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Monday, Oct 26 2015

Rubio: I don't like my job and I don't think I'm gonna go anymore

Oct 26, 2015

Sounds like Marco Rubio’s got a case of the Mondays…

Sometimes you just don’t feel like heading into the office. And if your name is Marco Rubio, you seldom do. Last Tuesday was a rare exception. Rubio cast his first vote in nearly a month, and delivered his first floor remarks in 41 days, according to the Washington Post.

Marco Rubio’s abysmal attendance rate has been making headlines for months now. And the story hasn’t gone away, because he’s refused to take any responsibility for shirking his duty — and because he keeps failing to show up for work.

Rubio’s been using the whole “I’m running for president!” excuse for a while, but a Washington Post examination of his attendance record found that, as of early October, over 29% of Rubio’s missed votes predated his campaign announcement.

But now we’re getting the whole story: Marco Rubio just doesn’t like his job. “He hates it,” according to a friend who spoke to the Washington Post on the condition of anonymity.

Perhaps blinded by his hate, Rubio had the audacity to use last week’s floor remarks — his first floor speech in over 40 days, remember — to criticize government employees who don’t show up for work and don’t do their job: “If you’re not doing your job, you should be fired,” he said, apparently oblivious to the irony of it all.

Rubio doesn’t have much credibility left to spin voters on this one. What happens if he somehow ends up being the GOP nominee, but hates that, too? Will he just stop trying, and suspend his campaign midway through September?

Read more about Marco Rubio’s unexcused absences:

Washington Post: Rubio gives up on Senate: ‘He hates it’

CNN: State of The Union: Marco Rubio: “Federal workers that aren’t doing their jobs, that are not performing at their jobs, should be able to be fired…Votes, of course, are important, but unfortunately too many today are not meaningful.”

New York Magazine: Marco Rubio Is Skipping Senate Votes Because He’s a Washington Outsider

Sun Sentinel: Marco Rubio to quit Senate, focus on quitting bigger things

The Guardian: Marco Rubio defends absences from Senate votes: ‘It’s not the only part of the job’

Washington Times: Marco Rubio defends missing Senate votes, says Obama would veto many of them

Published: Oct 26, 2015

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