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Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.

Ron Johnson Tuesday, Jul 6 2021

Ron Johnson: Climate Change Is “Bullshit”

Jul 06, 2021

As reported by CNN, Johnson’s private 6/5/21 remarks directly contradict his recent public contention that “I am not a climate change denier”

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson isn’t just an outsourcing-promoter and a reckless vaccine skeptic — he’s also a climate change-denier who lies about his true views, according to a new report from CNN.

Just last week, Johnson claimed, “I am not a climate change denier,” but that’s directly refuted by Johnson’s own words.

As reported by CNN, Johnson on June 5, 2021 told a group of Wisconsin Republicans he believes that “Climate change is… bullshit.” 

The takeaway: “Ron Johnson isn’t just working against Wisconsin families’ best interests in Washington, he’s also actively lying about where he really stands on the issues,” said Brad Bainum, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson.

CNN: GOP Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to GOP luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh*t’

By Em Steck, Andrew Kaczynski, and Drew Myers | July 6, 2021

Key Points:

  • “Sen. Ron Johnson insisted again last week that he is not a climate change denier, but CNN’s KFile found video of him from just weeks earlier telling a Republican group that it is ‘bullsh*t.’”
  • “‘I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is — as Lord Monckton said — bullsh*t,’ the Wisconsin Republican said, without uttering the expletive but mouthing it, and referring to British conservative climate change denier Lord Christopher Monckton. ‘By the way, it is.’”
  • “Johnson made the comments in early June to the Republican Women of Greater Wisconsin Luncheon at Alioto’s in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. His recent comments come as North America endures a historic and dangerous heat wave expected to last until mid-July that scientists linked to the climate crisis.”
  • “Johnson […] has a long history of downplaying the climate crisis, but he has repeatedly refuted accusations that he is a climate change denier.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Jul 6, 2021 | Last Modified: Jul 7, 2021