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Tuesday, May 10 2022

Ron DeSantis Rewards Businesses That “Double as Campaign Donors”

May 10, 2022

According to a recent report last from the Tallahassee DemocratFlorida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a number of bills that include “favors for businesses, who often double as campaign donors” — amounting to another corporate giveaway at the expense of Florida taxpayers

DeSantis has already raised more than $100 million between his campaign and political action committee, largely thanks to massive donations from billionaires, like Betsy DeVos, who’ve funded his culture war.

But in an effort to punish those who oppose his “Don’t Say Gay” law, DeSantis recently signed new legislation that would raise taxes on millions of Floridians, and potentially cost hundreds of workers their jobs. 

As Floridians face the potential of paying $163 million more in taxes per year, to add insult to injury, DeSantis is once again currying favor with the corporations backing his 2022 campaign and potential 2024 presidential run.

Via the Tallahassee Democrat

  • “Heading into an election season, the tax cut package also includes favors for businesses, who often double as campaign donors.”
  •  “A sales tax exemption on tickets to the Daytona 500, valued at $6 million is included, along with $5.8 million on tickets to Formula One Grand Prix races, with a $7.5 million aquaculture break that could largely go to one company, Atlantic Sapphire, which is salmon-farming near Miami.”
  • “A $300,000 exemption on green hydrogen machinery and equipment is likely to mostly help Florida Power & Light, which the governor slapped last week by vetoing ‘net-metering’ legislation sought by the company but opposed by solar energy companies.”


Published: May 10, 2022 | Last Modified: May 18, 2022

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