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Health Care Wednesday, Jul 6 2011

Roll Call: Heather Wilson Running to the Right in N.M.

Jul 06, 2011

On July 5, 2011, Roll Call reported:

Heather Wilson (R-N.M.) sounds like a tea partyer.

The former Congresswoman, who ran on her national security expertise and independent voting record to win five full terms representing Albuquerque, is now boasting that she has signed a conservative “cut, cap and balance” pledge, says she wouldn’t increase the debt ceiling unless a deal includes significant budget cuts and calls the new health care law unconstitutional.


“Primaries are a family fight,” Wilson told Roll Call during a recent interview in Washington, D.C. “I’m a pro-free enterprise, pro-Second Amendment, pro-life Republican.”

She’s wooing the same brand of groups that spent $600,000 during the 2008 Senate primary on ads that painted her as favoring tax increases. She lost the nomination to Rep. Steve Pearce, a conservative who fell to Democrat Tom Udall in the general election.

Wilson is looking to claim the conservative mantle, and sparks are already flying between the two leading candidates, with each questioning the other’s record. She is engaging with tea party activists and building a coalition of support as she faces the same questions about her conservative credentials — and one more about her vote in favor of the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Click here to read the entire article.

Published: Jul 6, 2011

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