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News Tuesday, Jul 12 2016

Ryan & Trump On Gun Safety: Do Nothing

Jul 12, 2016

Donald Trump’s response to mass shootings? “Take a look at the poll numbers” 

Paul Ryan’s response? “Dignity and decorum”

No matter how they say it, both Trump and Ryan have made it clear that they will do nothing to address the epidemic of gun violence across America. Instead of listening to the majority of Americans that support common sense gun safety measures like universal background checks, they’re listening to the gun industry’s special interests. 

During the January GOP debate in South Carolina, Trump was asked, “Are there any circumstances that you think we should be limiting gun sales of any kind in America?” Without hesitation, Trump responded, “No.”

When it comes to curbing gun violence and promoting gun safety, Ryan and Trump follow the gun lobbyists’ lead and just say “No.”

Published: Jul 12, 2016

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