR JOSEPH J. HECK (Clark County Senatorial District No. 5): Senate Bill 415 is an attempt to put Nevada law in concert with current federal law. The federal Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 prohibits states from providing a postsecondary education benefit to an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States unless the citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit.” [Meeting Minutes – Senate Committee on Human Resources and Education, 4/9/07]

2007: Heck Claimed That Federal Law Prohibited Nevada From Giving “An Alien Who Is Not A Qualified Alien” Any State Or Local Benefit. According to meeting minutes of the Senate Committee on Human Resources and Education: “SENATOR JOSEPH J. HECK (Clark County Senatorial District No. 5): Senate Bill 415 is an attempt to put Nevada law in concert with current federal law. The federal Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 prohibits states from providing a postsecondary education benefit to an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States unless the citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit. The 8 United States Code, (U.S.C.) section 1623 states: Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State (or a political subdivision) for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit (in no less an amount, duration, and scope) without regard to whether the citizen or national is such a resident. Further, the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) restricts the eligibility of aliens for state and local benefits including postsecondary benefits. The 8 U.S.C., section 1621 states that an alien who is not a qualified alien is not eligible for any state or local benefit including postsecondary educational assistance.” [Meeting Minutes – Senate Committee on Human Resources and Education, 4/9/07]

2007: Heck Said An Undocumented Immigrant Remained An “Unqualified Alien” Even After “Graduating From High School In The State.” According to meeting minutes of the Senate Committee on Human Resources and Education: “SENATOR NOLAN: When students graduate from one of our high schools and are now an adult, what is their status at the point when they seek to go on to an institution of higher education. Although they are still the children of illegal aliens who are in the country, what is their citizenship status at that point in time? SENATOR HECK: They remain an unqualified alien graduating from high school in the State.” [Meeting Minutes – Senate Committee on Human Resources and Education, 4/9/07]


2013: Heck Said He Did “Not Support Amnesty.” According to Las Vegas Sun, “When asked about immigration, Heck said he would not support amnesty, but wanted to remain open-minded about reform. He also added that he believed the current legal immigration system was broken. ‘I said very clearly I do not support amnesty, but said I would not close the door on reviewing proposals for citizenship,’ Heck said. ‘I will continue in that position until I see what those proposals are.’” [Las Vegas Sun, 2/20/13]


Hugh Jackson Op-Ed: At An August 2013 Town Hall, Heck Mostly Tried To “Appease” The “Mexican-Haters.” In an Op-Ed in the Las Vegas City Life, Hugh Jackson wrote, “A paranoid-style poster child, Sharron Angle is also a has-been. So in retrospect, even more troubling than Angle was the cowardly unwillingness of other Nevada Republicans on the ballot in 2010 – Brian Sandoval, Dean Heller, Joe Heck – to denounce the ignorant zealotry, extremist nonsense and racism at the center of Angle’s campaign. Sandoval, Heller and Heck didn’t dare unsettle Angle’s fire-eating supporters. Speaking of Heck, he was subjected to all manner of paranoid stylings during a town hall meeting with constituents last month. Heck was circumspect, mostly trying to appease the impeachment-demanders and the birthers and the Mexican-haters by reciting legislative gobbledygook and assorted sweet nothings.” [Op-Ed – Las Vegas City Life, 9/5/13]

  • Hugh Jackson Op-Ed: Heck Recited “Legislative Gobbledygook And Assorted Sweet Nothings” To The “Mexican-Haters.”In an Op-Ed in the Las Vegas City Life, Hugh Jackson wrote, “A paranoid-style poster child, Sharron Angle is also a has-been. So in retrospect, even more troubling than Angle was the cowardly unwillingness of other Nevada Republicans on the ballot in 2010 – Brian Sandoval, Dean Heller, Joe Heck – to denounce the ignorant zealotry, extremist nonsense and racism at the center of Angle’s campaign. Sandoval, Heller and Heck didn’t dare unsettle Angle’s fire-eating supporters. Speaking of Heck, he was subjected to all manner of paranoid stylings during a town hall meeting with constituents last month. Heck was circumspect, mostly trying to appease the impeachment-demanders and the birthers and the Mexican-haters by reciting legislative gobbledygook and assorted sweet nothings.” [Op-Ed – Las Vegas City Life, 9/5/13]


VIDEO: During A Town Hall In September 2011, Heck There Was A “Large Populations Of Illegals” That Were Patients At The Hospital Where He Previously Worked. Heck, at a town hall at West Career and Technical Academy in Las Vegas, said “Healthcare? I’m a physician. Prior to going to Washington, I worked at the University Medical Center on University [inaudible]. Yes, we had a large population of illegals that were patients. But in that situation, my Hippocratic oath is to take care of patients.” [Heck Tracking Footage – Las Vegas Town Hall, 9/28/11]


National Journal: In Congress, Heck Endorsed The Debate Over Revoking Birthright Citizenship Of “Anchor Babies.” According to the National Journal, “And although Heck tried to introduce his own version of the Dream Act—which would make such children eligible for U.S. citizenship if they earned a college degree or served in the military—he has also endorsed a debate over revoking birthright citizenship of ‘anchor babies.’” [National Journal, 7/6/15]

[SPANISH LANGUAGE] September 2015 Telemundo Las Vegas: Heck Believed That The Term “Anchor Baby” Should Be A Part Of The Immigration Debate. According to Telemundo Las Vegas, “El término ‘bebé ancla’ o ‘anchor baby’ ha causado mucha controversia en el país, debido a que unos consideran esta palabra como correcta, aunque otros lo consideran como una falta de respeto, lo que ha convertido a este término en un tema de discusión política.  En Las Vegas muchos han reaccionado al uso de este término que fue inicialmente usado por el empresario Donad Trump; por un lado Joe Heck, representante de Nevada, cree que esto debería ser parte de la discusión debido a que se habla de una reforma migratoria.” [Telemundo Las Vegas, 9/2/15]

Published: Feb 15, 2016

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